"You are now the tutor of Castle Peak Academy. Everyone knows this!" Ji Zhao turned his head and said to Lin Feng with a serious face.

"Yes, I'm the tutor of Castle Peak college, but I also want to have class with you. Do you know why I have to go to class?" Lin Feng asked again.

Ji Zhao shook his head.

"The competition of the Fifth Academy is coming. The yard is preparing for the competition of the Fifth Academy!" Lin Feng lowered his voice and said, "Castle Peak academy has been at the bottom for many years. Once it has been at the bottom, Castle Peak academy is likely to fall out of the five academies and be on the top of the new academy. At that time, Castle Peak academy will not be as beautiful as it is now."

Lin Feng sighed and said with a smile.

"Isn't there a dean? As long as the dean is here, who dares to do it in castle peak academy! " Ji Zhaoyi's face disapproved.

"The dean's accomplishments can only represent the Dean, but they can not all represent the sorting strength of Qingshan Academy. Moreover, this is the fairyland. Although the dean's accomplishments are high, there are not a few higher than the dean's accomplishments."

Ji Zhao's look slowly became serious.

Instead, Ji Zhao turned his head, looked at Lin Feng and said, "mentor, you mean you want to participate in the competition of the Fifth Academy."

Hearing Ji Zhao's words, Lin Feng turned his eyes, sighed and said, "you know?"

Ji Zhaoyi nodded seriously.

"Then you should also be prepared. There are only seven students in the whole Dan Academy. Look, five are going to play and two are going to play in the competition of the Fifth Academy!"

Lin Feng sighed and said.

Ji Zhao finally recovered, shook his head and looked shocked.

This boy

Lin Feng shook his head.

"Let's go. There will be a friendly competition in the afternoon. It's also a competition of several students. Let's go and have a look at it then!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji Zhao nodded and walked forward with Lin Feng. The two went to the canteen and sat for a while. Their eyes always stopped on the beauties of Tianhuang Academy.

"Mentor, do you see that Liao Qianqian? I like that Liao Qianqian. He looks so beautiful!" Ji Zhao whispered to Lin Feng, "if only Liao Qianqian could be married home!"

"Well, it's cute and suits you very much, but Liao Qianqian is not something that ordinary people can pursue. You see, immortal grade III alchemist." Lin Feng pointed to the sign on Liao Qianqian's chest and said softly, "what accomplishments are you, boy!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji Zhao bowed his head silently.

Qin Shuangshuang passed by Lin Feng. When he saw Lin Feng, he stood there. Lin Feng was instructing the beauty of Tianhuang academy, followed by several students of Dan Academy.

There are also two girls who gather together to see the beauty with everyone.

There were only two girls among the seven people in the Dan hospital. The two girls and Lin Feng had been together for a long time. They all looked like men. They were not ashamed to look at the girls one by one.

"Tut Tut, Qin Shuangshuang beauty is good!" As soon as Qin Shuangshuang stopped, Lin Feng said hello with a smile, "haven't seen you for a long time. Qin Shuangshuang's beauty is becoming more and more beautiful!"

Qin Shuangshuang paused and looked down at Lin Feng. Lin Feng stood there smiling with a gentle smile.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Qin Shuangshuang paused.

"In the afternoon, I'll wait for you!" Qin Shuangshuang's voice was still cold. Looking at Lin Feng, he said with some pride.

Lin Feng ignored.

Qin Shuangshuang went upstairs directly.

"Wow, mentor, Qin Shuangshuang wants to compete with you. Mentor, do you want to learn the skill of stealing incense and jade!"

"Yes, I think it's good to learn from the milkman. I think Qin Shuangshuang's chest and breast are so big that it must be very comfortable to grasp!"


Seven people chirped around Lin Feng and said to Lin Feng with schadenfreude on their faces.

"I'll give you a chance. Will you go?" Seeing a group of people smiling, Lin Feng said with a smile.

All the people stood up straight at once.

"Well... Haha, mentor, we have enough skills for ourselves!"

"Yes, mentor, that guy is not so easy to deal with. Don't worry, mentor, we will never do it!"

Seeing this group of guys, Lin Feng shook his head.

"Go back and refine the pill for me. Everyone will refine a second-class pill for me. This matter will stop. Otherwise, I will wait for you in the martial arts arena every day in the future!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the seven people immediately drooped their heads.

"Come on, let's go to the martial arts arena first." Lin Feng turned and left. All the girls of Tianhuang academy went up, but Alice didn't come to see. He guessed that Alice must have gone to the martial arts arena.

Alice is his wife who likes fighting best.

When Lin Feng went to the martial arts arena, he saw Alice inside and a group of students of Castle Peak academy standing outside.



"Alice Xuemei, top you!"

The students of Castle Peak academy looked at the battle on the martial arts field one by one.

This girl is getting more and more powerful!

Lin Feng stood aside and just saw Alice holding down a castle peak academy. She looked forward to the next person.

The students of Castle Peak academy squirmed, and a guy with eyes and eyes climbed up directly.

"Sister Alice, I'll fight you!" As he spoke, the guy grabbed it directly in front of Alice, his hand was quick and cruel, and his whole face was full of color.

A thunder light suddenly flashed out of Alice. The man was wrapped by the thunder light before he approached Alice.

Lin Feng stood there smiling.

"Tut Tut, that's great!" Ji Zhao couldn't help shaking his head and yelling.

"Keep an ordinary mind, Sao Nian. Where do you think my wife can be bad?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Teacher, keep an ordinary mind. Do you think such a beautiful Alice will be your wife?"

"I believe it!" Zhao Shuping said with a serious face.

"I don't know, but Alice looks at you. Mentor, conquer your wife. Start by defeating her!" A female voice came from behind, and then Lin Feng was directly thrown out!

"I said you love to know if you love your teacher!" Lin Fengfei fell into the competition field, looked at the guy who was trembling next to him, looked at Alice, nodded and said, "great, my wife!"

Alice waved her hand, and a lightning whip greeted Lin Feng directly.

"My God, the tutor really called someone else's wife!"

"I feel that the end of the tutor may be more miserable than the guy who directly grabs the milk hand!"

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