The more you get to the back of the array, the more difficult it is. Ji Zhao can't solve those arrays!

"Mentor, we really don't have many ways. These arrays are getting more and more powerful!" Ji Zhao looked at Lin Feng with a bitter face and said“ The things you gave us can't solve these arrays. Along the way, we have worked with the students of the Institute to solve more and more arrays, but here, we can't solve them completely. "

Ji Zhao talked endlessly.

"Lin Dasheng, don't hide your head and tail. Come out and solve the array!" Zhao Qi stood beside Ji Zhao and said loudly.

Zhao Qi walked around with Ji Zhao's eyes. As a result, there was still no Lin Feng everywhere. Where did this guy go?

"Don't look for it, don't look for it. I'm convinced you, Ji Zhao. Listen, I'll tell you, you take three steps East and three steps West, and then you can deal with the pendant qualified array. Although this array looks powerful, it's not a particularly powerful array, so don't worry too much."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji Zhao nodded and said, "yes, mentor, I'm not worried. I just hope this array can be solved earlier!"

Hearing Ji Zhao's words, Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Well, don't worry too much. The array is not difficult." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji Zhaoli, who was still a little worried, immediately put down his heart. I don't know how. After hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji Zhaoli was not hungry immediately.

Probably the tutor will never cheat!

Ji Zhao thought so.

With Lin Feng's assistance in the back, he explained the formation principle of the array while talking about the method of breaking the array. The students of the three institutes over there immediately dealt with it in high spirits, especially the array mages invited by the Instrument Institute, who were as serious as taking drugs one by one.

"Boy, you have good array skills!" Hongshan looked at Lin Feng unexpectedly and looked up and down at Lin Feng.

This boy really surprised him. His powerful skills seem to emerge one after another!

"The Dean praised me falsely. I just know a little at random!" Lin Feng smiled, and his words were very modest.

As an all-round cultivator, Lin Feng thinks it's better to hide his edge. After all, he is so handsome. It's not good if he is liked by some lawless person!

Lin Feng thinks so thoroughly!

Seeing Lin Feng's face without modesty, Hong Shan turned his eyes and said, "you don't need to be so modest in front of me. I don't know you, boy!"

Lin Feng smiled and didn't answer.

Three days passed quickly. Du Deli spent three days watching Lin Feng's soilless cultivation equipment, watching the plants grow up and mature.

"Boy, good!" After harvesting the vegetables, Du Deli turned back, gave Lin Feng a thumbs up and said with a smile, "you have the ability. No one can get this thing down if you want to. I like a straight and smart boy like you!"

Dudley said with a smile on his face.

Hearing Du deli's words, Lin Feng was a little ashamed.

"It's just a simple little thing. Du likes it." Lin Feng said with a smile, "can I go in now?"

"Boy, are you from Tianji gate?" Suddenly, Hongshan clasped Lin Feng's shoulder and asked with a smile.

Although Tianji gate is a great cultivation sect in the hidden world, in fact, Qianji gate is not vague at all. Son, the spirit outside is very strong. Of course, the reputation of Qianji gate comes from their power.

All the disciples of Tianji sect are good at mechanism skills, and each one is very powerful!

The things set by Tianji gate are the most famous, best and coveted by all practitioners in the whole fairy world!

It's just that there has never been a chance for a thousand doors to appear in the world. There has never been a lady in the outside world who can find a thousand doors!

"No!" Lin Feng said very frankly, "but I know the disciples of Qianji gate."

Yang Yang is at the thousand gate now.

"Didn't you say that qianjimen was coming? Two months ago, I remember this. Didn't you come? " Lin Feng looked at Hongshan.

"The appearance of the thousand doors follows their mood. They appear once every 100 years. The time of their appearance is somewhat uncertain. The main reason is that the thousand doors are outside and are too popular. No matter what they are, they can satisfy everyone."

Hong Shan said with a smile, "it's a pity that you're not a thousand doors."

Seeing the pity on Hongshan's face, Lin Feng shrunk his neck. This old man is not a good man!

"The Dean can tell me what he wants. I can tell the thousand machine gate disciples over there. Maybe I can give the Dean a preferential price?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"There's a lot to ask, boy. You said qianjimen was going to come to our castle peak academy two months ago?" The topic of Hongshan winning the prize has shifted.


"Then wait. Qianjimen must be waiting for the children in the wilderness secret place to break through. In this case, these little guys who deal with thunder robbery for promotion can spend a lot of money for them. There are some special materials in the wilderness secret place, which are qianjimen's favorite."

Hearing Hongshan's words, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

Hongshan put a piece of material into Lin Feng's hand and said, "although you can't enter the real wilderness secret territory, this thing is not only in the secret territory. There are a lot of things outside. I know you, boy, it's impossible to come out without peeling off the skin. Bring more out."

Hong Shan narrowed his eyes and said, "it's a little good for you to go in and give me!"

Obviously, it needs labor!

Seeing the appearance of Hongshan, Lin Feng shook his head.

"It seems that this time the yard will exchange a lot of things from qianjimen!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "yard, or you can go in together. Let's go in and explore together?"

"Fuck you!" Hongshan kicked Lin Feng into the secret territory of the field, breathed angrily and said, "if I can go in, what else can I do for you?"

"Don't be angry. This thunder robbery is very important to you. If it passes, everything will be fine. If it doesn't pass, our castle peak academy will suffer heavy losses." Du Deli looked at Hongshan and said softly, "since ancient times, countless people have lost themselves under this thunder robbery. It's good that you can spend it!"

"When the boy first went in, it seemed that his cultivation had retreated to the golden elixir period, didn't he?" Hong Shan suddenly turned to look at Du Deli and asked.

Du Deli was stunned and looked back at Hong Shan. He only saw a creepy smile on Hong Shan's face.

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