Lin Feng's sales promotion is very good. After seeing the things in Lin Feng's hands, the eyes of those students are shining with stars. These are good things!

Everyone got their own harvest.

Finally, all the people set up stalls directly in the Fifth College. With the previous exchanges, everyone was full of interest in what Lin Feng had in hand. These single element practitioners are real. There are still a lot of fairy stones on hand!

It was night, and the party returned to the inn with satisfaction.

The next day, a group of people took the initiative to separate and stroll around the city. Lin Feng walked and stopped all the way and chose a lot of things.

"Master, there are good things here. I feel the fluctuation." Suddenly, Boqi said to Lin Feng, "and it should belong to water spirit!"

Good thing!

Lin Feng's mind immediately moved. Under the guidance of Boqi, he passed through two alleys and finally landed in front of a stall. The stall was set up by an old man who was sleepy there. He felt Lin Feng fall in front of his stall. The old man looked up at Lin Feng.

"All things, like a middle-grade fairy stone, don't bargain. If you can afford it, buy it. If you can't afford it, don't buy it!"

The old man's words are very frank.

It's all water.

Lin Feng swept around the top, picked out the style things, took what Boqi said in his hand, and put ten Chinese fairy stones on the table.

The old man looked up at Lin Feng. Obviously, he didn't expect Lin Feng to buy so much!

During this time, there were many monsters in the mountain. He couldn't get out of the mountain. Thinking that he was idle, he continued to come out with his family. Unexpectedly, he made money!

Ten middle grade immortal stones!

These things, contrary to his attributes, are of no use to him!

"Thank you!" Lin Feng smiled and walked away with something. The old man was in a trance. When he looked over again, Lin Feng had gone out of the alley.

"Master, a strong breath is coming." The star suddenly said.

Lin Feng nodded, put things away directly, walked quickly to the corner and hid his body.

An old woman landed on the old man's stall.

"Old man, are you selling a blue bead here? What about the beads?" The old woman's voice was a little hoarse. She looked at the old man and asked.

"Just bought by someone, that man..." the old man looked up. Where was Lin Feng? He disappeared everywhere.

"That man has taken it and gone." The old man hit the corner of his mouth and said.

"Do you know what that is? That's the original power of water. Even if it's on the main star, it's hard to find. Old man, go and get it back. I'm willing to buy you with 100000 top-grade immortal spirit stones! "

The old woman said to the old man.

"I said you are so strange. I sold them all and everyone left. Where can I find someone?" The old man rolled his eyes. "Besides, you said it was priceless, but it's not as valuable to me as a fairy stone. In fact, I can't find it. You have to find it yourself!"

The old man put away his stall and went away. The old woman reached out to catch the old man, but she let her hand out and stopped again.

The old woman was afraid of the old man.

Lin Feng had been hiding in the corner without making a sound. When the old woman went far away, Lin Feng came out of the corner and turned out of the alley.

This old man can make the old woman taboo. He must be an expert!

The expert came out to sell this kind of thing

Lin Feng's mind moved.

"Brother Lin!" Not far away, Xiaobai came up to Lin Feng, "brother Lin, teacher Hongyan has come and is looking for you!"

"Let's go." Lin Feng nodded and quickly returned to the inn. Hong Yan was sitting in the living room. He sat there in his spare time. Li Feng and others stood pitifully. When I saw Lin Feng coming back, everyone's eyes lit up immediately.

"The dean asked me to give it to you." Hongyan puts a roll of parchment in Lin Feng's hand.

Lin Feng was stunned. When did the Dean play parchment?

Lin Feng swept around with parchment and said something painless. When he arrived at the back, the Dean solemnly told him that Qingshan academy wanted 10% of the sales income along the way.

This is money!

Lin Feng felt his heart was blocked. He knew that the Dean would not miss such a chance to make a fortune.

"It's all right. Thank you, teacher Hongyan." Lin Feng said to Hongyan with a smile. Hongyan stood up, glanced at the people, turned and left directly.

As soon as Hongyan left, all the people were paralyzed there.

"The aura of teacher Hongyan is too strong!"

"Yes, yes, it's worthy of being our demon mentor. It's said that the next last experience is that Hongyan mentor takes us. I think we must take off a layer of skin!"

"I hope Hongyan tutor can be gentle, then no one will take Hongyan tutor away. If there is a man's moisture, Hongyan tutor will not be like this!"

"Don't think about it. None of us in castle peak academy dared to marry teacher Hongyan. Although she is beautiful, she is really... A little overbearing!"

All the people said.

Lin Feng just smiled and turned to go upstairs.

After playing here for two days, we just set out and went directly to the ruins mentioned by Lin Feng.

The relic was left by the alchemist. People have entered intermittently over the years, but no one has completely emptied the relic. The limit of the relic is very strict. No more than 15 people can enter at one time. Moreover, the cultivation can not exceed the peak of human immortality. The peak is great and complete.

With these conditions, there are naturally fewer practitioners going in.

Of course, if not alchemists, such relics are generally of little interest to practitioners.

"Brother Lin, can we make a lot of money in this relic?" Xiaobai turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"I don't know. Go and have a look first, but since we're here, we can't let go of such a good thing. We can't go in and have a good study." Lin Feng said with a smile, "I heard that this relic has existed for hundreds of thousands of years. Maybe there are some lost herbs in it!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai nodded with a smile and looked forward to it.

Seeing Xiaobai's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head. This boy is always such a young man!

At this time, Hongyan and Hongshan stood together in the sky.

"What about Lin Feng's group?" Hongshan asks Hongyan.

"I went to the ruins. It's just a small relic made by some practitioners to deceive people. It should come out in two or three days." Said the red hot and cool.

"Will this boy be trapped by the ruins?" A flash of surprise flashed in Hong Shan's eyes.

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