When they came out of the ruins, they couldn't wait to return to Castle Peak Academy.

A huge ship stopped in the sky, and countless immortal stones were shining to supply the whole ship. The disciples of Castle Peak academy went up and down with ecstasy on their faces.

"It's a thousand machine door!" Ji Zhao and others hurried to the front of Qianlong shuttle and looked at the behemoth above, "it's really shocking. I just like Qianlong gate!"

"I said you boy, can you cheer up a little?" Lin Feng slapped Ji Zhao on the head. "Although this big guy looks good, he's not intelligent. Don't you think my Qianlong shuttle is better?"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and said.

Ji Zhao's smile stopped immediately. After a while, he said, "mentor, your flying shuttle is really good, but isn't your flying shuttle still made by qianjimen?"

"Of course not!" Lin Feng turned his eyes and said, "although qianjimen is good at these things, it's still a little short of fire to know my baby!"

Ji Zhao gave a cry of disapproval. Qianlong shuttle has been used by his tutor for many times. As for how this thing is, Ji Zhao knows very well that it is just a flying shuttle!

"Master, the young master is up there." Qianlong whispered to Lin Feng.

"Uh huh, I feel it. It's all right. Let's go back first and find the old man to understand the situation." Qianlong shuttle fell directly into Qingshan academy, and Qianlong was on the tip of Lin Feng's hair.

"Master, during this time, you'd better try not to meet the people at Qianji gate. You'd better put me away. There are many old guys in Qianji gate who are very powerful and can easily find my existence."

Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng was stunned. This guy, is he afraid?

It seems that he felt Lin Feng's banter. Qianlong turned his eyes and said, "qianjimen has had a lot of cooperation with the Dragon Emperor. Although we are not made by qianjimen, there must be records of the twelve first dragons in the history of zhqianjimen, and our shuttle must be in the ranks of their records. It is easy to be recognized. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, None of us can guarantee that the thousand machine gate is still the same as the Dragon Emperor. They can't guarantee that they will attack the master you. "

Hearing Qianlong's explanation, Lin Feng nodded and frowned.

A gentleman is innocent and bears his sins.

Twelve dragons are second only to the Dragon Emperor in the dragon family. Although their strength is blocked now, with the growth of their cultivation, they are also constantly fighting. If they are found by qianjimen, it is very possible that they will fight.

They are all babies. It would be bad if they were watched by thousands of machines.

Now my cultivation is still low, I'd better protect myself!

"I see. You should all stay in the seeds of chaos recently." Lin Feng nodded and said softly, "it's not too late to come out after waiting here."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong should be good.

Lin Feng directly put Qianlong away, perked up and went to Qingshan Academy.

Back to Dan yuan, Lin Feng went directly to Dan Changsheng's office. Hongshan was here as expected.

"These pills are not enough!" Hongshan nodded to Lin Feng, turned to Dan Changsheng and said, "this time, qianjimen is willing to exchange a lot of materials for pills with us!"

"There's no more. This is all the pills refined by the students this year, and those refined by me and my tutor. Lin boy, take out all the ammunition you have. Your Dan shop will move home temporarily. Let's move to the border for a few months!"

Dan Changsheng looked at Lin Feng and said, "we also give some pills. Let's make a profit together!" Dan Changsheng smiled very shrewdly.

"Yes!" Lin Feng smiled and nodded. On this point, he was not vague. He went to the place where the two circles met to sell pills. The price of pills must be the same here. No matter what pills they were, there was no possibility of raising the price. However, when the animal tide came, a pill could save a Friar's life.

Lin Feng is not a cultivator who regards life as grass mustard. In his opinion, every life is worthy of respect.

"I have a lot of survivors here, as well as the students of Dan Academy. There must be no problem attacking our castle peak academy at that time."

"It's not just to supply Castle Peak academy, we have to sell it." Hong Shan said with a smile, "there must be many monks in the past this time. Although the animal tide is dangerous, at that time, this is also a great opportunity for mobile phone materials. There are a lot of materials on the monster, and even the medicinal materials in the mountains are very rich."

Hongshan turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "boy, this time, you're going to make a fortune again!"

Lin Feng stood there laughing and didn't answer.

"The boy won't miss it." Dan Changsheng smiled and said, "let's go to Qianji gate and change something."

Dan Changsheng looked at the big ship in the sky and said, "the whole castle peak academy has been dead all day long!"

"Let's go, let's go!" Hongshan also waved. Lin Feng only felt his mind move and directly appeared on the thousand machine door!

What a powerful force!

Lin Feng's eyes flashed a flash of horror. He didn't have time to respond. Hongshan had taken him away. If he was on the battle leader, he would be crushed directly!

This is a powerful force!

Still too weak!

Lin Feng looked at his hands and smiled bitterly.

"Come on, you boy, it's not a matter of time. Go on. One day, you can reach the height of the old man or even surpass the old man. At that time, you really stand at the height that others can't reach."

Hong Shan patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Dean." Lin Feng nodded with excitement in his eyes. He believed that one day he could surpass everything and stand at a higher angle!

Seeing Lin Feng suddenly burst out a strong breath, Hong Shan nodded with satisfaction and said, "doesn't it matter if you're at the thousand gate? Go, find out the little guy you know and give us a discount. Things with thousands of doors have always robbed money! "

Hongshan whispered to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's face is very sad. Just now he said that the old man knew the great cause and wanted to go through the back door in the twinkling of an eye!

"I think my friend's price should be the same as theirs!" Lin Feng said with a serious face.

"What grenade bomb did you say last time? The small and cheap one is good. You asked him to sell more to us. How many did you say?" Hongshan turned to look at Lin Feng and asked.

"Three hundred top-grade immortal spirit stones!"

"Yes, three hundred top-grade Fairy Spirit stones. I have prepared three million yuan, all of which are used to buy that!" Hong Shan nodded and said with a smile.

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