These monsters, in addition to completing Lin Feng's task, they also gained good profits!

The resources of 30 monsters!

Even a group of five members from the martial arts academy may not bring back so many monsters in a year!

A group of people went to the reward and punishment building. When they got there, they saw the disciples of the Dan academy coming from a distance. The person in charge narrowed his eyes and said, "everyone is here to exchange resources and compete in the Qi academy!"

"Teacher, this time, we are here to replace resources!" Xiaobai took the six monsters he killed out of the storage ring and said, "this is the monster I killed. Please exchange resources for me, teacher."

The person in charge sat up fiercely and looked at the corpse of the monster placed in the open space. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. Is this... Bai Xiangfan killed this boy?

"Bai Xiangfan, are you sure you didn't rob other people's monsters?" The person in charge asked, turned to shake his head and said, "you don't have the ability to rob other people's monsters. You really did it!"

Xiaobai nodded, looked up and said, "I did it all. Teacher, you can count it for me. Then, I'll change these herbs, and the rest will be changed into immortal stone." Xiaobai put a list on the table.

Because of the harvest in the mountains, Xiaobai obviously needs a lot less resources.

"Good, you boy!" Hearing Xiaobai's words, the person in charge immediately brightened his eyes, quickly counted the materials and said, "these six monsters are good monsters. I've separated them for you. See for yourself. This is the standard of the college, a total of 500 top-grade spirit stones."

The person in charge gave Xiaobai a storage bag. "Check it yourself. As for the herbs, all the herbs you want have been purchased by the fourth graders. Go to the student trade market and have a look. Maybe there are some over there."

"Well, I know. I'll go first." Xiaobai greets Lin Feng, turns around and leaves. He wants to prepare the materials for this competition.

"Teacher, please count it for us!" Ji Zhao took the lead and threw out all the monsters in the storage ring. Although the level was not high, thirty monsters piled up there. The little heart of the person in charge still trembled and shook.

"This... This is also the result of your experience in this month? How did you kill him? "

The person in charge looked at the students of Dan college.

Students in the Department of alchemy spend most of their time either practicing or alchemy. Few of them have strong combat effectiveness. Of course, as an alchemist, even if their combat effectiveness is not strong, no one will care. Everyone generally thinks it's very good.

But in front of this scene, is this really not a joke?

The seven students killed 30 monsters in a month?

Their mentor Lin Feng did it!

The person in charge looked at Lin Feng. With a gentle smile on his mouth, Lin Feng said, "please hurry up, my has not been taken out yet!"


The person in charge only felt that the scene in front of him was very untrue.

"There are thirty in total, but they are worse than those of Bai Xiangfan. There are 2100 top-grade immortal spirit stones. Do you need herbs? First graders still need plenty of herbs. "

The person in charge said with a little pain.

"There are seven of us, each with 300 top-grade Fairy Spirit stones. Give the old man your list. If you exceed 300 top-grade Fairy Spirit stones, you need to prepare them yourself." Ji Zhao stood up and said with a smile.

The person in charge nodded and added a pen behind each disciple of the Dan Academy.

"This is the herb I need!"

"This is mine!"

"Mine, mine!"

"Teacher, please prepare thirty copies of each for us!"

The seven disciples gathered together and displayed the herbs they needed. They were all not expensive herbs. The price was very low, but thirty cents together was not a small expense.

The person in charge immediately put a smile on his face.

"Mentor, we have changed what we need." Ji Zhao is wearing a fairy stone, with a smile on his face and a straight waist. The whole person feels different.

This... This is what money looks like?

Ji Zhao couldn't believe that he would go out to work and make so much money back.

Yes, yes!

"I say that you are too easy to be satisfied. Such a little fairy spirit stone will send you away?" Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng looked helpless, shook his head and said, "how can you say that he is also a great alchemist in the future? Can you have a dream?" Lin Feng turned his eyes and waved his hand. The materials of dozens of monsters piled up on the ground, saying:

"Teacher, I've already cut it. You can always count the money. Just replace it with these herbs like me."

Lin Feng lost a list. In the past, these herbs were used to refine pills for students in grade one and grade two. Of course, Lin Feng was going to practice for Yangyang. All the herbs planted in chaotic seeds were first-class herbs. If those herbs were taken out, it would be remembered.

"Mentor, did you... Did you kill all this?" Lin Feng heard the sound of swallowing in the back.

"Yes, it's not for you little rabbits. Look, one by one, how much I've paid for you. I've worked hard to kill monsters for you. Isn't it all for your good alchemy?"

Lin Feng looked distressed. When he heard Lin Feng's words, several people who had been moved immediately closed their mouths and didn't speak. It was the first time for them to see killing monsters in a month. People like eating would be distressed!

It is estimated that yunmengze will be quiet for some time!

People can't help thinking like this.

Yunmengze belongs to Castle Peak Academy. Most of the monsters in yunmengze have lived here for hundreds of thousands of years. They have been handed down from generation to generation. The monsters have been left after being killed and survived.

"Don't worry, the young ones didn't kill. These are difficult monsters marked by students."

Seeing the person in charge's stiff face, Lin Feng said seriously.

The body of the person in charge trembled again.

These monsters that are difficult for students to solve are deliberately caught and put in by the teachers of Castle Peak college!

As a result, the boy solved it all at once!

Is this boy a disaster or a disaster!

"I will quickly replace the resources for you, but I have checked some now, and the resources will come over soon." The person in charge came back and said to Lin Feng, "by the way, mentor Lin, there is a task here, that is, to catch monsters and put them into yunmengze. The more, the better. Does mentor Lin intend to go there?"

The person in charge raised his head and looked at Lin Feng. His eyes were full of sadness. He said coldly.

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