"Do you think this boy is the one who has to wait?" Du Deli turned to look at Hong Shan and said, "for hundreds of thousands of years, the castle peak academy has always been here, and I don't see that person coming! Maybe it's true this time? "

"How many times have we waited? You should think less about these. Eat and eat. The one said that it's hard to find descendants. You see, how many students came in for the map of the Dragon tomb for so many years. As a result, not everyone can't find it?"

"Yes!" Dudley sighed.

Looking at his barren land, the soilless cultivation equipment on the land is constantly emerging. These spiritual vegetables look very beautiful.

"This soilless cultivation equipment is very good!" Dudley said with a smile, "call some old men over another day. Let's have a meal together. It's been hundreds of thousands of years. I don't know if we can go on like this."

At this time, the gate of the wilderness secret place trembled!

"What's the boy doing?" Hong Shan, who had been for a long time, immediately mentioned his mind and asked.

"The boy touched the switch of the Dragon tomb. It's just from the Dragon tomb." Dudley shook his head and said, "smart boy!"

"The Dragon tomb is above the fault. You can't get in!" Hong Shan narrowed his eyes and said.

"Eat, eat, let this boy toss about. If this is the case, we can toss about in the wilderness secret place. We don't need to guard here at all." With that, Du Deli continued to eat, and Hong Shan nodded.

Inside, Lin Feng was standing there gnashing his teeth and looking ahead. In front of him, a huge dark shadow was hovering above!

good heavens!

Seeing the shadow, Lin Feng's eyes were shining!

"Qianlong, let's take the whole piece back. Do you think old man Hong will thank me?" Lin Feng smiled and pointed to the shadow above and said.

"I guess so!" Qianlong whispered, "this is a good material. The disciples of Qianji gate have good eyes. They know this is a good thing." Qianlong said with a smile, "the materials are good. With these materials, you can study a lot of good things at Qianji gate!"

"I'll take it back and study it to see if I can make something. The material is very strong and hard. Maybe it can be mixed with white feather sword and Fengtong sword!" Lin Feng moved the whole into his chaotic seed.

"Just find young master Yang?" Qianlong said directly, "there's more over there, master. I'll get it for you!"

Said, Qianlong also got a pile, "when will you give us a promotion, master, I think now we have reached the limit!"

Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng turned his eyes and said, "save your worry. I can't do the promotion of Qianlong shuttle now, but you can improve your strength. In this way, Qianlong shuttle will become more and more powerful."

The shuttle body of Qianlong shuttle was refined by the Dragon Emperor. With the later transformation and modern science and technology, it can now be said to be the most advanced. If you want to be promoted, you can't do it for the time being.

"That can't be said, master. Qianlong has been working seriously for his master. If Qianlong is more solid, the greater the help of his master!" Chihiro still doesn't give up. Chihiro is obviously stubborn about becoming strong.

"Then I can't help it." Lin Feng sighed and said, "I also want you to be great, but let's not talk about the selection of materials. It's a very difficult thing to collect all the materials. Wait."

"I'm looking for the young master. The young master must know!" Qianlong still doesn't stop. Lin Feng looks back at Qianlong. This guy, is there some... Asking too much today.

Feeling Lin Feng's eyes, Qianlong just smiled embarrassed and said, "that... Pig... As long as it's the master, we rarely contribute to the master after we arrive at the fairyland. We feel a little uncomfortable."

"Don't worry, when you help, but now we are still relatively peaceful. There will be many bloody storms in the future!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong's eyes lit up immediately, followed Lin Feng and said loudly, "really?"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, master!"

Qianlong's whole shuttle body drifted constantly in this space. Soon, countless materials were brought back by Qianlong.

"Master... There are many more ahead. Tut Tut, I thought it was something difficult to collect. I collected it so easily and easily. The old man an Xie looked sorry and cautious."

While murmuring, Qianlong carried Lin Feng through the area where a meteorite fell and directly picked up the materials inside.

Hearing Qianlong's complaint, Lin Feng shook his head. For Qianlong, the attacks outside are nothing at all. Once his protection array is opened, he can withstand those attacks outside, but this is only for Qianlong. For others, it is still difficult to break through here.

However, seeing Qianlong happy, Lin Feng also felt good and kept collecting with Qianlong.

I don't know how long it took, Qianlong stopped at a place with Lin Feng.

"Master, here is the gate to the Dragon tomb." Qianlong fell to the ground. This area is clean everywhere. There is no what Hongshan needed before.

"This is it!" Lin Feng raised his head. In front of him was an ancient and simple gate. The gate has been blocked now, but as soon as he arrived at this place, Lin Feng felt that the position of his heart began to shake violently.

It's the blood of the dragon!

The dragon's blood is in this!

good heavens!

Lin Feng immediately smiled in his eyes. If the dragon's blood is really here, it will save him a lot of things.

"Qianlong, feel who's breathing?" Lin Feng said with a serious face.

"It should be Lao BA's breath. I'm not sure. It's too weak. I even dealt with it." Qianlong said with some uncertainty.

"So it is. It's a pity." Lin Feng sighed and put his hand on the gate.

An invisible force rushed towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng's body retreated quickly, and his eyes were shocked.

This is excluding yourself from entering!

"There are prohibitions here, master. Let's come back next year!" Qianlong turned around Lin Feng and said, "no matter how bad it was, it was also a starting dragon. Since it was a starting dragon, the owner may not be the opponent for the time being. It will be OK in the future. Anyway, it is open every year."

Lin Feng nodded.

Naturally, he was not in a hurry and took out the things now. As long as he knew the place, Lin Feng believed that he should always be able to get the blood of the dragon.

"Let's go." Lin Feng didn't insist. He turned and left. Qianlong followed Lin Feng. Seeing Lin Feng's free and easy appearance, he was surprised. He thought Lin Feng couldn't leave freely. It seems that he was wrong.

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