Lin Feng's body clicked. A bad feeling occupied all his body and mind. He felt that the animal tide seemed to be getting worse and worse.

The colorful light slowly retreated. Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes and looked ahead. The animal tide was moving forward towards the village.

These damn things!

Lin Feng's eyes widened, and his body fell directly under the clouds. Holding Feng Tong's sword, he killed the monsters in the past. The prime of life in the village came out. Now he is dealing with these monsters like everyone else. Everyone's faces are tired, but each one's expression is very stubborn.

They want to protect the village!

"What's going on?" Lin Feng fell beside the iron pillar and asked with his teeth“ There is an array I arranged in the village, and there is a protection array in the village itself. You will be fine if you hide there! "

Lin Feng killed the monster around the iron pillar and said loudly.

"It's the son of the village head. The village head's son took the things with the fairy army. Now, there are no protective measures in Datou village. The president took the women to a safe place, but we can't go. We have to protect our last home."

The iron pillar was half kneeling on the ground, beating the ground with his hands, making a painful wail.

It's all because of him!

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the distance. His heart was suddenly filled with anger. This was originally a treasure land of beautiful mountains and rivers and peace in the world. If he hadn't fallen here, it would still be peaceful and peaceful!

How innocent these villagers are!

"Damn monster, damn fairy army, I'll settle accounts with you one by one!" Lin Feng's momentum was suddenly raised. His whole body was shining with light, and his breath was constantly amplified. The field of sword and potential energy position were blooming at his feet. Thousands of sword Qi were killed towards the monsters under the support of potential energy position.

This guy is crazy!

Among the monsters, Lin Feng moved forward all the way, just like harvesting Chinese cabbage!

The practitioners who followed him saw Lin Feng's appearance. They were cold from head to foot, cruel, too cruel!

They've never seen a guy who can do this to himself!

This is terrible!

This boy is not a man at all, but a change of state!

When Hongshan and Dan Changsheng saw this scene, they looked at each other and saw the shock from each other's eyes, especially Hongshan, who didn't know what to say at the moment.

Once upon a time, he was also a genius. He was young and windy. Not to mention, he was also a famous figure on the land of the main star. However, when the assassin saw the boy's appearance, Hong Shan didn't know what to say. In terms of change and state, he couldn't compare with the boy!

It's so changed!

Hongshan doesn't know how to look at Lin Feng in front of Xiong Rong. Along the way, the boy's hand has deeply shocked him.

That's what a genius should look like!

In turn, Hongshan began to get excited again. The stronger Lin Feng is, the greater their grasp will be in the competition of the five institutes next year!

"This boy is wasting your time with Baiyu sword." Dan Changsheng followed Hongshan, smashed the corners of his mouth and said, "this animal tide is going to be completely over. I estimate that this time, let alone every year, the next ten years or even decades, there will be no animal tide in gusheshan."

Hong Shan nodded.

"The boy has entered another field."

"Ah?" Dan Changsheng turned to look at Hongshan.

"In the field of killing, you see, the boy's potential energy position is imperceptibly changing. He is born with murderous Qi. This boy is going to have another field outside the field of sword."

Hongshan looked at Lin Feng and couldn't help smashing the corner of his mouth.

The field is not something that anyone can have if he wants to, but this boy actually has two fields at this time!

This part-time job is a change of state!

Such a field can also have two!

People are more angry than people!

At this time, Lin Feng was completely in a state of killing. Killing. The only word left in his brain was killing. He had been numb for a long time, but his heart was still beating and his blood was boiling. He knew why he killed. Killing!

These monsters should be killed!

They didn't even let an ordinary villager go!

And these villagers are just for survival!


Lin Feng's heart is constantly surging and his blood is boiling. He has already killed his red eyes, but he hasn't stopped. The aura around him is constantly gathering towards Lin Feng and filling the huge hole in Lin Feng. It's not enough, far from enough!

So much aura gathered around Lin Feng, which is not enough for Lin Feng to use now!

Hungry. Thirsty!

Lin Feng is very hungry and thirsty now. He needs more strength to help him finish what he is doing!


Lin Feng looked up at the sky with longing in his eyes.

Lin Feng's Dantian began to operate crazily. A series of robbing thunder appeared on Lin Feng. The field of killing and the field of sword were mixed with robbing thunder. The potential energy position was constantly rotating and the scope was constantly expanding, enveloping all monsters in it.

As soon as those monsters entered Lin Feng's potential energy position, they all slowed down, step by step, and it was very difficult. They wanted to attack, but Lin Feng had already shot before the attack began.

Lin Feng's action is very cruel.

Every move has the power of soul taking!

The monsters were afraid and retreated one after another.

After seeing this scene, the immortal soldiers clicked somewhere in their hearts. Especially when they saw the villagers behind Lin Feng, they were suddenly afraid. They couldn't care about the monsters one by one. They retreated one after another. They were afraid.

This is a god of killing!

But this statue of God of killing is from Datou village!

They destroyed the God killing array for their baby. The God killing will not bypass them!

"Come on, go find your adult. Only an adult can control this guy!" Someone reacted quickly, turned to look at the other fairy army and said loudly.

"Yes, go find your adult!"

These fairy armies kept retreating, and their eyes were full of fear, powerful, too powerful!

"These fairy armies are becoming more and more useless. They are still soldiers who will go to war in the future. After hundreds of years of recuperation, they have forgotten their bloody struggle." Hong Shan shook his head and his words were full of regret.

"The beast tide is going to recede. This time, the loss of the demon world is great." Dan Changsheng looked at the monster retreating back and said softly.

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