Seeing Lin Feng still sitting here without talking, Dan Changsheng was worried immediately.

"I said, boy, I'd like to give you so many pills anyway. If it's not difficult for you, you can take all the pills I have as long as they are below xianpin level 5!" Dan Chang waved his hand and said loudly.

"Dean, let's first look at the effect of the transformation of the waste Dan furnace!" Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "we still have to pay attention to integrity when we sell things, don't we? I can't sell you something, and then my things are not good enough? "

Lin Feng looked at Dan Changsheng with a smile and said.

Dan Changsheng was silent. Lin Feng sat there and looked at Dan Changsheng with a smile.

"Then... I'll wait?" Dan Changsheng hesitated. "I've always been very relieved about your boy's things. Otherwise, boy, let's stop waiting and deal with it now. Anyway, we haven't known each other all day, have we?"

"No, no!" Lin Feng shook his head, "I pay great attention to this!" Lin Feng shook his head and said seriously.

"No! That's it, boy. What do you want? Pills? Fairy stone? I have both! " Dan Changsheng looked at Lin Feng and said that the anxiety on his face was becoming more and more obvious.

"Well, it's going to be Dan!" Lin Feng nodded, waved his hand, and all the liquid medicine flew up. Dan Changsheng waved it. The liquid medicine continued to condense in Dan Changsheng's hand. The faint smell of Dan lingered around Dan Changsheng, and the pill took shape little by little.

Tut tut!

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng couldn't help shaking his head. Dan Changsheng is really the most envious alchemist in the world. This alchemy technology is really great!

"Good boy, good boy, good boy!" As soon as the pill arrived, Dan Changsheng's eyes lit up immediately. Looking at Lin Feng, he shouted, "boy, I like this!"

Hearing Dan Changsheng's words, Lin Feng smiled and nodded, with a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth, and said, "just like the dean."

Dan Changsheng loves it. Playing with the waste Dan transformation furnace in front of him, the whole seems to be integrated into the waste Dan transformation furnace to rebuild himself.

"Boy, come on, what price!" Dan Changsheng turned to look at Lin Feng and said, "no matter what price, I'm willing to give it!"

"I don't know!" Lin Feng sighed, "but if you go to a good auction, once the news is released, it will attract many alchemists to buy it. These alchemists are all rich people!"

Lin Feng's hands couldn't help rubbing, "the most important thing is that I just put forward my opinions on the waste Dan transformation furnace, but I'm not the one who really completed the waste Dan transformation furnace. I have to pay him a lot of money!"

Lin Feng smiled very deeply.

"I said, boy, don't bargain here!" Hongshan slapped Lin Feng, "that's it. These pills, plus 100 million top-grade spirit stones, are so decided. Your boy has the ability. He took a facade over Zhao Qi and asked Zhao Qi to work for you outside!"

Hong Shan smiled at Lin Feng and said.

Of course he knew that Lin Feng was going to sell these pills.

"Ha ha!" Lin Feng smiled. He didn't know how to connect with this sentence. He just stood there, looked at Dan Changsheng and said, "since the president has spoken, President Dan, I am very in favor of this price!"

"Here you are, 100 million top grade Fairy Spirit stones!" Dan Chang waved his hand and threw 100 million top-grade immortal spirit stones directly to Lin Feng. "It's useless for me to take this thing anyway. Old man Hongshan takes a lot from me every year."

Dan Changsheng said casually.

Hong Shan sat there, laughing and said, "the old man was obsessed with auctioning pills outside for some years. Later, I got him an auction house. Anyway, what he wanted was never a fairy stone. I filled the inventory of Qingshan academy by the way. Now half of the income of Qingshan academy is created by your Dean Dan."

Lin Feng pulled at the corners of his mouth.

No wonder Castle Peak academy is so generous to students. The feeling is that there is an immortal stone making machine constantly making immortal stones. The most important thing is that Dan Changsheng only needs to constantly swallow the pill and practice. There is no need for the assistance of immortal stones at all!

When can I get such a baby around?

Lin Feng looked down at Dan Changsheng and his eyes were full of surprises. If there was such a baby around, what would he worry about xianlingshi?

Lin Feng's eyes twinkled with stars.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Hong Shan shook his head and said, "don't make up your mind there. You can't take this guy if you want to take it away. He will follow that adult one day."

Hong Shan sighed and said.

Lin Feng was moved, but he didn't speak any more. Dan Changsheng should be refined by a more powerful strong man, or put it in Qingshan academy, just the guy of liberal arts building experience?

Lin Feng looks down at Dan Changsheng. Dan Changsheng is laughing and studying. He doesn't pay attention to the dialogue between Lin Feng and Hongshan.

But before that, abduction should be all right!

Lin Feng looked up and down at Dan Changsheng. If he abducted, he would die of a treasury. Moreover, it seems good to abduct him now! At least, it can't be abducted for decades!

Lin Feng is still very confident about abducting Dan Changsheng. There are so many babies around him. It's not a word to abduct Dan Changsheng?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's spirit immediately flew up.

"Well, the old man probably doesn't have time to talk to us. Let's go." Hong Shan stood up and said with a smile, "it's been a long time. You should go and greet your students."

Hearing what Hongshan said, Lin Feng suddenly realized, nodded and walked outside with Hongshan.



The two men stood outside and spoke at the same time. Lin Feng was embarrassed and waited for Hongshan to speak.

"In March next year, there will be a competition among the five colleges. As you know, our Castle Peak college is just a relatively large college on the main star. At that time, the five colleges will compare their strengths and weaknesses, and then allocate resources reasonably. The competition among the five colleges will be held once every five years. Therefore, every grade student from grade one to grade five, There is only one chance to participate. "

Hongshan's face was serious. Looking at Lin Feng, he said, "this year's first graders, our Qingshan academy, is the worst, especially the Dan Academy. This year's Dan academy has only seven students, but there will be at least five students. I need you to help these seven children to surpass themselves."

Hong Shan's face was serious, he said.

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