When the students and personnel were solved, Lin Feng himself went deep.

All the way forward, some monsters with cultivation accomplishments under Lin Feng scattered after feeling Lin Feng's breath, and some of them were equivalent to Lin Feng's cultivation accomplishments. Naturally, they had to fight with Lin Feng.

"Too much!"

Lin Feng scattered his dragon scales, shook his head, looked at the beast and wolf on the ground, and shook his head.

This monster is not enough for him to complete his body refining now.

Move on!

Lin Feng was about to leave. Suddenly, a wind passed Lin Feng's ear. A strand of Lin Feng's hair fell on the ground. A faint smell lingered in the air. Lin Feng sucked his nose.

Netherworld cat?

Tut Tut, here comes a cruel character!

Lin Feng's mind immediately gathered, the potential energy position and the field of sword were unfolded at his feet, and with the help of Dinghai Shenzhu, the blue light directly swept around him.

On the tree trunk not far away, a small black cat was curling up there, with a pair of eyes staring at Lin Feng.

This little guy, protect himself well!

Lin Feng smiled. The nether cat's attack was mainly based on its claws and speed. The nether cat in front of him had reached the peak of Mahayana.

Tut Tut, good guy, it's best to practice your hands!

It's you!

Lin Feng held Feng Tong's sword in his hand, pointed to the nether cat and said, "don't hide, come on, compete with me!"

The netherworld cat screamed with contempt in his eyes. Is this little guy so arrogant and self-cultivation?

The nether cat arched forward. The next moment, Lin Feng only saw thousands of virtual shadows. The nether cat had appeared in front of Lin Feng, and a pair of sharp claws grabbed Lin Feng's face.

Nima, hit people not in the face!

Lin Feng's body retreated quickly. The sword Qi formed protective barriers in front of Lin Feng. The speed of the nether cat was extremely fast. Lin Feng's sword Qi had just taken shape, and the attack of the nether cat had fallen on Lin Feng.

Quick, accurate, cruel!

The nether cat locked Lin Feng, and the whole body walked with Lin Feng.

This damn guy!

Felt the attack of the nether cat, Lin Feng's look became more serious. Obviously, this guy's attack was completely directed at Lin Feng, which means he won't stop until he gives Lin Feng a full blow!

"I said, little guy, you're still flirting here when you're so young?" Lin Feng smiled. The sword Qi that had been scattered by the nether cat suddenly gathered in one direction and wrapped around the nether cat.

There was a flash of panic in the nether cat's eyes, and several black spiritual power entangled around the nether cat's body. The nether cat howled and fell to the ground, and several blood marks cut by sword Qi appeared on his body.

Potential energy position!

The potential energy position directly locked Lin Feng and Youming cat. Feng Tong's sword was different from the belly of Youming cat, and the sword Qi was constantly vertical and horizontal in the belly of Youming cat.

The nether cat fell on the ground, trembled and fell into a pool of blood.

"The claws of the nether cat are good!"

Lin Feng took a look in one direction, divided the nether cat and put away all the things he needed.

"Mom, you kill this guy!" Not far from the clouds, yunyun and yunluoying stood there. Yunluoying pointed to Lin Feng and said loudly, "this guy is going to sweep the floor for me in the front of Castle Peak Academy. I don't dare to go out to see anyone now!"

"You can also see Lin Da Sheng's cultivation. Although it is only the cultivation of ordinary human beings, this ghost devil is the peak of Mahayana. The monster with big and round peaks may not be able to deal with even the ordinary fairy period, but he killed it like this."

Yun Yun took a faint look and said, "this son is a trouble. Don't provoke him in the future!"

Yun Yun said with some fatigue.

"Mom, who are you helping? You can kill that boy!" Yun Luoying pointed down and said loudly, "if, if I can't practice well, mom, we won't have a chance to go back to the family. As long as Lin Dasheng is here, I can't practice well!"

Yunluoying stood there and said with a positive face.

"He has a mentor token on his body. The token is refined by Hongshan and can resist the attack of three immortal emperors. If I could kill this boy at once, I would have done it. Luoying, stay away from this boy in the future. Our top priority now is to deal with our own affairs. By then, everything will be all right."

Yun Yun closed her eyes and said faintly.

"I said, since you are here, why don't you have a cup of tea together?" Lin Feng smiled and stood in front of yunyun and yunluoying, "is this hiding not interesting enough!"

"Lin Dasheng!"

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, yunyun's face changed. When did this boy appear? Why didn't he feel at all!

"Thanks to Vice President Yun, I invited vice president Yun to watch my little experience in person. I'm lucky to have three lives, ha ha!" Lin Feng stood there, his eyes burning at Yun Yun, his whole body's momentum raised, his face gloomy, holding the mentor's token.

Good alert boy!

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Yun Yun's eyes narrowed.

They hid in the clouds. Their breath was so hidden that they were found by the boy.

"Your experience is very good. I'm very satisfied. After reading it, I should go." Yunyun said faintly, took yunluoying's hand and motioned for yunluoying to be quiet.

"Oh, Miss Yunda, long time no see! Speaking of it, the last time I saw Miss Yunda, Miss Yunda was in spring. The light was beautiful. She was in Zhuyun Valley, didn't you say? " Lin Feng made an action and looked at Yun Luoying with a smile.

Yun Luoying's face changed immediately.

"Let's go!" Yunyun took a deep look at yunluoying and flew away directly. Lin Feng stood there. All the monitoring showed that after yunyun left, she was relieved.

This woman, if her own surveillance camera did not capture their appearance, her own safety could not be guaranteed at all!

This is a big trouble!

"Beautiful women really have no good people except their wives!" Lin Feng fell from the cloud and all the cameras were turned on. Once someone broke in, he would immediately send Lin Feng a message.

Lin Feng's mind sweeps around the site where Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo are located. Xiaobai is fighting with monsters, while Zhao Qingluo is sitting in a tree. This girl is pursuing well!

Suddenly, a beast roar came from a distance!

Good guy, you're waiting!

Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately. Several leaps flew towards the deep mountain. In Lin Feng's sight, a monster like a hill appeared in front of Lin Feng.

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