"Open!" Lin Feng shouted. The aura around him was gathering towards Lin Feng, and Lin Feng's momentum became stronger and stronger.

With the continuous change of momentum, Lin Feng's look became more and more rigorous. In his body, a powerful force was constantly colliding.

These forces are constantly circulating in his body. There seems to be an evil spirit in Lin Feng's body. To fight, to fight thoroughly!

Lin Feng's eyes became rich and golden. His whole body fell on the ground and grabbed the monster next to him.

Lin Feng's move was very fast. Those monsters couldn't bear such a speed. In addition, the pressure of the dragon's blood on Lin Feng made these monsters crawl in front of Lin Feng completely.

These monsters are too weak!

"Master, is it too big to absorb the movement of the dragon's blood?" Qianlong Houtu and Boqi guarded Lin Feng and said when they saw Lin Feng's appearance.

"The dragon's blood is originally missing from the master's body. The absorption of each dragon's blood is a very difficult postgraduate entrance examination for the master, but it is also an improvement of strength. Moreover, every three dragon's blood is a barrier, which is very normal."

Poche said softly.

"Really?" Qianlong didn't believe it. "Then why didn't you tell the master before?"

"What the master says is also the pride of heaven. He naturally knows these things. We don't need to say them again!" Borch's face is taken for granted.

Lin Feng naturally didn't know. If he knew, he wouldn't have suffered so much at this time. Ha ha, he's suffering here.

Among the monsters, Lin Feng is still fighting.

At this time, Lin Feng completely became a fighting machine.

Weak, too weak. The cultivation of these monsters is too low. Yes, find more powerful monsters!

Lin Feng flew directly to the front, and the golden color immediately attracted the attention of all the fairy troops.

"Look, what's that in the sky!" A fairy army took the lead and said loudly.

"I know, I know. This is the mentor of Castle Peak Academy. I've seen him, but how did he become a monster?"

"You're stupid. It's not a monster. It's the dragon family. I've seen pictures in the tree. It's the dragon family. God, it's incredible!"


The fairy soldiers discussed.

At this time, Lin Feng had rushed into the monsters in the immortal period and greeted them directly.

Lin Feng shot very quickly.

When facing these monsters, Lin Feng finally felt hard, but it was just hard. To deal with these monsters, Lin Feng was as cruel as ever.

Lin Feng's body is full of blood. He can't tell who these blood belong to. His body has no intuition. Lin Feng can feel that every cell in his body is beating. These beating cells are Lin Feng's current strength.

He can feel the power!


Lin Feng has only this idea in mind. The blood of the dragon is constantly scouring his body. In his body, a powerful force is spreading. That's the force!

Lin Feng's eyes focused on these monsters. Feng Tong's sword burst out a strong light in his hand and vented all the evil spirit in his heart.

That's it!

Cool, too NIMA, cool!

Lin Feng's eyes twinkled with stars, and the action at hand became more and more rapid.

At this time, the thunder in the sky began to gather in this direction. Lin Feng felt that the power in his body began to be gentle.

Rob thunder, it's about to start.

Lin Feng looked ahead. At this time, his actually began to converge. With the convergence of Lin Feng's momentum, the oppressed monsters around him rushed towards Lin Feng like a madman.

These monsters saw Lin Feng's body and rushed directly in front of Lin Feng.


There was a loud noise in the sky.

"Master, this guy is really terrible!"

"Yes, I knew this guy. He certainly didn't have any good intentions. Now I finally see it. Master, this guy is ready to make a move!"

"You say, master, how many monsters will you kill this time? These are all monsters from the demon world. The forehead monsters living in the demon world all have demon crystals. That demon crystal is a good thing! "

Demon crystal is a kind of gathering product from the demon beast. Not all demon beasts have this kind of thing. Only demon beasts from the demon world can have it.

Monsters with demon crystal are all gifted monsters. Their cultivation is much faster than that of ordinary monsters.

"Hey, hey, let's wait for the master to change. This time, the master should completely enter the immortal period, and the master will rise!" Qianlong said with a smile on his face.

Three shuttles surrounded Lin Feng and protected Lin Feng. They knew it in their hearts.

However, the roar in the sky became more and more intense. Then, a bucket thick purple black thunder directly greeted below.




With Lin Feng as the center, the whole central area was full of flesh and blood. The monsters leaping from Lin Feng became more and more miserable. One by one, they exploded directly in place, and flesh and blood flew into the air.

Those fairy armies gathered here.

"No, there's a repairman coming!" Chihiro's voice increased a little.

"Monsters are gathering here in a steady stream. Even if there are practitioners coming, it's all right. Those practitioners will certainly not survive in these monsters, as long as Hongshan and Dan Changsheng are not here."

"I'd better pay attention to miss Xuanxuan and his wife. If something happens to the young masters, ladies and his wife, the master will be really crazy." Houtu's business is the last one, very calm, said.

"Young master, young lady and madam are actually Penghao generation. Even if they come, they certainly don't need our help to solve it!"

Qianlong rolled his eyes.

Lin Feng's talent is already strong. He has many descendants, and his talent is even stronger. The dragon has nine sons, and the nine sons are different. However, each of them is definitely an overlord. Finally, they will follow the steps of the Dragon Emperor and become a powerful figure in the fairy world.

"Why did the Dragon Emperor choose a human as his successor!" Qianlong's words are helpless. He has seen the sons of the Dragon Emperor. The dragon has nine sons. His brother is so powerful. No matter who is his offspring, he can!

"Because the Dragon Emperor himself is human." Thick soil said faintly.

Qianlong shut up and stopped talking.

At this time, in the sky, a figure rushed directly into the sky and fought against the thunder. Below, the monster is still sprinting in the direction of Lin Feng.

"Oh, my God, such a powerful thunder robbing master rushed up!"

Qianlong was frightened by Lin Feng's appearance.

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