Lin Feng stared at the students behind him and said.

The students all lowered their heads and Zhao Shuping touched his nose.

"Click!" A resentful spirit was directly killed by Lin Feng. Lin Feng stood there with cold eyes and said, "I just gave you a praise. Don't be complacent!"

"Yes, mentor!"

Zhao Shuping's forehead was shocked with a thin cold sweat and nodded. He moved forward with Lin Feng, but his expression was obviously solemn.

"Come on, we're almost on the third floor!" Lin Feng looked at the stairs in front and said with a smile, "this Alchemist is really capable. This array is set up well."

Lin Feng went all the way forward and studied the surrounding arrays. These are ancient arrays. Compared with Xinzai's array, Cui manipulated a lot, but Lin Feng can still see the shadow of many arrays.

This alchemist seems to be a matrix mage!

Interesting, interesting!

Lin Feng went all the way forward. Suddenly, Lin Feng stopped.

The quiet chaotic seed beat for a moment, which made Lin Feng's eyes correct immediately. His eyes were serious and looked over there.

Here, what are the chaotic seeds interested in?

"You go up first. I'll block the grievances below. There's only one grievance on the third floor. Wait for me and I'll come right away." Lin Feng turned to look at several students and said.

"OK, mentor!" Several people continued to move forward, but Lin Feng stood there, his mind slowly shot out, and there seemed to be a trace of familiar breath around him!

Familiar breath?

Lin Feng's nose moved, and a dark gray light penetrated through Lin Feng's eyes!

The power of chaos!

It's the power of chaos!

Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately. Good guy, there is the power of chaos in this!

Lin Feng's mind moved and immediately chased the power of chaos. The soul power directly wrapped the power of chaos in the divine consciousness. The power of chaos was still struggling. The seeds of chaos suddenly flashed out and directly swallowed the power of chaos.

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the camera. The camera has been following several students. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

He doesn't know what will happen in the future, but in this end law era, the power of chaos has been precious. If people know that they have chaotic seeds, they will be restless in the future!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's mind was much more comfortable.

"Teacher, the door is open. The door is open. We see an old man!" Ji Zhao shouted with anxiety on his face.

With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, all the complaining spirits followed Lin Feng at almost the same time and rushed up with Lin Feng.

"Go, go, give yourself a chance to avenge!" Lin Feng smiled and shook his hands. All the complaining spirits rushed directly into the house at the same time. Seeing the appearance of these complaining spirits, Lin Feng smiled.

The student in the back trembled.

These resentful spirits kept sprinting inside, but as soon as they entered the inside, these resentful spirits immediately became quiet.

"Tutor... This... This..." when the students behind saw this scene, they all withdrew one by one.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look!" Lin Feng waved his hand and walked directly into it. All the people immediately followed and stood carefully behind Lin Feng.

"It's the alchemist!" Xiaobai whispered, with an incredible look on his face, "he... How is he still alive?"

"It's just his imaginary body!" Lin Feng sneered and said, "I said how a white bone island would suddenly fall from the sky. It turned out that this old thing was causing trouble!"

Lin Feng sneered.

Behind Lin Feng, countless white bones piled up like mountains, and some corpses, but they were far fetched into the decay period, and even several living ones were suffering!

"Tut Tut, delicious again!" A mechanical voice sounded. The body sitting there made a clicking sound, slowly stood up, turned to look at Lin Feng, looked up and down, and said, "young man, the soul power is very strong. I like you. The stronger the divine consciousness is, the more resentment is, right?"

"You NIMA have a strong divine sense!" Lin Feng spat, "technology is not good. Give yourself such a rubbish body!"

"Young man, I like you so unruly!" That thing spoke again, and a divine consciousness suddenly rushed towards Lin Feng. The speed was so fast that Lin Feng couldn't react at all!

This old man!

Feeling the speed of the attack, Lin Feng's eyes narrowed in an instant, his hands shook, and a divine sense attacked directly there.

The speed of divine consciousness was very fast, and the whole wrapped Lin Feng in it.


"Brother Lin!"

Xiaobai and several students turned pale. Lin Feng waved his hand and said, "since they are all your tutors, where is such a small thing that can defeat me? You watch quietly while watching how I can handle this bastard!"

Lin Feng smiled, looked down at the things in front of him and said, "tut Tut, I say old and immortal things. This attack is not good. I don't dislike you at night. Your attack is not enough to plug my teeth. Otherwise, it's more cruel?"

Lin Feng pointed at the old man and said with a smile.

"Boy, you're toasting and not drinking!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the old man's face became gloomy for a moment. His hand trembled and an attack rushed towards Lin Feng again. Lin Feng stood there calmly and raised his head slightly. He still looked a little indifferent.

The divine knowledge around Lin Feng was like mud into the sea. The green spirit attached to Lin Feng directly absorbed the divine knowledge in the past, saying:

"It tastes good. Let's talk more. This old immortal is very smart. He constantly absorbs the souls and grievances of these foreign monks to strengthen himself and control the grievances below at one time."

"What about the grievances?" Lin Feng frowned.

"In the bottle behind him, the bottle is very strange. It can put all the complaining spirits in it. This is also the reason why the old man can not be attacked by the complaining spirits." Qingling's voice was very weak and said, "did you bring your camera in?"

"I brought it in, but don't worry. It didn't shine inside." Lin Feng said in a low voice, "this old thing is a little uncertain. I don't dare to act rashly."

"Yes." The green spirit nodded and said, "he refined a lot of things for himself before he died. Although the body can't get out of the room, everything outside is under his control. The Alchemist is very smart."

Hearing Qingling's words, Lin Feng nodded.

"Boy, what did you do!"

The alchemist looked up at Lin Feng and said loudly, "why can you absorb my spirit of resentment?"

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