The villagers were laughing and talking. They were very gentle. There were too many monster meat in the village. The women gathered together to deal with it with a smile on their faces.

"With so many monster meat, our newly born children must have great power one by one. Maybe we can have several immortals in our village!"

"No, Tiezhu's daughter-in-law is about to give birth. There are many good things here. Send them to his daughter-in-law to make up for the immortal in our village!"

The women laughed as they worked.

"Those in charge of the family work hard. They have to make up more when they go out hunting every day. The animal tide has passed, and many monsters have been killed and injured. In the mountains, they were worried that there would be no monsters in the future. Many monsters began to gather here."


"Never come to a powerful monster. The old man is outside. If a powerful monster comes, worry!"

Lin Feng stood on the cloud and listened to everyone's words. He finally had a little more color in his eyes. Just be happy.

That's what he wants.

"Let's go. Datou village will restore their original life in the future. You should also leave." Hongshan turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded and flew away from the mountain directly with Hong Shan and headed for the nearest city. After arriving at the city, the two paid the entry fee. Hong Shan turned around and saw that Lin Feng didn't seem to show too much hatred towards the fairy army. Hong Shan was relieved.

I'm worried that this boy is too young to control himself.

It seems that he muttered about the boy!

Three days later, the two returned to Castle Peak college.

Lin Feng officially resigned from the position of Dan academy tutor. In the next time, he began to quietly close in Qingshan academy to adjust his body stability cultivation.

His accomplishments have been improving. At this time, he surprisingly began to calm down, which can be regarded as a happy event for Lin Feng.

The next road will be better and better.

Lin Feng feels the power in his body, and the power is still constantly filling. This feeling of full strength makes Lin Feng very comfortable.

"Brother Lin!" Just as Lin Feng was about to settle down, Xiaobai rushed in directly, looked at Lin Feng with a smile on his face and said loudly, "brother Lin, I have also broken through the immortal period. Next, I'm going to go out with Qingluo and have a good experience. Brother Lin, do you want to go with me?"

Xiaobai stood there watching Lin Feng.

Light fall?

Lin Feng remembered that he didn't seem to see Qingluo for a long time, but when he was on the battlefield of animal tide, Lin Feng remembered that there seemed to be something wrong with Zhao Qingluo.

Lin Feng's mind moved.

"Xiaobai, is there anything abnormal during this period of time?" Lin Feng looked at Xiaobai and asked softly.

"No, there is nothing abnormal except that Qingluo has been closed for most of the time. Oh, by the way, many people are closed now. We have gained a lot from this animal tide war."

Xiaobai smiled foolishly.

It's impossible to rely on this boy to see that others are different!

Seeing Xiaobai's appearance, Lin Feng can only sigh silently in his heart. This boy doesn't look like a person who can be seen!

"I know. I won't go with you. You should pay attention to your safety. During this period, I'm going to close down and stabilize my cultivation." Lin Feng said to Xiaobai with a smile.

Xiaobai nodded, hehe smiled and said, "I know. Brother Lin, you're fine at home. I won't go out. In the next period of time, I'll have a good experience in the mountains."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Xiaobai turned to go.

"By the way, Xiaobai, this is for you!" Lin Feng's mind searched the chaotic seeds, and finally found a set of soft armor, which was refined by machinery and cultivation power. The soft armor was set according to his dragon scale. Although Xiaobai arrived at the immortal stage, it was originally a treasure far beyond the cultivation level, and it should be used almost now.

"Wear this, wear this, you can protect your safety." Lin Feng was still worried and said to Xiaobai.

"Thank you, brother Lin!" Xiaobai smiled and took it in his hand. After playing for a while, with a gentle smile on his face, "brother Lin, don't worry, Baiyu sword, I will pay attention to safety. Besides, there is light fall following me. The cultivation of light fall is becoming stronger and stronger. There must be no problem to protect me!"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Xiaobai walked away with something like a gust of wind. Lin Feng always felt that there was something inappropriate. However, Zhao Qingluo should always be Xiaobai's object. Moreover, she is also the president's own niece. It should be all right.

Lin Feng continued to return to the yard, hung a do not disturb sign outside, and began to enter the state of cultivation.

Outside Lin Feng's yard, a flaming cloud with red hair stood there.

This time, she also got unprecedented experience. She not only made a breakthrough in cultivation, but also changed her momentum.

Lin Feng, right?

Yun Luoying sneered and stared hard inside. She still remembered when this guy calculated her!

She will never let Lin Feng go!

Yunluoying took a step forward!

An array was formed at yunluoying's feet and attacked yunluoying directly.

Yun Luoying's face changed immediately. Her whole body kept retreating, biting her teeth and looking at here, looking cold.

This guy has arranged such a powerful array here!

What a nuisance!

Yun Luoying's eyes glared at the yard.

"Elder martial sister Yun!" Just then, a gentle voice sounded behind Yun Luoying. Yun Luoying suddenly turned his head. A teenager stood behind Yun Luoying with a gentle smile on his face and said:

"Is elder martial sister Yun unhappy with this boy?"

Yun Luoying took a step back, her eyes were gloomy and uncertain, "who are you?"

"Elder martial sister Yun is so forgetful. Don't you even remember me?" The man walked in again and looked at Yun Luoying with a smile. "Elder martial sister Yun, I'm your younger brother. Why don't we find a place to sit down and talk about the next thing?"

The man took a step forward and gently held Yun Luoying's hand. "Elder martial sister Yun, I have been infatuated with you for a long time."

Yun Luoying's body trembled. She shook for a while and followed the man.

Outside the door, Lin Feng naturally felt everything outside. The man's behavior made Lin Feng frown.

This boy is definitely not from Castle Peak academy! Moreover, the boy's cultivation is very strange. Who is this? It can produce the power to charm people!

Lin Feng frowned and sent a message to Hongshan!

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