"What's wrong with them?" Alice also looked at Lin Feng curiously.

"They get stones." Lin Feng smiled and said, "there are too many spotted giant cattle here. These spotted giant cattle live here all year round. Some things accumulate in their bodies, so they form stone disease."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Alice nodded.

"Then just get a stone crusher to beat down their stones."

"This stone is a disease for them, but it is a good thing for us." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Do you feel that your urethra is blocked with something, very uncomfortable?" Lin Feng could not directly communicate with these spotted giant cattle. He could only use the method of mind and spirit communication to convey his meaning to the past.

"Yes, boy, what can you do to cure our disease?"

"I'm an alchemist, alchemist. You know, there must be an alchemist among many practitioners who came into the wilderness secret place, and he has made a deal with you, right?"

Lin Feng looked at the spotted giant cow with a smile. "Just now, I know a pill that can help you get things out."

Then Lin Feng waved his hand and a pill floated in front of the spotted giant cow. "If you believe me, you can eat it. I cut a small hole in your belly to take out the things blocked in your body. Your cultivation is higher than me. A small hole won't kill you, will it?"

Lin Feng looked at the spotted giant cow with a smile.

The spotted giant cow hesitated, swallowed the pill, lay on the ground, and looked at Lin Feng with alert eyes.

Lin Feng found out a scalpel. After disinfection, he cut open the belly of the spotted giant cow with a little spiritual power and took out a piece of bezoar with a full weight of about one kilogram.

The bezoar was taken out from the body of the spotted giant cow and was still steaming. The pill taken to the spotted giant cow immediately worked, and the wound was constantly healing.

"I said I wouldn't lie to you. How about you feel it now?" Lin Feng looked at the head of the spotted giant cow with a smile.

The head of the spotted giant cattle shouted, and then all the spotted giant cattle looked at Lin Feng and looked like waiting for Lin Feng.

Seeing the look of trust on the face of these spotted giant cattle, Lin Feng patted the huge body of the spotted giant cattle with a gentle smile and said, "don't worry, I'll cure you."

With that, Lin Feng looked at the spotted giant cow behind him.

"There are three thousand in total. There should be two thousand sick." Alice turned to look at Lin Feng, with a bit of schadenfreude in her eyes.

Huge project!

Hearing Alice's words, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's all right. Take your time. I'm a little faster. It's just such a long time!" Then Lin Feng cleaned the scalpel and looked directly at a spotted giant cow.

Of course, he has a way to turn bezoar into pieces and flow out, but what he wants is bezoar on spotted giant cattle!

Bezoar, if you collect it carefully, there are many mobile phone channels for the inflammation of the earth's heart, but Lin Feng can't see those bezoars!

These spotted giant cattle live here every day. The bezoar on them is the best!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately.

As long as he has the bezoar on these spotted giant cattle, he can refine a lot of antidote pills if he goes back!

Bezoar is a holy antidote.

Even the fierce snake venom should retreat in front of bezoar.

Lin Feng collected it with a smile.

These spotted giant cattle have always lived in this space. Although the space has no wind and waves, it has abundant water and grass, which can be said to be one of the perfect small worlds.

Moreover, when Lin Feng was collecting, he found that the bezoars on these spotted giant cattle were red, even with a familiar smell, which was the smell of the Dragon tomb!

These spotted giant cattle have been to the location of the Dragon tomb!

Lin Feng's mind jumped with him. He couldn't wait to know what from the mouth of huaban giant cow, but he was serious in the end.

A spotted giant cow lies in front of Lin Feng. After Lin Feng has handled it, he immediately walks away with a smile. There is Lin Feng's pill. These spotted giant cows only need a cup of tea and can live immediately.

It took Lin Feng five days to deal with all the spotted giant cattle.

"Thank you, my Lord." The leading spotted giant cow looked at Lin Feng with gratitude.

"Can I ask you a question?" Seeing the appearance of these spotted giant cattle, Lin Feng's mind moved and asked, "there are not many water plants suitable for you here. Where do you usually eat water plants?"

Immediately his mind felt something and turned to ask.

"Naturally, there is no suitable water and grass for us here, but there is only half a month. We can go in. We all eat once in half a month, and then come back to inhabit here. This time, we come back."

Huaban giant cattle whispered to Lin Feng, "in recent years, more and more huaban giant cattle have become ill. Everyone feels that their bodies seem to be supported by something, but they just can't find the reason. If it weren't for you, we're afraid..."

The words behind the giant cow on the drawing board were not said.

"Don't worry," said Lin Feng with a gentle smile, "in the future, I'll tell you to eat some herbs and you'll never get this disease again." Lin Feng's mind moved. Lingli silk thread outlined the appearance of several herbs and put them into the mind of huaban giant cow.

"When you see these common herbs and eat them more, you will naturally not be troubled by this."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, all the spotted giant cattle's eyes lit up and looked at Lin Feng with some gratitude one by one.

Lin Feng smiled.

"Sir, you want to go to the place where we eat grass. Let's take you there. There is still half a month. Adults can enjoy the surrounding scenery." Huaban giant cow said to Lin Feng and took the initiative to send his body to Lin Feng.

He asked Lin Feng to go against his body.

"OK." Lin Feng smiled and nodded, letting the spotted giant cow carry him and Alice to the front.

What a broken iron shoe!

Lin Feng sat on the back of the cow and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Walking forward, Lin Feng felt some different breath, wind and sunshine.

This place also has wind and sunshine, but its radiation surface is so small that you can't calculate it at all!

i see!

Lin Feng sat on the spotted giant cow and went all the way. The mood of the spotted giant cow seemed to fly with him. Lin Feng buried several wireless points around from time to time. Wherever the spotted giant cow went, it was vast and raised bursts of dust.

"There's someone there!"

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