Lin Feng naturally felt the existence of yunyun for a long time. These words are not only for Dan Changsheng, but also for yunyun.

He Lin Feng is not a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch. Since he dares to be arrogant on his head, he must be prepared!

"Dean Dan, don't say anything. I, Lin Dasheng, came from a reckless background and my cultivation is humble. I'm not enough to become a mentor of Qingshan Academy. I'm ashamed of Dean Hongshan. Dean Dan and I have great expectations for me. This trip to Qingshan academy has also benefited me a lot. Thank you for Dean Dan's cultivation."

Lin Feng said with a serious face, stood up and looked like seeing off.

"Boy, is there no accommodation?" Dan Changsheng looked up at Lin Feng, looking a little complicated.

Yun Luoying should apologize, but if Yun Yun is added, the matter will be complicated.

"No discussion!" Lin Feng nodded positively and said.

"Yun Yun, after all, is the vice president of the Dan hospital!" Dan Changsheng said softly.

"I'm not interested in things belonging to the cloud family. Since the Dan hospital belongs to the cloud family, it's not necessary for Lin Feng to suffer there. If the Dan hospital is not from the cloud family and employs me Lin Dasheng as a mentor, then Lin Dasheng is from the Dan hospital. As a student, Yun Luoying doesn't respect me. As Yun Luoying's mother, Yun Yun follows me and gives me a hand, I only want him. It's good for them to apologize to me! "

Lin Feng was very frank and didn't let go.

Everyone has a bottom line. The practice of yunyun's mother and daughter has already exceeded Lin Feng's bottom line.

It's true that they took yunluoying's quiet grass first, but if yunluoying and yunyun Haosheng told themselves to give up one or two quiet grass, it's not impossible. As for the battle in the valley, it should be a lesson for yunluoying.

However, the mother and daughter were aggressive and ferocious all the way. Who can bear it!

"I'll tell the old Dean. As for how to make a decision, I'll give it to the old Dean at that time. Anyway, all the courses are in nine days, so have a good rest!" Dan Changsheng said faintly, "take the mentor card first, and you can go to the enlightenment tower to practice!"

"Whoever takes it back, please send it to me." Lin Feng didn't accept it and said faintly.

Dan Changsheng has no way to take Lin Feng, but Xiuzhen I, after a long time, is not a weak generation. Lin Feng has a little temper and is very normal. Yunyun's mother and daughter did too much in the canteen.

Dan Changsheng nodded and said, "I've said everything I should say. Let's have a rest first!" With that, Dan Changsheng walked directly outside. This kind of thing is troublesome at first sight. Dan Changsheng naturally doesn't want to put these things on himself.

It's good to be able to solve it naturally. If it can't be solved, you can ask for it yourself.

Dan Changsheng walked out of the yard and squinted at Yun Yun.

"Dean!" Yunyun's eyes are filled with tears. The whole is like a weak willow in the wind. A peach blossom tree in the spring wind in March is shaky when the wind blows. Yunyun looked at Dan Changsheng with tearful eyes.

"You've also heard that how to solve it yourself. Lin Dasheng was prepared by the old Dean for the big competition of the fifth courtyard next year. You know, the old Dean attaches great importance to this boy. You should teach, Yun girl."

Dan Changsheng left with a bright heart.

"No admittance!" When yunyun too stepped in, Lin Feng's voice sounded insipid, squinted at yunyun at the door and said, "Vice President Yun, I don't welcome you here!"

"Lin Dasheng, do you have to be so aggressive? After all, we will meet from time to time under the same roof! " Yun Yunwei bit her lips and looked at Lin Feng with complex eyes.

"Hehe, when Dean Yun was aggressive, why didn't he expect us to teach under the same roof?" Lin Feng sneered and said, "generally speaking, all the treasures of heaven and earth are inhabited by capable people. Moreover, I just got Jingcao after being slapped by your daughter. Didn't vice president Yun see the video I left?"

Lin Feng sneered and said, "or does vice president Yun think that only respecting his daughter's life is life?"

Yunyun looked at Lin Feng and couldn't speak for a moment. This time, she was ashamed. At that time, she was so worried about her daughter that she fell in the hands of the boy.

Let yourself plead guilty to a strong immortal and a boy who hasn't got rid of the world?

Yunyun pursed her mouth and looked at Lin Feng. She was getting more and more frosty.

"Lin Dasheng, say your conditions, I meet you!" Yun Yun looked at Lin Feng and said.

"How about your mother and daughter sleeping with me?" Lin Feng, a layman, looked at the cloud rhyme and said, "although your mother and daughter are a little ugly, I don't mind if they are together. By the way, before you go to bed, it's best to practice first to avoid losing face!"

"You!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yun Yun's face was gloomy for a moment. In order to go on, she waved her hand and greeted Lin Feng directly.

Lin Feng sat there with a gentle smile on his mouth, raised his head and showed a chilly smile.

"Hiss ~"

Yunyun forcibly retracts the attack. Looking at Lin Feng, the frost on her face becomes more and more severe.

"You wait!" With that, yunyun left directly. Lin Feng shook his head. This woman is really not sensible at all!

"I thought you were really going to let these two women sleep!" Lin Xiangyang sat beside Lin Feng and said.

"Fuck you, I have your mothers. By the way, have you contacted them?" Lin Feng turned to look at Lin Xiangyang and thought of the women, his mind trembled again.

"It's almost the same. I think you should have a chance to see it in the past two years!" Lin Xiangyang nodded and said with a smile, "speaking of it, it's still Lin Feng. Your son, I finally took a fancy to a girl. The result is still on the earth and won't bring it to me!"

Lin Xiangyang sighed and said.

"Tut Tut, isn't it?" Lin Feng shook his head, "but girl Dan said that if you really like her, you will wait until the day she comes. Aren't you in contact with the earth? How's it going? "

Lin Feng turned to look at Lin Xiangyang.

"It's OK. It's still a little short. It seems that I have encountered some resistance in a low and high place. I'm trying to remove the resistance, but I hope that I can feel it. There are still too few equipment here, especially electricity. I can't take a group of thunder spirit guys around me and power me all day! That's too unstable! "

Lin Xiangyang sighed and said.

"Someone is coming!"

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