As the saying goes, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. Zhao Qingluo stands aside and sees Xiaobai's appearance. He always feels that Lin Feng has damaged Xiaobai. Xiaobai used to be a very smart and gentle teenager!

"Mentor Lin, can we sell all our things?" Li Feng carefully gathered in front of Lin Feng and said, "we all have a 20% discount in Danpu."

"Yes, you can set up your own stalls and sell whatever you want. However, we should make a quick decision on such things that disrupt the market order. As soon as we get the benefits, we will run quickly, otherwise it will be bad for others to keep up."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Don't worry, master Lin. we'll have dinner in the city, and then quickly set up a stall in the central square. We'll close the stall in an hour, but we don't have enough!"

"The backup team will follow up soon!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Brother Lin, what are the backup groups this time?" Xiaobai turned to look at Lin Feng and asked with some expectation.

"Of course it's Ji Zhao. These boys are idle anyway. I want them to follow us. It's just one day later than us. They chase us."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "just along the way, you can also search for Tiancai and Dibao and have a good exercise."

Lin Feng said that the clouds are light and the wind is light.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people looked at Lin Feng, speechless and emotional. Tutor Lin had already been ready to sell things all the way to the competition field!

"Don't worry, if you have my share, you must have everyone. I'm ready. Next, as long as you cooperate with me, I'll give you 10% of the profits. Everyone here has a share!"

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone's eyes immediately lit up and turned to look at Lin Feng.

"Then... Can I use the seal character of my object?" Shi Jia asked carefully, "she... She is not good at language. If she can, she can."

Lin Feng's eyes were on Ding Xiaoxiao. Ding Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed and gathered in front of Shi Jia, holding his hands tightly together.

It turned out to be a mute!

"I experienced some accidents when I was a child, so I can't speak now. I'm sorry, mentor Lin." Shi Jia looked at Lin Feng and whispered.

"It's all right. I just want to ask little girl, how many talismans do you have?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "only by determining the types of seal characters can we sell all the seal characters."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ding Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up immediately.

Then, with a wave of Ding Xiao's hand, a hill fell in front of Lin Feng, and Lin Feng's mouth smoked.

so many?

This girl takes practicing Fu Zhuan as food every day!

"Xiaoxiao usually has classes and is in the yard, so there are a lot of seal characters." Shi Jia said with some embarrassment.

Lin Feng nodded. Such a shy girl must have seen few people out, but Shi Jia is also a good boy who can protect his wife like this.

"Can I recycle it according to the price of Castle Peak college?" As he spoke, a piece of parchment fell into his hand. "This is the price I collected from Qingshan Academy. The little girl's seal characters are good. I'll take them away at this price if the little girl wants to."

Shi Jia took the parchment and gave it to Xiao Xiao.

Xiaoxiao nodded without looking. Obviously, she still knew the purchase price of Danpu. Usually Shi Jia wouldn't care about it. After all, Shi Jia himself is a matrix mage and matrix mage earns a lot. Naturally, he didn't care about this.

Three thousand top grade immortal spirit stones.

Zhao Qi counted out the price and handed it to Lin Feng. He whispered silently in his heart.

This little girl has good skills. She has collected the expenses of an ordinary cultivator for one year!

"Little girl, you count." Lin Feng gave the note to Xiaoxiao. Seeing the price above, Xiaofeng's eyes lit up immediately.

"Little, you made a lot of money!" Shi Jia turned to look at Xiaoxiao and said with a smile, "this year, you can stop making money."

Xiaoxiao gave the storage bag to Shi Jia with trust in her eyes.

"This mouthful of dog food is too much..." Lin Feng sighed. The party had left Hanhai academy, walked around the city and found a place to rest. Hongyan didn't appear. The party didn't take care of it. After eating, they went directly to the square in the center of the city to set up a stall!

With the previous advertisement in Hanhai academy, after everyone went to set up a stall, the students of Hanhai academy came first. Then, the practitioners threw them. The cheap pills, symbols and seals, and weapons made everyone's heart ready to move. Soon, it was a small stall, and people were surrounded in front of it.

Zhao Qi, Lin Feng and Xiao Bai, Zhao Qingluo had a big stall with four people. Shi Jia and Ding Xiaoxiao sold all their things to Lin Feng, leaving only Lin Feng and his party of eight people. They set up stalls respectively, and everything went from Lin Feng.

Soon, their stalls were sold out. Finally, they all came to Lin Feng and started to fight for Lin Feng.

Things crashed out. Zhao Qi was responsible for bookkeeping, Xiao Bai and Zhao Qingluo were responsible for distributing things, and Lin Feng greeted the guests a little in front.

An hour soon arrived. At one point, all the things in Lin Feng's stall immediately disappeared.

"I'm sorry, everyone. We'll set up a stall until this time. If you still want to buy something so cheap, please look for the Dan shop in the mountain city."

Lin Feng shouted, turned around and everyone left.

Lin Feng and others left, but there were a steady stream of practitioners coming back. It was said that the master had left. Everyone was sorry. Why did they leave at this time? They were still waiting!

Thinking of this, people in Su's eyes couldn't help but sigh, but soon, these people knew who sold here, mountain city Danpu!

That's the territory of Castle Peak college!

It's not far from the mountain city!

All the cultivators' words began to move at once.

As for the original owners who caused all this, under the leadership of Lin Feng, they have gone to the inn one by one, rested for a night, and stood at the gate of the city in high spirits the next day without forgiveness.

Hongyan gave them five colleges at one time.

When Hongyan left, his eyes fell on Lin Feng's face. Lin Feng's face was smiling and looked very cheap.

Hongyan's heart paused and wanted to say something. When he thought of the president's explanation, he didn't say anything at last. He just turned around and left silently. The president had already said that as long as it didn't affect the process, he could toss about this scourge!

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