"When I appeared here, I naturally came here to find my baby. Why, don't you know?" As Lin Feng spoke, the long sword directly greeted the complaining spirit. The complaining spirit howled and was directly killed by Lin Feng under the sword.

You can talk!

It seems that many monks have come in these years!

Lin Feng went out of the bathroom and opened the second room on the left. The second room on the left was a bedroom. The bedroom felt clean and tidy. Several grievances were constantly cleaning the room, while saying words Lin Feng didn't understand at all.

These resentful spirits wore servants' clothes, looked anxious and bent their backs. They didn't seem to feel Lin Feng's appearance.

Here, it's probably what it looked like when it was alive.

"Old man, what's going on? The cultivation accomplishments of these resentful spirits don't look high! " Lin Feng photographed the scene in the room to Hong Shan and said, "why is this castle so strange?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Hongshan's voice was very low. "There's something wrong with this place itself, boy. These grievances are endless. The nine of them can't kill thoroughly. Go to other rooms on the second floor and maybe you'll find something else!"

Hearing Hongshan's words, Lin Feng nodded and quickly opened all the rooms on the second floor. All the rooms were quiet.

"Curtains!" Hongshan's voice sounded again. Lin Feng nodded and opened the curtains of the room.

As soon as the curtains were opened, sleeping figures appeared in the quiet room, especially on the bed. These figures were like sleeping peacefully. Lin Feng opened the curtains in each room. Different people fell asleep in each room. These people showed different sleeping positions. At this time, they were like sleeping people!

"Boy, take these people back to the stairs!" Hongshan roared. Lin Feng quickly greeted all the people to the stairs. He stood in front and looked at the front.

All the rooms began to change constantly, a sad voice sounded, and a rich breath came from the room.

"Old man, can you see what's going on inside?" Lin Feng asked again.

"A rotten giant, prepare yourself. The accomplishments around the Mahayana are more than enough to deal with you now." Hongshan's voice was somewhat gloating, "by the way, there is no road behind. Unless you rush to the third floor, you can't come out."

"I said, old man, this is what you asked me to do!" Lin Feng bit his teeth and said.

"Even if I don't tell you, you will do it sooner or later, and you can't go out sooner or later!" Hong Shan said faintly, "this is a closed castle. Unless you can understand all the troubles here, the array here will not be opened."

Hearing Hongshan's words, Lin Feng looked gloomy, and a strong smell of decay came.

"Take antidote pills, take two!" Lin Feng took the lead in eating two antidote pills.

"Qianlong, get ready. If you find something wrong, put these guys away immediately." Lin Feng whispered to Qianlong.

"I see, master, you can rest assured." Qianlong's voice was very low and said, "don't worry, master. I believe you, master, you can solve this trouble!"

"That's not nonsense?" Lin Feng turned his eyes and entered directly with Feng Tong's sword in his hand. There was only one hall left on the second floor. In the hall, a green, tall and twenty feet old man was standing there, his hands and feet were locked by an iron chain. When he saw Lin Feng, his eyes suddenly turned scarlet.

Living creatures?

Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. The field of sword opened at his feet. Feng Tong's sword greeted the big guy directly.

"I don't care what kind of dog you are, sir. Since you have met sir, today is your own bad luck!" Lin Feng sneered and waved his hand. The sword spirit greeted the big thing directly.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The sword Qi hit it and made a strong sound. The big guy's green gas released more and more!

"Master Lin, deal with it with fire. Look, this thing is dripping!" Zhao Shuping shouted. Lin Feng nodded and waved his hand. The inflammation of the earth's heart directly greeted the big guy. The inflammation of the earth's heart wrapped the big guy and kept burning the big guy!

"We'll go too!" Ji Zhao shouted, waved his hand and threw a fire directly at the big guy.

"Very clever, you!" Hong Shan said with a smile, "this thing is very afraid of fire!"

"You've seen it!" Lin Feng asked.

"It's just a zombie. How can I not have seen it!" Hong Shan said with a smile, "the cultivation of the zombie is not high, but the cultivation of the predecessor itself is definitely high enough, and he is not dead!"

Hearing Hongshan's words, Lin Feng was stunned. He looked at the thing in front of him and said, "you mean that the thing in front of him can still live?"

"It's impossible to live, but there's still a little consciousness!" Hong Shan said softly.

"Old man, how did you find out?" Lin Feng asked with a smile, "your soul power can't penetrate in!"

"You're stupid. Look at your eyes!" Hongshan said angrily.

Lin Feng was stunned and looked at his eyes. Sure enough, he saw a little look in his eyes.

"Elder?" Lin Feng stopped the attack, looked at the big guy in front of him and said, "senior, if you can hear me, please give me some instructions!"

"Kill... Kill me!" The big guy opened his mouth slightly, but as soon as he opened his mouth, there were countless green mucus erupting and dripping at the corners of his mouth. It looked very poor.

"Did the elder lock himself here?" Seeing this scene, Lin Feng frowned. Behind the Hulk, countless bones were piled up there. These people were destroyed here.

"Kill... Kill me!" Said the Hulk again.

"Then offend!" Lin Feng nodded, his eyes narrowed in an instant, and flames came out of his body. Lightning wrapped Fengtong sword directly passed through the Hulk's body, and all the students behind him were killed here.

"There's no danger!" Ji zhaoshu sighed, looked at the fallen hulk and said.

"Trouble hasn't come yet!" Lin Feng looked at the front, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "here, there is no master bedroom!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the nine people looked at Lin Feng and waited for Lin Feng to speak. Lin Feng relaxed his breath, pointed to the front and said, "come on, the front is where we're going to deal with. You should be ready. No matter what you see, don't scream!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, nine people nodded and walked inside as Lin Feng walked through the burning Hulk's body.

The grievances rushed out at once, but this time, these grievances were obviously not so powerful. Lin Feng didn't need to come out of the water. Several people could almost solve these grievances.

"What's next?"

Xiaobai looked at Lin Feng and asked loudly.

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