At this time, a voice with some banter sounded behind. A group of people raised their heads. Lin Feng had come with Shi Jia and xiaobaiding.

Lin Feng holds the white feather sword in his hand. There are many blood stains on the white feather sword.

Did mentor Lin kill him all the way?

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, they were stunned.

Naturally, they have greatly reduced their time to shoot. If they see powerful monsters, they will shuttle to the second level. If they see weak monsters, they will kill them directly!

So they came all the way fast.

Several people looked at me and I looked at me. They all saw a bit of horror from each other's eyes. Chatting, Lin Feng's practice exceeded their imagination.

"Come on!" Lin Feng waved his hand, white feather sword pulled out a sword flower and directly fell on the monster. The monster's body trembled and rushed directly towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's body flew up in an instant.

"Come on!" Lin Feng's hand shook, the potential energy position and the field of sword spread out at his feet, and directly wrapped the monster.

This is a unicorn. The attack of Unicorn mainly focuses on its unicorn and hoof, and their speed is very fast. If you are careless, everyone will know his way.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several people trembled and trembled when they joined a Lin Feng second to be happy.

"Mentor Lin, come together!" Li Feng looked back at Lin Feng and said loudly.

"Unicorns usually appear as husband and wife, so there's a mother here. You'll deal with it?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people who were still looking forward to it immediately trembled. They trembled, and all of them were silent.

They... Of course not!

That unicorn is not that easy to deal with!

If the couple come out together, they are not opponents at all!

Instead, a group of people's heads turned. Did master Lin want to deal with unicorns alone?

In that case, is mentor Lin too NIMA's... Powerful?

The people stared round and didn't think about it!

That's a unicorn!


A unicorn with such cultivation, they dare not think!

But the Lin Feng in front of me is completely like I want to deal with it alone!

Oh, my God!

A group of people stared round their eyes and looked incredible. How should a person deal with unicorns!

Thinking of this, everyone was in a trance and stood there with a look of disbelief. Looking at Lin Feng, they didn't believe that Lin Feng could solve a unicorn!

Lin Feng has gone to another Unicorn!

The unicorn angrily shaved its hooves and was on guard against Lin Feng, an uninvited guest!

This damned human, dare to challenge their authority, it's not to die!

Thinking so, the unicorn's hand became more and more rapid and attacked Lin Feng directly.

Feeling the attack of Unicorn, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a sneer.

Good guy, dare you attack him at this time?

It seems that these guys are really bold!

Lin Feng's body trembled and an attack fell directly towards the other side. The unicorn's body trembled. He kept retreating and raising his head. He only saw Lin Feng's figure rushing directly towards this side.

In the originally empty forest, there was suddenly more wind.

A blue spirit power peak floated out of the void, rushed directly towards Lin Feng with some fierce murderous spirit, felt the attack, Lin Feng sneered, the white feather sword shook, and a sword flower directly aligned with each other.

"Bang!" The air exploded in an instant, and a breath directly enveloped Qin Yichen and me. Feeling this breath, my eyebrows frowned,.

A figure appeared in front of Lin Feng. A huge ice blue horn rushed directly in front of Lin Feng, and Lin Feng was wrapped in a strong murderous spirit.

Tut Tut, the unicorn has more skills!

Lin Feng smiled and shook his hand. The potential energy position and the field of sword spread under his feet. A golden color flashed through Lin Feng's eyes. Lin Feng's hand instantly turned into golden color. With a shaking hand, an attack directly fell on the unicorn. Lin Feng's hand grabbed the unicorn's horn.

Unicorn's horn is the treasure of unicorn's whole body. This horn is very strong and hard. It is one of the best materials for refining weapons!

Lin Feng naturally coveted the unicorn's horn!

The upgrading of Fengtong sword is imminent, and the white feather sword in hand also needs to be promoted. Promotion requires a lot of materials. Many of these materials come from monsters.

The unicorn's horn is one of them.

What Lin Feng didn't expect is that he can meet the unicorn's horn here!

This is a good thing!

Lin Feng grabbed the unicorn's horn.

A dragon's breath resource spread all over Lin Feng. While bearing Lin Feng's attack, the unicorn felt the oppression of living blood, and its cultivation was suppressed by a large arc.

The unicorn's voice was very strong, and his breath became heavier and heavier. When he felt the smell of the unicorn, Lin Feng snorted coldly, shook his hand, and an attack fell directly on the unicorn.

The unicorn's body kept retreating. When he raised his head, his eyes seemed to have more tears flashing.

"Big guy, I'm sorry!" Lin Feng smiled, "give you a chance to live. Your soul will enter the corner. At that time, I will refine you. You will enter my weapons and my weapons. You also have a chance to survive."

Lin Feng's eyes were on the unicorn.

Unicorn tears are flowing.

Lin Feng's mind moved!


Lin Feng shouted, and the attack stopped immediately. The male Unicorn quickly returned to the female unicorn, and the two lay there licking.

"What's the matter, brother Lin?" Xiaobai came up to Lin Feng and asked, "what happened? We're ready to win it at one stroke!"

"You see, this unicorn is pregnant." Lin Feng pointed to the female unicorn and said, "let's go."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several people were silent.

For a while, all the students nodded.

Mentor Lin is right. They can't deal with a pregnant unicorn.

Bullying the weak is not what they want to do. Although this time, they were seriously injured and paid a lot of things. After hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone nodded.

"We know, mentor Lin." Several people nodded and looked serious. Bullying the weak is not what they should do!

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