
Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo, who are eating, look at me and I'll look at you.

"This is... Brother Lin, your child?" Zhao Qingluo pointed to Lin Xiangyang and asked with some uncertainty.

"Hello, my name is Lin Xiangyang. I'm my father's fifth child. I have two brothers and two sisters above me and a sister below me!" Lin Xiangyang raised his head with a smile and said.


The sound of swallowing saliva, Zhao Qingluo and Xiaobai looked at each other, and then looked at Lin Feng again.

"Hehe, I got married early!" Lin Feng said softly, "there are several sister-in-law and children. I have the opportunity to introduce you at that time!"

"A few!" Xiaobai's mouth twitched and looked at Zhao Qingluo. Zhao Qingluo hummed. Xiaobai immediately shrunk his neck and stopped talking.

"Eat!" Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile.

Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo nodded, and they continued to eat meat.

After eating, the three had enough to eat and drink. They went straight out of the yard and went back to Castle Peak Academy.

Walking on the road, Lin Feng felt that the students of Castle Peak college around him looked at themselves with different eyes, and even some boys looked at themselves with special hostile eyes. Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng looked confused and forced. When did he offend these guys?

"Xiaobai, what's the matter with these guys?" Lin Feng asked in a low voice.

"Hey, hey, it's not that you moved Yun Luoying. These boys are all fans of Yun Luoying. They all face the woman. You hurt Yun Luoying, and they are naturally unhappy." Zhao Qingluo smiled twice and said, "brother Lin, you are already very famous in Qingshan academy! Just resist the pressure, these guys, just these days. "

"Cut, what the hell? I thought I was on campus. It was the enemy of all the boys in the school. Anyone who saw me wanted to kill me. There's no need to resist this vision!" Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a disdain on his face.

These little things are really angry!

"Brother Lin, did you hurt the flower of your school like this time?" Xiaobai turned to look at Lin Feng and asked curiously.

"Fuck you, young master, I'm very popular. Liu Ti and Tang, at that time, the school flower was my woman and needed to be hurt? They are jealous of me! " Lin Feng groaned and a handsome hair lift came, "don't be infatuated with brother, I'm just a legend!"

"Brother Lin, I'm not infatuated with you. I have light fall is enough!"

Xiaobai said foolishly.

"You're right!" Lin Feng nodded, paused for a moment, turned to put it down, and wanted to boast. A man surrounded by several disciples came to Lin Feng, looked up and down at Lin Feng, and said:

"Are you Da Sheng Lin?"

"Yes, you are?"

"I'm Zhu Feng from the martial arts academy. I heard that you bullied sister Luoying. I'll fight you for 300 rounds!" Zhu Feng looked down at Lin Feng and said loudly, "do you dare?"

"I said, little brother, you are out of your mind. Have you forgotten the rules of Castle Peak academy?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "I still need to remind you once. You can't call your tutor's name directly. Otherwise, you have to close the small black house!"

"Lin Dasheng, you say you dare!" Zhu Feng raised his whole body's accomplishments in an instant when he picked up his eyebrows, looked at Lin Feng and said loudly.

"Dare, but before that, well, call the tutor's name directly. You go to close the small black house first. By the way, your sister Luoying seems to be closing the small black house too. You see, I'm right to you. Ha ha, you can get along with your sister Luoying alone!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zhu Feng paused and looked at Lin Feng, but he still put away his weapons and said, "wait. When I come out of the small black house, I'll fight with you again. We can't swallow this hot breath!"

"Welcome, welcome, very welcome, that, you go first!" Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile. The smile on his face looked very cheap.

Zhu Feng turned to look at Lin Feng, snorted, turned and left directly.

The young man in love is still single lovesickness, which is the most terrible!

Seeing Zhu Feng's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head and sighed. Don't you know that falling in love should be reserved?

"Awesome, brother Lin, Zhu Feng is one of the top 50 experts in the green mountain academy. You sent him away!" Xiaobai said with a smile, "this time, the martial arts academy has lost its face!"

"Go, go back to alchemy. Aren't you going to alchemy today? I just need some pills here. You can help me refine them. Let's go and go to my yard! " Lin Feng turned and walked towards his house.

"Coming!" Xiaobai immediately followed Lin Feng.

"I'll practice too!" Zhao Qingluo followed the two people with a smile.

The three returned to Lin Feng's house. As soon as Lin Feng closed the array, the disturbance outside immediately disappeared. Lin Feng threw a lot of herbs to Zhao Qingluo and said, "this, you go and study. There are instructions on it!"

Lin Feng said to Zhao Qingluo with a smile.

"Ah?" Zhao Qingluo looked at the strange stove tripod taken out by Lin Feng. After hearing Lin Feng's words, he nodded and bowed his head to pick it up.

Lin Feng took Xiaobai inside.

"Brother Lin, it's very kind of you so that no one will talk around me!" Xiaobai spits out her tongue and says, "she's always nagging when I'm refining pills. She's almost ruined several times!"

"Well, you will know later that the pill she refined is much more powerful than yours!" Lin Feng said with a smile. With a wave of his hand, a pile of herbs were put in front and said, "look, these herbs are used to refine pills. Let's refine this pill today. When you can refine it perfectly, we'll finish the work."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, a bad premonition surged into Xiaobai's heart. Xiaobai's body trembled. Some looked at Lin Feng uncertainly, but saw Lin Feng sitting upright, and the smile on his face became more and more strange.

"Brother Lin, I want to refine that first..."

"Don't worry. If you have a chance, deal with these first. Young man, you should eat rice one mouthful at a time, and alchemy should go step by step." Lin Feng said earnestly.

"But this is just an ordinary pill." Xiaobai's mouth twitched.

"Wrong, if it's any pill, it can be refined into the top-grade pill. The effect is as good as that of immortal pill and needs to surpass some. Do you want immortal pill or any pill that surpasses immortal pill?"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"I want it all!" Xiaobai said honestly.

"Fuck you, refining pills. After refining, refine immortal pills!" Lin Feng rolled his eyes and said.

Facing Lin Feng's powerful aura, Xiao Bai touched his nose and went to alchemy silently. Brother Lin's aura is too strong to deal with at all!

The corners of Xiaobai's mouth smoked, and he began to refine pills. Lin Feng sat aside and half narrowed his eyes.

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