"I am very sure that the champion prize this time is a map of the Dragon tomb. There are many contestants this time. By the way, there is another one. It seems that he is also one of the candidates for the Dragon Emperor."

Lin paused and threw a scroll directly in front of Lin Feng.

"The ten people above are all the hot spots to win the championship this time. There is no one in Qingshan college, but it can not be denied that the level of the contestants is several levels higher, and there is no guarantee that no family will find Qingshan college to cooperate."

Lin changed for a while and said to Lin Feng, "brother is collecting data, but after all, we are still new to the fairyland. Not long ago, many data can not be completely complete. Mothers also began to go out. When you come out from the inside, you should almost get all the data."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

His wives and children have worked hard.

"OK, I see." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

He is the leader. Only when his cultivation is strong can they have a stable home.

"Dad, come on!" Lin said with a smile, "Mom Alice, come on!" At the back, Lin Bian's words completely changed. Hearing Lin Bian's words, Lin Feng turned his eyes.

"Go away, boy, and don't spoil your mother Alice here!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Lin Bian vomited. Head, he knew that Lin Feng was an eccentric guy!

"I see. You go quickly. Really, Lin Feng, your heart is biased to the Pacific Ocean!" Lin Bian said with a disdainful face.

"Lin Feng, how do you take me in?" Alice looked at Lin Feng and asked, "do you live in chaotic seeds? I heard from Yang Yang about the changes of your chaotic seeds, but I haven't been in yet? "

"Well, there are a lot of things these days, and I didn't seriously feel the change of chaotic seeds, but this change is very good." Lin Feng said softly with a gentle smile at the corners of his mouth, "it will take some time to go in. You should practice here first. Have you said hello to Tianhuang academy?"

Lin Feng looked down at Alice.

"When everything is ready, you can rest assured. Tianhuang academy brought us here this time. The original intention is to hope that we can experience it by ourselves, so I'll be fine even if I disappear for a while."

Hearing Alice's words, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, I'll deal with everything. Besides, although I just entered Tianhuang academy, my talent is here. In the five academy competition five years later, I must be the protagonist of Yanguan Qunfang, but you. This time, I heard that many students have broken through the immortal period. It's not easy to deal with it."

Alice's eyes were full of worry.

"What are you afraid of!" Lin Feng smiled, "Why have I ever been afraid of others all the way?" Lin Feng's words are domineering.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Alice chuckled.

Lin Feng has never been afraid of anyone along the way!

Alice's beautiful eyes were twinkling with stars. Lin Feng looked down and his heart moved again when he saw Alice's appearance.

Alice is a beauty. Every frown and smile is full of endless temptation. But this woman looks like she doesn't know.

Lin Feng swallowed his mouth.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Alice chuckled and said, "look at your hurry!"

"Then I'm only worried about my wife!" Lin Feng smiled and hugged Alice directly. "Wife, why don't we go to an inn tonight?"

Alice lay in Lin Feng's arms, felt Lin Feng's body and beautiful eyes, pursed her mouth and smiled, and said, "not today, i... that's coming. Isn't it better to wait with Sister Ping?"

Hearing Alice's words, Lin Feng only felt that his anger was stronger again.

"I can't wait." Lin Feng's heart moved for a moment, hugged Alice and left directly. The green mountains were emerald. In the shabby yard, a voice was high and low, with a bit of charm. After a full hour, Alice came out with Lin Feng in messy clothes.

"I'm so ashamed!" Alice's red lips were rippling, Lin Feng looked white and twisted her good body.

Lin Feng followed Alice with a smile and said, "don't worry, this place is very secret. No one will know."

Alice turned her eyes at Lin Feng. Lin Feng bowed her head and wiped away the remnants of Alice's mouth. "It's hard for you, wife. My husband will feed you well next time."

"I'm gone. I've been fighting monsters in the mountains for a while. Please contact me before entering the secret land of the wilderness!" Alice glanced at Lin Feng, turned and went straight into the forest.

"Let's go together. I just need it too." Lin Feng followed Alice with a smile, and the two went directly to the depths of the mountain.

For half a month, both of them fought with monsters in the deep mountains. Of course, sometimes they had to fight each other. After half a month, when Lin Feng was still full of ideas, Hongshan's message came.

The secret land of the wilderness is about to open.

"Alice, I've wronged you." Lin Feng included Alice in the seeds of chaos and flew directly back to Castle Peak Academy.

Hongshan frowned when he saw Lin Feng. There seemed to be an unusual smell on this boy!

"Boy, is the little woman of I in the Taixu palace?" Hong Shan suddenly asked.

"Yes, Xiao nishang is one of my wives." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hongshan's heart stopped.

One of the wives?

How many wives does this boy have?

Seeing the appearance of Hongshan, Lin Feng smiled shyly, touched his nose and didn't speak.

"I'm too lazy to care about you. I'm going to enter the secret territory of the wilderness. Please ask for your own blessing. This time, Qin Shuangshuang wants to go in. Qin Shuangshuang already has the blood of Tianhuang bird. This time, it must be very easy to find the blood of the Dragon. You have to be ready!"

Hongshan's voice was very light, and it was shrouded in Hongshan's aura. Only Lin Feng heard Hongshan's words clearly.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Since he came, he naturally had no reason to go back empty handed. What's more, there were eight out of ten dragon blood in the secret land of the wilderness!

This is the blood of the dragon!

At the thought that he could get a share of the blood of the Dragon again, Lin Feng's mind stirred again.

Dragon's blood, he is bound to win!

Seeing Lin Feng's sudden momentum, Hong Shan sighed.

"Many years ago, the five institutes entered a relic and got a painting from the relic. The painting was divided into five parts and collected separately by the five institutes. It is reported that the painting in the painting is the Dragon tomb, but the relationship between the five institutes has never been good, so these years, the five pictures have been collected in their own yards, boy, it depends on your ability."

Hongshan looked at Lin Feng and sighed.

The yard is finding its way!

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