And most importantly, from the beginning, this guy put on a bad look!

This guy has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

"I, Yu Kewei!" A man stood on the stage and looked at Li Feng with a serious face.

"Li Feng!" Li Feng nodded and said faintly.

"Xiaofengzi, this guy has hidden his accomplishments. You should care!" Lin Feng dressed Li Feng in the past. He sat there and looked at the man on the stage. Obviously, he was not a student coming to the competition. His breath was very mature. He had eight out of ten. He was a mentor.

"Brother Lin, this is not on the record." Xiaobai frowned at Lin Feng and said.

"That's because you don't have enough homework. I guess nine times out of ten this guy is dressed up by the tutor here. It's normal for you not to know." Lin Feng shook his head and said faintly, "you are too small."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several people's minds immediately became serious.

Lin Feng's eyes were on the man on the stage. The man looked at Li Feng seriously, holding a long sword in his hand and stepping on his foot. An attack went directly towards Li Feng. The attack speed was very fast. Li Feng's body retreated, but the attack fell in front of Li Feng.

No refund!

What a fierce attack!

People around could not help crying out when they saw this scene! This Yu Kewei, who is he? This cultivation is a little too powerful!

"Block!" Lin Feng moved his mouth slightly and said to Li Feng.

The broadsword was horizontal in front. Li Feng bit his teeth. Lingli Peilian wrapped the whole person in it. Li Feng's eyes were gloomy and looked at Yu Kewei opposite!

This guy's attack is so powerful!

"Step back!" Lin Feng's voice was not high, but Li Feng could hear it clearly. After hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Feng's body retreated quickly.

"Long knife, cut it down!"

Lin Feng spoke very fast. Li Feng changed his actions with Lin Feng's accent. With Lin Feng's words, everything around him began to transform. Li Feng slowly closed his eyes. Everything around him was gone, only the battle was left.

"What is this?" The people under the stage stood up one by one when they saw Li Feng's appearance, with an incredible face!

This is the preliminary potential energy position being formed!

What a powerful talent!

People's eyes fell on Yu Kewei opposite. Yu Kewei's face was uncertain. He just wanted to go on stage to give the boy a good look. He didn't think that Li summit would start the potential energy position here!

What a shame!

He was a team leader and mentor, but he was crushed and beaten by a student!

Yu Kewei's face is constantly changing.

No, you can't let this boy succeed, or you'll lose your reputation in the future!

Thinking of this, Yu Kewei's look changed. The long sword in his hand suddenly turned into countless long swords and rushed towards Li Feng, which was full of strong killing intention!

"Too much!"

"It's just a contest!"

All the students of Castle Peak academy got up. When they saw this scene, they stared round and looked incredible.

"Remove the gravity machine!" Lin Feng snorted coldly, and a voice directly broke through the barrier.

A small machine fell to the ground. Li Feng's whole body was clear and his potential energy position was shining. Li Feng suddenly opened his eyes, raised a evil smile at the corner of his mouth, waved his long knife and directly attacked Yu Kewei!

Yu Kewei didn't expect Li Feng to hide his attack. His face changed, and his whole body kept retreating.

Want to run?

Seeing Yu Kewei's appearance, Lin Feng snorted coldly, and a blue light flashed. Qianlong shuttle flew directly and bumped the unsuspecting Yu Kewei into Qianlong shuttle. Li Feng's attack fell on Yu Kewei. Everyone felt that a line flew out of the competition field. Then Yu Kewei disappeared.

Qianlong shuttle returned to Lin Feng.

Yu Kewei is constantly struggling in Qianlong shuttle, but with Qianlong shuttle, Yu Kewei can't struggle at all.

"Mentor." Li Feng looked back at Lin Feng at a loss. His attack certainly couldn't achieve such an effect, but why did Yu Kewei fly out?

"Never mind. You come down and go up next." Lin Feng waved his hand and said softly.

Li Feng fought a little. After hearing Lin Feng's words, he still stepped down. However, soon, Li Feng opened another martial arts competition field to fight with everyone. At this time, he needed to fight.

"Captain, is it all right?" Shi Jia whispered.

"Don't worry, this guy is breaking through the key. It would be better if there were more people to fight with him." Lin Feng said with a smile, "don't worry, he's okay."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone nodded. After hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone only felt as if they had eaten some reassurance.

The battle on the stage continues.

Lin Feng's comments are always just right.

During the whole day, almost everyone passed on the battle field. What surprised Lin Feng most was a quiet teenager in the team. The teenager's name was Zhang Han. Zhang Han's power was very strong, but he didn't have much power to play.

Another good seedling!

Lin Feng's eyes twinkled with pure light. He couldn't help being distracted from Zhang Han.

According to the Dean, Li Feng will definitely participate in the war of the Fifth Academy. The three team leaders and he already have four places, and the remaining six places are produced here. These battles are to better reflect the fighting state of students, give full play to their potential and let them contact more talents.

Lin Feng naturally knew what the Dean meant.

"Brother Lin, our battle has been basically completed. Will you leave now?" Xiaobai looked at Lin Feng and said softly.

"Don't worry. Our top priority now is to wait for Li Feng to complete his understanding." Lin Feng walked towards the martial arts contest where Li Feng was. Li Feng was exhausted, but he was still fighting.

After a battle, Li Feng's whole person was half kneeling on the martial arts competition platform, and the sweat on his forehead was dripping down. Li Feng looked very tired, but Li Feng didn't mean to stop.

He knew that fighting could not be stopped.

"Yes!" Lin Feng sighed, looked at Li Feng and said, "don't fight any more. Go back and think about these battle scenes. Think about how many battles you have fought, and then get from them."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Feng raised his head, stood up and staggered.

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