A refreshing taste!

Qin Yun's eyes lit up immediately!

He has never eaten such delicious fish soup!

Delicious, it's so delicious!

Qin Yun couldn't help scooping a spoonful into his mouth again!

"Delicious!" I don't know who shouted. The girls of Tianhuang academy raised their heads one by one, their eyes twinkled with incredible taste.

"It's like stepping on the clouds!"

"I seem to see the scene of warm flowers in spring and the recovery of all things. All this is so beautiful!"

"Flowers bloom at my feet, and my world seems to be different!"

The girls were totally intoxicated with the beauty of the fish soup. They couldn't come back. It was the first time they ate such delicious fish soup!

Delicious, it's so delicious!

Even the canteen of Tianhuang academy doesn't have such delicious fish soup!

Hong Shan sat there smiling and gave Lin Bian a thumbs up. Lin Bian smiled and waved his hand. All the fish soup fell into everyone's bowl evenly. The girls were intoxicated with the bowl and couldn't come back.

"Old man Hong, it's good. This time, you convinced me in taste. Boy, did you prepare it?" Qin Yun's eyes looked at Lin Bian.

"If you go back to old Qin, it's our hero restaurant. Old Qin likes it. It's our greatest honor. In the future, welcome old Qin to our hero restaurant to taste delicious food!" Lin Bian stood there with a smile, and his business was neither humble nor arrogant.

"It's a good seedling!" Qin Yun nodded and waved his hand. A token fell directly into Lin Bian's hand. He smiled and said, "I know what you want. I'm satisfied with you, old man. Take it!"

"Thank you, old Qin!" Seeing the token thrown by Qin Yun, Lin Bian's eyes lit up immediately.

At the moment, the girls looked sleepy, but their cultivation was constantly running, and the aura around them suddenly became rich. Qin Yun touched his big belly, relaxed and said:

"Although these dishes are a little worse than the hero fish soup, they all taste good, good!"

Qin Yun sat there eating alone.

"Old Qin, after eating the main course, please come and try our auxiliary dishes. These are our small dishes. They are all made of superior spirit dishes. These are unique to our hero restaurant."

Lin Bian greeted Qin Yun with a smile on his face and said.

"Yes, your food is very special. What's the beauty in the middle?" Qin Yun's eyes looked at the beauty in the middle. He had already smelled the fragrance in the beauty.

Delicate, with a little hook flavor, is constantly stimulating his taste buds.

"This is unique to our hero restaurant. Its name is cake. We have adopted a variety of methods to make this cake. On the surface, it is a beautiful woman, but in fact..." Lin changed his hand, and the beautiful woman began to shake constantly. Then, the signs of Qingshan academy and Tianhuang Academy slowly rose, and there are still auspicious clouds and many golden lotus blossoming below, It's so beautiful that people can't open their eyes.

Amazing, amazing!

Qin Yun looked at the transformed cake and his eyes lit up immediately. He couldn't wait to reach out and want to taste the delicious food he had never seen before!

"Although the material of this cake is very simple and looks very simple, it has never appeared in our fairy world. I also knew this boy and ate it for the first time!" Hongshan said to Qin Yun with a smile and got Qin Yun a piece of it himself.

"Here you are. As your trip to Tianhuang academy, I'm not stingy. I gave you the whole cake."

Hong Shan sat there and didn't mean to do it.

"Old man Hong, when you go to Tianhuang academy next year, you'll find a different table for me. It's better than this!" Qin Yun looked up at Lin Bian and said.

Lin becomes ha ha.

"This boy is just a busboy. I'm afraid the real cook can't go to your Tianhuang Academy. Save your worry and improve your Huangwei banquet. Anyway, you haven't cheated others. This time, I finally cheated Qingshan Academy."

Hong Shan said with a smile, "the bet this year is a little big. Give it to Xianling stone. Anyway, your Tianhuang academy is not short of Xianling stone!" Hong Shan stretched out his hand to Qin Yun and said with a smile.

And gambling?

Lin Bian turned to look at Lin Feng and saw the fox smile on Lin Feng's face. Lin Bian nodded. It seems that his father also participated in this time and may have made a lot of money.

With that, Lin Bian turned and returned to the back kitchen. A bunch of beautiful women were breaking through. He was really bad in the past.

"Lin Feng, how many immortal stones did we bet?" Lin Bian whispered to Lin Feng.

"100 million top-grade Fairy Spirit stones. I had planned to put more. The old man disagreed. There was no way but to put 100 million!" Lin Feng sighed and said.

"What's the proportion?"

"One to ten!" Lin Feng smiled happily.

He didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, he would earn 900 million yuan of top-grade Fairy Spirit stone, which is a big income!

Lin Feng smiled very happy.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin Bian's spirit perked up and said: "Dad, you're too powerful. We only have three hero restaurants in the fairy world. Although we are in good health every day, our annual income is only 100 million top-grade Fairy Spirit stone, but with that little money, we can't maintain Dasheng village at all. That's good, We can breathe again. "

Lin Bian said with a smile.

"Yes, how's the connection with the earth?" Lin Feng was in a trance and asked.

"Soon, soon, Yangyang has almost connected the fairy world with the outside world. We have set up a contact point in the barren area outside. This contact point has made contact with the earth, but because our previous space channel has collapsed, it will take some time for the cultivator to cross over."

Linton changed a little and said softly, "moreover, the scope of Dasheng village is too small to meet too many practitioners at the same time."

Hearing Lin Bian's words, Lin Feng nodded.

Indeed, the development of Dasheng village is urgent now.

"Well, take your time. We've all come." Lin Feng's voice was very quiet. Hong Shan and Qin Yun were still eating the cake, as if they were discussing something. Hong Shan looked serious and seemed to be thinking about something.

Lin Feng's look eased a little.

"It's estimated that it will take a few days to clean up. Go back first. Just leave a few chefs and waiters here. In the future, the canteen on the second floor of Qingshan college will be our stronghold. Since it has become a part of the hero restaurant, we should take good care of it."

Lin Feng said to Lin Bian with a smile.

"Don't worry, Dad, I know. Go and get together with your mothers at ease, and I won't bother you!"

Then Lin Bian turned and walked away.

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