Lin Feng took 30 jade slips and piled the maps together. After being together, Lin Feng got all the maps out and made a good comparison. Lin Feng frowned.

The span of these thirty schools is too large.

If we want to go one by one, these schools will be a waste of time, especially some schools are still in some relatively remote corners.

"Mentor, what shall we do?" Li Feng sat beside Lin Feng and asked in a low voice.

"It's best to catch it all." Lin Feng paused for a moment and said softly, "in the past, there were 30 schools, a total of seven big cities. On average, there were less than five schools within the jurisdiction of each big city."

Lin Feng's fingers crossed on the map. "If we visit one school after another, we will not only spend a lot of time, but also pay a great deal of labor. Of course, look at this kind of school."

Lin Feng pointed to a school called Stan.

"The school is completely in a very remote place, which is completely contrary to our itinerary."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone nodded.

"Moreover, you see, the strength of these colleges only looks like three stars, that is, they barely reach the level that can compete with us. If we go all the way and take into account these students, our time must be very much spent."

Lin Feng paused and said softly.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone nodded.

They didn't know why Lin Feng said that, but they felt that Lin Feng was right.

"So, I think we can appropriately improve the method. In this way, we can save a lot of time and use it in this place." Lin Feng pointed to the end.

That place is an experience to reach the last battlefield.

If you want to participate in this battle, there are only ten places in each college. The most important thing is to pass there.

That place is an ancient battlefield, in which there are many dangers and, of course, many opportunities.

"I know there. The senior once told us that as long as we can stay alive, we can naturally go out at the time of the game." Li Feng whispered to Lin Feng.

"What do you know, young man? Living is one of them, but don't forget one more thing. There are many opportunities here. There are ancient Dan prescriptions, prescriptions for refining tools, many spirit tools, and maybe even artifact. There are also lost skills and relics in ancient times. Maybe there are some old man's mantle waiting to be handed down, Are you willing to keep those things for yourself? "

Lin Feng smiled at Li Feng and said.

Li Feng's heart jumped and looked back at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng still stood there smiling, but Lin Feng's words were like a poison, which made Li Feng's clothes tremble and shake.

Yes, these are all good things!

If there are superior relics inside, there is also the mantle of the strong among the relics. If he can inherit the mantle of the strong, he is bound to become a strong man in the future!

These are all things he didn't dare to think of before, but now, there is a path that can be realized!

This is really a good thing!

"Want it!"

Li Feng nodded and said with a positive face.

"Then let's do it. Let's go to seven big cities, and then send the news to each Academy. We'll wait for them in seven cities. In half a month, we'll stay in one city for two days. If they can't arrive, we'll go to the next city. We'll stay in the last city for three days, If they haven't arrived in three days, let's leave directly and count them as losing! "

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, people looked at Lin Feng with some uncertainty.

At least four colleges at a time?

"I think so!" Zhao Qingluo nodded first. "Anyway, there are many people now, and Ji Zhao came here. If it's powerful, let's do it. If it's not powerful, let Ji Zhao them practice!"

Zhao Qingluo said softly, "there must be many real experts gathering towards other academies or entering the five academies competition through any special way. Therefore, it's best if we can preserve our strength now."

Hearing Zhao Qingluo's explanation, everyone's hesitation immediately disappeared and nodded without hesitation.

Zhao Qingluo of their bureau is right.

Zhao Qingluo's eyes swept around the people.

"Do you support my approach?"

"Support!" The crowd nodded.

"With mentor Lin, we still have so many people. We can't solve forty or fifty people at a time!" One of the disciples clenched his teeth and said.

"There's another guy here!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "in terms of weapons, you can rest assured. Everyone knows Zhao Junping. Everyone knows the financial and material resources of looking for ah Ji. That guy is in our backup group. He provides us with a steady stream of materials. Don't worry too much about the next thing."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

The people immediately looked at Lin Feng with a surprise.

"Mentor, you said it earlier!" A student smiled and patted Lin Feng on the shoulder and said, "I knew what we were going to do with so many things!"

"Yes, tutor, why didn't you tell us earlier!"

"Yes, sir, if you had told us earlier, we wouldn't be so worried!"

"I think our tutor is better. Everything is ready for us!" Xiaobai smiled sweetly, "let's go and have fun!"

Xiaobai shook his head and said loudly.

"Eat and drink your head!" Lin Feng turned his eyes. "Come on, we're not going to eat, drink and have fun. Remember, we finished things in the past!"

Lin Feng said with a serious face.

Xiaobai nodded hurriedly and followed Lin Feng.

Anyway, it's the one who made trouble in the past, whether it's something or nothing in the past, as long as it's the one who made trouble in the past!

Xiaobai naturally follows Lin Feng with a face.

Lin Feng sighed when he felt that Xiaobai's face didn't matter. I just followed him to make trouble.

This boy is still a little too young.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng could only shake his head helplessly.

"Since it's experience, it's not good to go there in vain." Sure enough, the next moment, Lin Feng put his eyes on the people. Xiaobai's body trembled unconsciously.

Do you want to come out of brother Lin's experience?

Xiaobai shivered.

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