Along the way, Lin Feng shot faster and faster. Countless monsters were killed by Lin Feng under the sword. Of course, Lin Feng's harvest was also good.

Time passed in such a killing, and more than 20 days passed quickly enough.

"Master, almost!" Qianlong whispered to Lin Feng, "that guy Xiaobai killed two more monsters in the later stage of Mahayana. You really trained the wolf character!"

Qianlong looked at Lin Feng strangely.

Originally, even a monster at the beginning of Mahayana had to deal with Xiaobai for several days. These days, he even killed two monsters at the end of Mahayana. Even Qianlong felt very surprised.

"The boy is smart and peaceful, but he didn't know how to do it before!"

Lin Feng shook his head and looked forward to Xiaobai, but the boy seemed to be secretive about some things and didn't want to do it at all. However, after Lin Feng came to his hand, Lin Feng naturally wouldn't let Xiaobai's bad habit go. The hem was still waiting for how to get rid of it, so he was caught by Lin Feng and became a laborer.

Qianlong nodded.

Along the way, Lin Feng didn't know how many monsters yunmengze had killed.

"Next time, we'll go to the swamp of yunmengze and kill monsters only in the forest. I can't feel satisfied!" Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "let's go back!"

Qianlong followed Lin Feng. Hearing Lin Feng's words, he shook his head. He always felt that Lin Feng's words seemed abnormal, but when things came to an end, he didn't know what was wrong with Lin Feng's words!

I always feel that I seem to have been cheated by my master!

Qianlong looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng killed a monster in Mahayana, skinned and cramped, then collected all the parts that could sell money, and cut off a few pieces of monster meat!

Yes, it's said that the master took the students to experience, but these days, he's basically running and arranging everything!

The master has always been the shopkeeper!

This... Qianlong looked at Lin Feng with a sad face.

"What's the matter?" Feeling something wrong with Qianlong, Lin Feng turned to look at Qianlong. "I'm training you. Since it's my spirit, you should know that I won't let you all fall behind. Besides, your speed is fast. Flying in the wind and flying in the twelve shuttles. I'm most satisfied with you. No one else can compare with you!"

Lin Feng said very frankly. He looked at Qianlong with a smile and said.

"Master, let's go!" Qianlong Suo said sadly and reasoned with Lin Feng. Qianlong thought he had seen enough of the world and was not the opponent of this guy!

Qianlong couldn't help thinking that when he was fooled into a tool spirit by the Dragon Emperor, he seemed the same as his master now.

Qianlong's body suddenly trembled.

Qianlong with Lin Feng falls directly in front of Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo. Zhao Qingluo has a smile on his face, but Xiaobai is embarrassed. He has just solved a monster in the late Mahayana. Now Xiaobai's body is full of wounds.

"Good!" Lin Feng smiled at Xiaobai and said, "it's much more powerful than I expected."

"Brother Lin!" Seeing Lin Feng, Xiaobai opened her mouth and barely showed a smile. She walked forward a few steps to reach Lin Feng, but she just walked a few steps and slaughtered the whole body in front of Lin Feng.

I'm really tired!

Seeing Xiaobai's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head, shook his hand, clasped Lin Feng's body, shook his head and said, "don't worry, go, take you to eat something to replenish your strength."

Lin Feng's mind moved. Zhao Qingluo and Xiaobai fell on Qianlong shuttle. A strong fragrance spread on Qianlong shuttle. Lin Feng Sheng gave Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo a bowl of fish soup.

"Eat something and have a rest!"

Lin Feng looked at the two people with a smile and said.

Xiaobai took the bowl and smelled the fragrance. The belly of the man who had already opened the valley shouted at this time. He couldn't care about the heat and ate in a big mouth.

What a teenager!

As soon as the fish soup was imported, a familiar deep taste wrapped Xiaobai's whole person in it. It was so beautiful and wonderful!

Xiaobai's eyes lit up immediately. He turned to look at Lin Feng. After seeing Lin Feng's smile at the corner of his mouth, he opened his mouth and showed a gentle smile.

"Brother Lin, it's delicious!"

"Then drink more and replenish it!" Lin Feng said with a smile and gave Xiaobai another bowl.

"Mentor Lin!" At this time, the students below saw Lin Feng's Qianlong shuttle and waved to Lin Feng with strength.

"Come up!" Lin Feng's mind moved. All his disciples fell on Lin Feng's Qianlong shuttle, seven down and eight crooked. The students had more or less wounds on their bodies, one by one with sad faces.

"It's not bad. They all have great strength and have a good harvest!" Lin Feng looked at Ji Zhao and others with a smile. "Look at you. You have entered the castle peak academy. As a result, you look at you. You have a very poor potential energy position. You need to refine more pills. You still need to sell pills before you can buy immortal stones to refine pills. Your exhibition industry is not good!"

Lin Feng shook his head, sighed and said, "this time you worked together to kill many monsters and sell at least thousands of Fairy Spirit stones. In this way, it is suitable!"

Then Lin Feng filled each disciple with a bowl of fish soup, looked down at the disciples and said, "eat something. You're tired, warm, warm!"

Lin Feng filled each disciple with a bowl of fish soup and said with a smile, "after eating, we are ready to go back to the academy!"

All the disciples nodded and carried bowls one by one. They didn't have much appetite at first, but after seeing the fish soup made by Lin Feng, they all raised their spirits one by one.

It tastes good!

Ji Zhao took the lead in taking a bite, and his eyes lit up immediately. He turned to look at Lin Feng. Lin Feng brought out the pot with a smile and said, "eat slowly, there is more!"

But everyone's speed did not slow down at all. They accelerated their speed and ate. Soon, a pot of fish soup was solved.


Ji Zhao ate the most and took the lead in burping. He sat there with his stomach in his arms and narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly, yunmengze's spiritual power began to be constantly disordered. With the disorder, the disciples around Lin Feng suddenly realized that they all sat cross legged and began to practice.

They're going to be promoted!

"This is that students should surpass the teacher's rhythm?"

Seeing the disciples sitting cross legged, Lin Feng sighed. These guys had never drunk Lingshui before. After Lin Feng's Lingshui washing practice, it was obvious that they were beginning to break through.


Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng shook his head.

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