"Who says the Dragon Emperor is dead? The dragon blood on your body is just that the Dragon Emperor stripped off his own blood and Dinghai God beads and delivered them. Master, every Dragon Emperor comes like this."

Qianlong said faintly.

Lin Feng's eyes were a little surprised again.

He said it!

That's how it came.

"Is the Dragon Emperor still in the demon world?" Lin Feng asked again.

"The dragon family exists in an independent space. We call it the Dragon region. We don't know whether the Dragon Emperor is here or not. Every Dragon Emperor exists for a special task. After they stabilize the dragon family, they will leave. As for where they go, no one knows."

Qianlong raised his head and said with a bit of sadness.

They are all left by the Dragon Emperor to assist the new master. As for their original dragon emperor, they don't know where they have gone for a long time, but they can feel that the Dragon Emperor is still alive.

This is a perception of the cash cabinet. Such perception exists in their hearts.

i see!

Lin Feng nodded, but his heart began to mutter. At this time, the surrounding atmosphere began to rise one by one. These guys really don't doubt themselves at all!

Feeling the appearance of these monsters, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

Of course, the effect he wants has come out now. A little stupid is a little stupid!

Feeling this, Lin Feng couldn't help sighing.

I don't know what these guys can achieve now.

Lin Feng is in a good mood now.

Qianlong is constantly circling, checking the appearance of these gatekeepers.

Or the cultivation is too low. It's easy to be cheated by the master! Seeing the appearance of these monsters, Qianlong couldn't help muttering in his heart that the monsters cheated by their master won't have good results in the end. Qianlong sighed in his heart and thought of it silently.

But who made these monsters disobedient! This is also the result they should bear!

Thinking of this, Chihiro groaned and looked a little more happy.

Lin Feng is not in the mood to study Qianlong's good mood at this time. His expression focuses on the things ahead. Now, Lin Feng just wants to know when these guys will fall down. They are all monsters who eat good things and bully the weak. If he takes all their Baobei away, he will certainly make a profit!

And now there are not many monsters on the whole Gushe mountain. No one will know if they do it themselves!

Lin Feng's smiling face was happy and satisfied.

"It's all down, master. You can do it!" Qianlong's body trembled and said to Lin Feng.

"OK, let's do it now!" Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately. He he smiled and said, "good guy!"

Lin Feng held Feng Tong's sword and went all the way. All the monsters fell to the ground and looked drunk one by one.

What we want is this effect!

Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng smiled very thief!

"Wait a minute, I'll give you some fairy stones. You can pile up your shuttles. The things we have to deal with next are not so easy to deal with!" Lin Feng said softly.

"Thank you, master!" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong and Houtu's eyes lit up immediately. Even Boqi was released by Lin Feng. Although it is on the mountain, it is also very wet. Boqi won't feel too uncomfortable here.

"Master!" Three shuttle followed Lin Feng. The three moved faster. Soon, the monster was lined up by three people. Lin Feng took all the treasures of the three monster.

"Master, do you want the meat of this monster?" When Qianlong spoke, he smashed the corner of his mouth. Although he is a tool spirit, he also wants to eat the monster meat. I don't know how many years he hasn't eaten the monster meat!

"These guys spend a lot of time every day. The meat is old and loose. It's not delicious." Lin Feng shook his head and looked disgusted.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone immediately became serious. Tina heads turned a deaf ear to these things. The host said that they were not in the mood to understand the bad things!

Lin Feng took away the materials from them, and then searched their cave.

One by one, they are rich.

"There are some things you can't take away if you want." Lin Feng sighed and took everything away directly.

"Come on, let's go up. There shouldn't be many monsters up here!" Lin Feng turns to look at Qianlong. He doesn't know when Qianlong fell into the lower world, but Lin Feng can see that this guy must have spent a lot of time in the fairy world.

"Almost all of them should go out. After all, they have to fight so many high cultivation for the strong. These guys have long been eager to try. At this time, where will they miss such a good opportunity!"

Qianlong said disapprovingly, "let's just go in directly. Go directly to the junction of the two circles, and we should be able to find what we need."

Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng was stunned, turned into meditation and said, "do you think someone will enter Gushe mountain like us?"

Such an idea may not exist!

"Yes!" Qianlong nodded and whispered, "some geniuses will take advantage of the chaos to enter Gushe mountain, and then take the opportunity to enter the demon world to have a good experience, so as to achieve their purpose of cultivation. However, these geniuses basically have a strong background behind them. Even in the demon world, they have to think about it before they dare to start."

Qianlong whispered to Lin Feng.

"These people in the demon world are afraid of the right cultivators. If I were you, I wouldn't be afraid!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"The competition in the sky is to have a field to exercise your muscles and bones. It must be impossible to be fierce. The monks and monsters below are just experience. Low-level monsters breed quickly. If you don't kill some, the demon world is not the human world. Ordinary people die in the blink of an eye. A monster can easily last for hundreds of years, The demon world doesn't have such resources! "

Houtu said with a smile, "after all, their position is far better than that of the fairyland."

"No wonder!"

Lin Feng nodded, smiled and said, "in that case, let's give a good reception. Speaking of it, I haven't seen the scenery here and have a good play!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone who was still walking stopped there and looked at Lin Feng with a bit of strangeness one by one.

Lin Feng's words immediately made them think crooked.

The guy in front of me is not a good role! When I heard this, I didn't look like I wouldn't ask for trouble.

"In fact, master, I think we can go to another place and have a good look. There's no need to stay here." Qianlong said dryly.

"Stop it. Let's find something first. I feel its location." Lin Feng frowned and looked at a position on the top of the mountain.

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