"Master, the only way is for you to break through his barrier. This barrier is to test your master's ability. Come on, master!" Qianlong seemed to have beaten chicken blood all over and shouted to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng felt that in Qianlong's words, he took a bit of schadenfreude.

This guy is really... A headache!

Lin Feng stood there and looked at the barrier in front of him. His mind was cold. The potential energy position and the field of sword were spread out at his feet and attacked directly towards the barrier.

However, the attack was like mud into the sea, and the whole barrier just flickered, which reflected Lin Feng's attack back.

What else?

Lin Feng frowned.

"Physical attack immunity? Chihiro, this guy, you haven't told me who it is! "

"It should be the star who is in charge of the power of gold. Only this guy can use such means." Qianlong's voice suddenly became sharper and said to Lin Feng.

The star of jinzhili?

"Xingyu is very good at choosing places. Castle Peak academy has beautiful mountains and rivers. I thought it would be Taiyang. I didn't expect it to be this boy!" Poche sighed and said, "now, there will be a good play."

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng couldn't help asking.

"The boy around you has fire in the wood. If I guess correctly, he should be the descendant of Taiyang. The cultivation of Taiyang and Xingyu is similar. Neither of these two people is satisfied with who is here and want to occupy the top of the list. Therefore, the two have been struggling and pestering. They are old enemies!"

Thick soil whispered.

"No wonder Xiaobai rejects it here." Lin Feng nodded and looked ahead. His eyes narrowed. Is Jin Zhili? Sister Qingqing is Jin Lingti. After combining with sister Qingqing, Lin Feng also has Jin Zhili in her body.

Lin Feng's mind moved, looking for the power of gold lurking in his body.

Probably felt Lin Feng's call, the rotation speed of the chaotic seed was much faster, and a golden force was stripped from the chaotic seed. What would happen quickly? Among Lin Feng's spiritual power, the Xinghai was quickly stained with gold, and each muscle and vein of Lin Feng was glittering with golden light.

Kim, unstoppable.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and waved his hand. The golden power immediately wrapped Lin Feng. Lin Feng slowly went over there.

Jin Lingti let Lin Feng easily get close to the barrier and put his hand on the barrier. The originally transparent barrier immediately let go of the golden light. The whole seemed to be integrated with Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin is so powerful!" Xiaobai smashed his mouth. Ba said.

"Can't you see that brother Lin and the power of the barrier are two distinct forces? They are fighting! " Zhao Qingluo looked at the front, clenched his teeth and said, "the two forces are equal. No one wants to let each other go."

Xiaobai was silent.

In terms of cultivation, he is completely a weak chicken.

"What a powerful force of gold!" Alice couldn't help looking ahead and said, "sister Qingqing was born with a golden spirit, but it's far from the scene in front of her."

Rejected my power?

Lin Feng stood in front of the barrier and felt the rejection of Jin Zhili. He snorted coldly and accelerated the transportation speed of Lingli. However, he still couldn't achieve the expected effect he wanted.

What a trouble!

Lin Feng clenched his teeth and looked at the front. He was moved and strengthened again. However, the greater the spiritual power transmission of Lin Feng, the faster the speed there.

This is against yourself!

Feeling this, Lin Feng gritted his teeth and his whole body flew up. The more stubborn the barrier, the stronger Lin Feng's combat effectiveness. He didn't believe that he couldn't solve such a trouble!

Lin Feng looked at the front, his eyes glittering, and the speed of his hand became faster and faster.

The light of the barrier was still increasing. Lin Feng's forehead stretched out thin sweat, but the barrier still didn't break through. This guy was obviously on the bar with Lin Feng.


Lin Feng bit his teeth and looked at the front with his eyes.

There are countless gold forces flowing ahead. These gold forces constitute their own world and wrap Lin Feng in it.

Why didn't I think of taking these golden powers for myself?

Lin Feng's mind moved for a moment. He gave up the dispute. The power of gold in his body began to converge slowly, and the power of gold on the barrier slowly wrapped Lin Feng.

Lin Feng tried to absorb the power of gold, but after feeling the convergence of Lin Feng's power, the power of gold retreated slowly, and there was no intention of fighting with Lin Feng at all.

Feeling this, Lin Feng's heart trembled.

This thing is very cautious!

Lin Feng increased the output of Jin Zhili.

As soon as Lin Feng's golden power went out, the surrounding golden power seemed to feel half, and immediately rushed towards Lin Feng and aligned with Lin Feng's golden power.

right enough!

Lin Feng knew it clearly. This time, he was not in a hurry. When the two faced each other, Lin Feng's mind slowly divided out and directly grabbed a golden force and dragged it into his body.

After feeling what he had done, a huge force of gold rushed directly towards Lin Feng and hit Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's body was thrown out by Jin Zhili for tens of meters. Lin Feng fell on the ground and vomited blood.

Nima, what an asshole! Don't you just draw a little strength? Are you so stingy?

"Lin Feng, are you okay?" Alice rushed to Lin Feng and asked carefully.

"I'm fine. Don't worry. I don't believe I can't clean up this little bastard!" With that, Lin Feng rushed up again, with stubbornness in his eyes.

When the two collided, Lin Feng dragged the power of the barrier again.

An attack once again knocked Lin Feng to the ground, this time, further.

Lin Feng stood up, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and rushed up again.

So many times, Lin Feng's body was full of wounds, but Lin Feng seemed to be dying and rushed up again.

Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo both turned their heads and couldn't bear to look straight. Alice stood there biting her lips and wanted to help, but she couldn't help at all.

Ninety nine times

A hundred times

One hundred and one times

Lin Feng didn't seem to know that he was tired. He impacted again and again.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's body was fixed. The expression on Lin Feng's face finally changed a little. Then, a huge force of the barrier directly rushed Lin Feng hundreds of meters away.

A few hundred meters away, Lin Feng's whole body almost had no complete skin, but the whole jumped up.

"Ha ha ha, I succeeded, I succeeded!"

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