"My God!" As soon as Lin Xiangyang saw Jia Lingling, his face began to sweat

"Dad, it's him. Just in time, help me. This woman corrects me every day. It's not me that I'm only a young child, but she's almost a thousand years old. I don't want to fall in love with an old woman!"

Yang Yang kept wiping the sweat on his forehead and said.

"You look good. You're no worse than your mothers." Lin Feng said with a smile, "don't you always complain about your father and me? What, you're not ready? Or tracheitis, afraid of Dandan coming up to trouble you? "

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"I'm afraid!" Lin Xiangyang looked at Lin Feng pitifully and said, "Dad, help!"

"Well, yes, but..." Lin Feng turned to look at Lin Xiangyang.

"I promise everything!" Lin Xiangyang raised his hands and said.

"Since my sons are like this, I, as a father, can't worry you, can I?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "sit here and watch. Dad has dealt with it for you. After dealing with it, you can smile happily."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin Xiangyang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello." Lin Feng had Jia Lingling's way, "I'm Lin Dasheng, Yang Yang's father."

Jia Lingling, who was still moving forward, immediately stopped and looked at Lin Feng in front of her. Lin Feng's mouth had a gentle smile and her eyes narrowed slightly. It was clear that Lin Feng's cultivation was similar to Lin Xiangyang, but when Jia Lingling faced Lin Feng, she always felt that there seemed to be a strong air field oppressing her at noon. She was a little out of breath.

Jia Lingling stepped back.

Lin Feng did not come forward, but stood up with his hands on his back.

"Hello, uncle. My name is Jia Lingling." Jia Lingling looked at Lin Feng and said seriously, "uncle is the first time to come to our thousand machine gate. I can take my uncle for a walk!"

"Girl, you are older than me!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "I'm only a hundred years old. How about you?"

Jia Lingling stood there in silence.

Lin Xiangyang nodded with the same feeling, looked at Jia Lingling and said, "really, elder martial sister, it's not that I'm not with you... That... You see, my father is not as old as you, so it's very embarrassing for us to get along in the future!"

Lin Xiangyang stood up and said seriously, "I deeply feel that a marriage that is not favored by both parents is unhappy. Therefore, elder martial sister, I'm sorry, I just like studying weapons!"

Jia Lingling stood there without moving. The whole person was petrified.

"Lingling, let's go!" A majestic voice sounded.

"Good Lord." Lin Xiangyang immediately bent down to salute, with a gentle smile on his mouth.

Jia Qianji, the head of Qianji gate, took a deep look at Lin Xiangyang and his son, and then took Jia Lingling away.

"Oh, it's finally solved. Elder martial sister Jia doesn't know what's wrong. She pesters me every day. If she doesn't say she won't marry the eldest martial brother, I'll be pulled out by the elder martial brother!"

Lin Xiangyang shrugged and said,

"I don't like such a woman. Although she is beautiful, she is too artificial. Besides, she doesn't have much ink in her stomach!"

Hearing Lin Xiangyang's words, Lin Feng shook his head. This boy really refused to leave his pride.

"In the face of such a thing, it's better to be euphemistic. After all, it's in other people's territory, isn't it?"

Lin Feng shook his head, looked at Lin Xiangyang and said.

"The sect leader has hinted at me many times. I can't help it!" Lin Xiangyang shrugged and said innocently, "Dad, do you know? The elder martial brother Lao Shizi is the future successor of qianjimen. Hey, this time, he will be grateful to me! "

Lin Xiangyang looked at Lin Feng with a smile, and then sent a message in front of Lin Feng.

This boy!

Lin Feng was a little embarrassed. They were all used by the boy. The boy's real purpose was to please the so-called senior brother and Jia Qianji just appeared!

"Dad, if you have nothing to do, you can go. I have something to deal with!" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance of teaching himself a lesson, Lin Xiangyang immediately looked at Lin Feng seriously and said.

Lin Feng wanted to talk. After hearing Lin Xiangyang's words, he could only shake his head helplessly. How could he find such a bastard as his son!

"Are these materials useful to you? I know where the Dragon Tomb of Qingshan academy is. I've basically found the Dragon Tomb of Qingshan academy, but the Dragon tomb can't go in for the time being. Just now I know that gusheshan has a dragon blood. I'm going to study it there first. "

Lin Feng paused and whispered.

"Well!" Lin Xiangyang nodded and said, "this thing, Qianji gate, has been thoroughly studied. It is in the Dragon tomb. Many dragon tombs of the twelve first dragons use this material. Of course, there are no three in the lower boundary. This material is the material that Qianji gate is used to forge this ship. It is very important."

Lin Xiangyang Baba played with the materials in his hand and said, "the most important thing is that there is the smell of the beginning dragon in these materials, but the stronger the smell of the dragon, the more powerful the monster will avoid, which is also the reason why Qianji gate can shuttle around the world."

Lin Feng nodded.

"I said it was useless!"

Lin Feng waved his hand and looked disgusted.

"It's not completely useless, Dad. You can use this material to make some things. For example, if you add this material to the weapon, there will be a smell of dragon in the weapon. When you fight against the monster, you can suppress the monster!"

Lin Xiangyang looked at Lin Feng with a smile and said, "this animal tide, the students of Danyuan are originally vulnerable groups. Maybe they can shine this time!"

Hearing Lin Xiangyang's words, Lin Feng nodded. Playing with the materials in his hand, he suddenly got a lot of them out. He smiled and said, "there are a lot of materials here. You should prepare more. After all, you have to shuttle through all spatial levels. Sometimes when you encounter a powerful monster, you may not buy it!"

"I see, Dad, don't worry. There are thousands of machines in the door. Besides, we come out for so two months a year. You can rest assured that we are doing latent repairs at thousands of machines in other times."

Lin Xiangyang put the materials away and said, "I'll help you study and get some weapons, and then send them to you!"

Lin Feng nodded.

Coming out of Lin Xiangyang's room, most of the disciples of Qingshan Academy had bought something they were satisfied with and left. A disciple of Qianji gate stood at the opening of the spaceship. Seeing Lin Feng coming, he immediately gathered up and said:

"Mentor Lin, right? This is a gift from our sect leader. "

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