This boy is smart!

"Very smart, but I never interfere in the affairs of girl Xuanxuan. Girl Xuanxuan is like what she likes." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji Zhao and others who were still with Lin Feng immediately ran away.

Lin Feng shook his head and went upstairs.

Girl Xuanxuan seems to be very skilled at dealing with these little bees. You'd better go and have a good rest.

Soon after, Xuanxuan went upstairs with a smile and sat next to Lin Feng, her eyes narrowed into crescent moon.

"Dad, that season was so fun!" Xuanxuan said to Lin Feng with a smile.


Hearing Xuanxuan's words, Lin Feng's heart lifted up.

"Oh, don't worry. I won't find myself an object so early. There's still a long way to go in the future!" Xuanxuan and Si Yi sat beside Lin Feng, "don't find one. How hard it is to restrain!"

Hearing Xuanxuan's words, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly.

Why did he forget that the devil is not an ordinary person!

"Well, what would you like to eat? Dad will make it for you!" Seeing Xuanxuan's happy face, Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Fish soup made by my husband!" Xuanxuan immediately felt refreshed, sat up and said with a smile, "all the things, Dad, the fish soup you made is the best!"

"Good!" Lin Feng smiled and nodded and threw out the spirit fish.

After entering the chaotic seeds, these spirit fish grow up again. They are not only bigger, but also taste better!

"Wow!" Xuanxuan immediately came over and watched Lin Feng deal with the spirit fish.

At this time, the whole Gusu city suddenly began to stir up.

"The animal tide is coming!" I don't know who shouted. All the disciples who were still in a quiet state were silent. The whole Gusu city was quiet in an instant, only the buzzing sound of the array rising.

"Dad, let's kill the monster first!" Xuanxuan immediately stood up with the sword and said loudly.

"What's the hurry? It's still early. These monsters are just the first batch of monsters. The array at the gate can resist them." Lin Feng shook his head with a smile and said, "so don't worry too much. We'll just wait here."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xuanxuan looked over and sure enough, it was quiet around, and no one came out.

"Eat fish!" Lin Feng waved his hand, and the inflammation of the earth wrapped the pot directly. A faint smell began to spread in the room. Xuanxuan couldn't help sucking her nose. It was so fragrant!

Xuanxuan turned to look at Lin Feng, who was preparing food with a gentle smile.

Xuanxuan sat aside with stars shining in her eyes.

She will find a hero like dad in the future!

Lin Feng smiled and prepared. Looking back at his daughter's worship eyes, Lin Feng suddenly felt that his mind was getting better and better.

"I said you were unkind. You didn't invite me to eat good food, and you brought a little beauty!" Hong Shan sat there with a smile and looked at Xuanxuan.

"Hello, Grandpa. My name is Lin Xuanxuan. I'm my father's daughter." Xuanxuan immediately smiled and saluted Hong Shan with a sweet smile on her face.

Hong Shan's heart trembled, and the whole was ironed.

"Oh, oh, it's a little girl!" Hongshan was in a good mood immediately. He looked at Lin Feng with a smile and said, "I say you're not kind, how many children do you have!"

"My father has many children!" Xuanxuan said with a smile, "I have three brothers and two sisters! Maybe there will be some in the future! "

Hearing Xuanxuan's words, Hong Shan looked up and down at Lin Feng. His eyes were full of surprise and said, "you're a freak. It's hard to give birth to this friar!"

"Cough, cough, I was born before I practiced." Lin Feng bowed his head and said softly, "there are not many immortals in our place. They started their family earlier."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Hong Shan nodded clearly.

Human reproduction ability is still very strong.

But the reproductive ability of monks is very low.

It is also because of the low reproductive ability that there are very few friars' children. Most of the children were born before they had no friars. Because they have no friars' blood, those children may not be able to cultivate immortals.

Lin Feng is an alien.

His own talent seems not strong, but Lin Feng's children's talent seems to have changed.

This made Hongshan couldn't help observing Lin Feng more. Lin Feng put a pot of fish soup on the table.

"Taste it!"

"I like dad's fish soup best!?" Xuanxuan immediately jumped up, took out the dishes and chopsticks, but took the lead in filling Hongshan with a bowl, "Grandpa, you eat, Dad's fish soup is the best fish soup in the world!"

"Good, good!" Hong Shan smiled and nodded. He took the fish soup bowl in Xuanxuan's hand. As soon as he sucked his nose, his eyes lit up immediately, good guy!

Even in the fairyland, there are very few superior spirit fish and spirit fish soup boiled with superior spirit water!

If ordinary people eat a bowl, even if they can wash their tendons and refine their marrow, they will set foot on the road of cultivating immortals. Even if ordinary monks drink a bowl, they will be able to clean the impurities in their bodies!

There are generally no such good things outside!

This boy is really violent, Tianzhen!

Hongshan speeded up four times and ate very happily.

Anyway, all the food is from this boy!

"Dean, eat slowly and eat more. The battle will begin soon!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Mahatma, do you still have that thing?" Hongshan suddenly looked up at Lin Feng and asked with a smile“ That camera or something. Sell me another batch. I boast with some old men. Those old men have to see it. Give me a discount! "

Hong Shan smiled at Lin Feng and said.

There's something wrong with the dean's state!

Seeing Hongshan's obsession with money, Lin Feng blinked. When did the dean of money like dirt care so much about money?

It seems that he felt Lin Feng's eyes. Hong Shan turned his eyes and looked at Lin Feng and said, "I said if you don't look like this, I'll say whether you agree or not!"

Hong Shan snorted!

"Agree!" Lin Feng immediately raised his hand and said with a smile, "what the Dean needs, naturally he has to agree!"

Then Lin Feng waved his hand and put the storage bag on the table, "give the president a 10% discount on the original price, and the storage bag is for you!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"I said you didn't want money for this storage bag, did you?" Seeing Lin Feng casually throw away a lot, Hongshan looked up and down, "this small storage bag is basically useless. Thanks to your boy, I don't know where to get so much."

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