Lin Feng still stood there smiling.

"Tutor, teach us the secret script!" Everyone didn't let Lin Feng go. "How did you do it? Although your cultivation is so low, your combat effectiveness is so strong?"

"It's very simple, that is, fight more, fight more monsters, and fight more monsters than yourself. In this way, your combat effectiveness will be higher and higher."

Lin Feng said that the clouds are light and the wind is light.

"The teacher is awesome!" When they heard Lin Feng's words, they smashed his mouth and said it for a long time.

Fight with powerful monsters? Are you kidding? Are you going to die?

"Come out!" Suddenly, Lin Feng said a word, and everyone's eyes lit up immediately. As Lin Feng stood outside the miasma forest, there was a small world inside. To be exact, it should be a swamp. There was hot air on the swamp. Those miasma came out of the swamp.

"Be careful!" Everyone stepped back.

Lin Feng's eyebrows were also slightly frowned.

"There are many monsters in the swamp." Otherwise, Lin Feng whispered, "I said how there would be a layer of miasma outside for no reason. It turned out that it was made by these monsters."

"Are we still there?" Two girls automatically stand together. Girls should always be a little repellent to dirty things.

"Go, of course. We're all here. Why can't we go?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "anyway, we have to deal with these monsters. Let's go and deal with them well. Isn't there enough time?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone nodded.

"Let's race and see who can get through this swamp as soon as possible!" Then Lin Feng shook his hand, held the white feather sword in his hand and flew up directly.

Countless black things shot up. The cultivation of these things is not high, but the number is very considerable.

These black things jumped up and attacked everyone directly.

"It's a hundred poison toad. How can there be so many this thing in this place? It doesn't have much medicine, but it's vicious. If you're bitten by this thing, you must take the antidote pill as soon as possible."

Xiaobai said loudly to everyone.

"I see!" The crowd shouted. For a moment, the whole swamp was full of walking hundred poison toads. One batch went down and another came up.

"Damn it, these things are endless!" A Lingli peak practice was lost. Lin Feng said fiercely, biting his teeth.

"Master, there are at least tens of thousands of poison toads in this swamp. It must be very difficult for us to go out." Qianlong whispered, "but these poison toads don't have high accomplishments. How can they gather here?"

Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng paused for a moment, then smiled and said:

"Maybe there are things we don't pay attention to."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone nodded.,

"Dean, the smell below is a bit like the smell of the demon family. The smell of the demon family has been supporting these poison toads. When these poison toads become hot, it will be a big trouble."

Hongyan stood beside Hongshan and whispered, "I think there should be people of the demon clan in this area. These people of the demon clan are becoming more and more rampant."

"Although the cultivation of these boys is low, it's enough to deal with some poison toads, so don't worry. Let's just watch. You'd better pay attention to these three groups of students. It's better not to meet the demon clan."

Hong Shan frowned and said.

"Those people of the demon clan have cruel means. These are still children. There are eight out of ten. They must be unmanageable. We should give them some time to adapt."

"I see."

Hong Yan nodded.

"Lin Feng is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but also an adventurous boy. You should pay special attention to this boy. We can't stand any trouble now!"

Hong Shan sighed and said.

"Yes." Hongyan bowed her head and nodded.

Lin Feng killed all the way. The poison toads came out one by one. Lin Feng's white feather sword shuttled between the poison toads.

Suddenly, Lin Feng's body stood there.

A strange smell lingers around. The poison toad next to the smell seems to be more powerful, but the smell is too familiar.

Lin Feng's look was gloomy for a moment.

This is the smell of corpse Yin sect!

Demon sect! Unexpectedly, the corpse Yin sect really exists in the fairy world!

The thing that disturbed his earth really exists!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's look was suddenly cold, and his breath was suddenly raised. Looking down, his eyes were cold.

"Since it's you, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Lin Feng's shooting speed suddenly accelerated.

"What's the matter with mentor Lin?"

"It seems crazy!"

"Tut Tut, tutor Lin's strength is so powerful!"

Nine people saw Lin Feng who suddenly accelerated his shooting speed. They couldn't believe it. They didn't know how. Lin Feng accelerated his speed in this way!

"Boom!" There was an explosion in the swamp, and then the soil flew up. In the soil, countless poison toads floated on it and couldn't move.

Lin Feng still doesn't mean to let go of these things.

When they saw Lin Feng's appearance, they also accelerated one by one and quickly followed Lin Feng.

Ji Zhao and others are at the back. Their combat effectiveness is relatively weak. Naturally, it is impossible to rush to the front at this time. Moreover, they also need to maintain the back.

A group of people walked through the swamp and stood outside the swamp. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Run!" Lin Feng shouted. Everyone heard Lin Feng's words. Although they were suspicious, they still followed Lin Feng and flew directly to the front.







A word fell, and a huge explosion came from behind. Everyone's bodies trembled. They looked back and saw that there was only a disabled mushroom cloud in that place at this time.

Seeing this, the people trembled.

This... This is a little too poisonous!

Seeing this scene, everyone's faces were incredible, and their bodies were constantly shaking.

For a long time, the mushroom cloud over there just fell down. In the surrounding mountains and forests, there were things like swamps. Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction when he saw this scene.

With such a big guy exploding in it, he doesn't believe that there may be something in it!

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile.

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