"Where is the stronghold of Shangqing palace?" Lin Feng looked down at the boy and asked.

"Shangqing palace?" The young man pondered, then suddenly realized, and said: "mentor, you are talking about those auxiliary star sects. Those auxiliary star sects give them a seat in their stronghold under the big sect. You can go directly to their big sect to find it."

The boy smiled and said to Lin Feng.

"But it's good for such a small sect to have one or two disciples. Others can't come."

Lin Feng has turned and left.

When the teenager reacts, he only sees a gust of wind passing. The mentor has disappeared. The teenager swallowed his mouth. The mentor of Castle Peak academy is different!

Shangqing palace belongs to Taixu palace.

Lin Feng went all the way and knew the location of the Taixu palace in the surrounding environment.

The stronghold of Taixu palace is pretty good. After all, it is one of the five palaces and the only stronghold in Gusu city. It helps with Qingshan Academy.

"Forbidden area of Taixu palace, who is it?" A man directly blocked Lin Feng's way.

"Hello, I'm the tutor of the Dan Academy of Qingshan Academy. I've come to Taixu palace to catch up with my daughter." Lin Feng took out the tutor card of the pill Hall of Qingshan Academy. As soon as the tutor card came out, the disciples of Taixu palace relaxed immediately.

"What's your daughter's name?" The gatekeeper's face eased a little and looked at Lin Feng, "register it. Now it's a critical period. Ordinary people can't go in."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Lin Dasheng, tutor of first-year students of Castle Peak college." Lin Feng said with a smile, "my daughter Lin Xuanxuan is studying in Shangqing palace."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the originally listless disciple's eyes lit up immediately.

"You are the father of younger martial sister Xuanxuan. Younger martial sister Xuanxuan has different talents. After this animal tide, younger martial sister Xuanxuan will directly enter our Taixu palace for cultivation. Younger martial sister Xuanxuan has different talents. We will rely on younger martial sister Xuanxuan more in the future!"

On hearing Xuanxuan's name, the disciple's spirit immediately perked up and talked more.

Lin Feng just stood there smiling.

Shangqing palace brought Xuanxuan who had just started. He must have had such a mind.

"You go in, you go in!" The gatekeeper immediately changed his face, looked at Lin Feng with a smile and said.

Hearing the words of the gatekeeper, he nodded with a smile and turned directly towards the inside.

There are many small strongholds in the Taixu palace. Most of them occupy bad places. This time, the Shangqing palace occupies the stronghold next to the disciples of the Taixu palace. Countless disciples have their hands outside. Although their position is bad, these disciples don't complain, but guard outside and look at the stronghold of the Shangqing palace.

Lin Feng stood outside for a long time and couldn't find a way in.

Young man!

Lin Feng stood there with a helpless face. For a long time, he sighed helplessly and said, "classmate, can you please give me a place to go in?"

"Who are you?"

"That silly fork, believe it or not, my whip will serve you!"

"Who the fuck wants to jump the queue!"

All of them looked at Lin Feng and stared at Lin Feng with anger in their eyes.

Lin Feng sighed.

The person who cuts in the queue is the child's father!

"Our master brother is coming!" At this time, a disciple in Taixu palace Taoist costume shouted. All the disciples who were still fighting against Lin Feng immediately stood up straight for their bodies, smiling and making way for a way.

"Hello, senior brother!"

All the disciples stood respectfully with a serious face.

Lin Feng turned his head. A young man in Taoist clothes stood there, with a bit of gloom on his face. He looked good, but it was too dark and vicious.

"Our master brother is here. Why don't you make way?" A disciple saw Lin Feng standing there, looked up and down at Lin Feng and said, "which sect of Taixu palace do you belong to?"

Which sect?

Lin Feng looked around, pointed inside and said, "does Shangqing palace count?"

All the disciples laughed.

"Elder martial brother, don't listen to this guy's nonsense. There are six disciples in the Shangqing palace. Five disciples are now taking care of younger martial sister Xuanxuan!"

"Yes, this guy is bold. If you want to enter like this, senior brother, don't be cheated by this boy!"

Hearing these guys' words, Lin Feng shook his head.

These guys are really

"Throw it out!" Taixu dome looked at Lin Feng and said coldly.

"Really, I'll tell you first. If you throw me out, even if you are the eldest martial brother of Taixu palace, you can't catch up with Xuanxuan in your life!" Lin Feng stood there smiling and said.

"Lost!" Taixu Qiong narrowed his eyes and sneered. He wanted to see how a boy in the period of Mahayana made him unable to catch up with younger martial sister Xuanxuan!

Several disciples heard taixuqiong's words and did not hesitate to catch Lin Feng.

"Who dares!" With a cry of Jiao, Xuanxuan trotted to Lin Feng, raised her head and looked at Taixu dome, stared round her eyes, pursed her mouth and said, "who can move him to try!"

"Younger martial sister Xuanxuan is just a little thing in the heyday. Why do you do this!" Taixu dome looked down at Xuanxuan, glanced at Lin Feng at random and said, "when you arrive at Taixu palace, you will see more and better young talents, Xuanxuan. At that time, you will know that this guy in front of you is just a mole ant!"

"Leave it alone!" Xuanxuan directly interrupted taixuqiong's words, turned to look at Lin Feng and said, "I don't want to get back when I come!"

"Feel free to come and have a look, ha ha!" Lin Feng smiled, took Xuanxuan's hand, looked up and down, nodded with satisfaction and said, "well, it's good. I've grown up a lot!"

"Younger martial sister Xuanxuan, listen to me!" The voice of Taixu dome suddenly increased, and there was anger in Lin Feng's eyes.

"Boy, can you be a little quiet?" Lin Feng turned to look at Taixu dome, sighed and said, "Xuanxuan will not listen to you, because I am his father and this is my daughter!"

Lin Feng looked at Taixu dome with a smile.

The expression on Taixu Qiong's face was instantly stiff. His face was incredible. He stared at Lin Feng. His face was incredible. Is this... Younger martial sister Xuanxuan's father?

All the disciples who were still arrogant immediately calmed down, stood there one by one, and twitched a few times at the corners of their mouths.

What a sin!

I knew how dare they offend the Giant Buddha in front of them!

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