"Your Excellency?" The man asked with a smile, "I think you are very young. Do we know each other?"

"Do you have a bad memory? How about watching us fight the three headed snake?" Lin Feng asked with a smile, "speaking of it, you really did. Why did you leave at that time? We haven't had a good exchange of feelings yet. We've been waiting until this time."

Lin Feng is still smiling.

After hearing Lin Feng's, Lusheng couldn't help trembling.

Of course, he released the news. Later, only their hunting team came in. Therefore, all the news naturally came from him.

Originally, Lusheng wanted to rely on the strength of many people to take away the facial flowers after solving the problem of Lin Feng and his party.

After all, this society is like this. In addition, the price of a human face flower is too much. Especially, there are large families who have booked with them. As long as they can give human face flowers, they can give a million top-grade Fairy Spirit stones.

That's a million top-grade Fairy Spirit stones!

The five brothers are divided into 200000 top-grade immortal spirit stones. There is no need to take care of the promotion, nor to lick blood at the edge of the knife.

Therefore, although he knew the power of Lin Feng and his party, Lusheng chose to do it without hesitation.

Of course, for Lusheng, this is not a shot. He just helps solve these problems!

"I don't know how to repent!" Seeing the appearance of Lusheng, Lin Feng sighed and shook his head, "but it's a pity. I didn't mean to do it to you, but now I see your appearance, I suddenly want to do it. What should I do?"

Lin Feng looks a little cheap.

Lusheng dared not move, and Lin Feng's sword was still on his neck.

"Ha ha..." Lusheng smiled and pushed Baiyu sword.

"Then kill!" Lusheng's look suddenly changed. His whole body suddenly lifted up and attacked Lin Feng directly.

Feeling Lusheng's attack, Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile. The potential energy position and the field of sword are blooming at the foot, directly locking Lusheng.

Lusheng only felt that his body seemed to be imprisoned by something. The next moment, Lusheng's face changed. He frantically wanted to get rid of Lin Feng's comfort, but Lin Feng showed a smile. The white feather sword directly penetrated Lusheng's heart.

"I like others to compete fairly with me, but what I hate most is that others calculate me." Lin Feng's voice was chilly. Lusheng didn't react yet. A long sword directly pierced his heart.

Lusheng's body trembled.

Lin Feng turned and stood there. The long sword was slowly dripping blood.

Seeing this scene, Lu Sheng's body trembled. He raised his head. His mind wanted to escape, but he found that an invisible net shrouded him.

"Captain, here we are!" Lusheng abolished four guys behind him and attacked Lin Feng together.

Lin Feng smiled and realized that four people were directly targeted in the field of sword. Thousands of sword Qi constantly stirred around and attacked the four people. Lu Sheng's mind was held by Lin Feng and he was unable to talk at all.

What a moving scene!

Lin Feng stood there. After feeling the scene, he shook his head, but that's all!

The white feather sword crossed the neck of a cultivator, and the potential energy position wrapped the field of the sword. They quickly captured the remaining three people.

Lin Feng stood there, and the white feather sword was still dripping blood.

People around who felt Lin Feng's attack retreated a little, raised their heads and looked at Lin Feng, stared round, and their eyes were full of panic.

What a powerful force!

They never thought that they should have such a powerful force, and this man's action was too fast!

Feeling this, the people who originally wanted to make moves began to step back. They had no courage to make moves. Tainima was powerful!

"Do you want to continue?" Lin Feng stood there holding the white feather sword and asked with a smile.

All the people shook their heads and stepped back one by one.

They don't have the courage to fight you!

"Mentor!" Li Feng and others stood by Lin Feng's side and looked seriously at the front, "these guys have almost the same cultivation, or we'll solve it at one time!"

Hearing Li Feng's words, those practitioners retreated again.

Some practitioners who were still fighting felt that there was no one around them. They looked back one by one and found that almost everyone had stood far away.

What's going on?

Feeling this scene, they also looked ignorant, their bodies quickly retreated, and their eyes widened.

These guys, how can they just leave?

"Kill!" Ji Zhao and others were holding weapons, one by one like beating chicken blood. After feeling the state of Ji Zhao and others, they shook their heads one by one, and then quickly retreated.

"We admit defeat!" I don't know who shouted. All the fighting stopped at this time.

Lin Feng stood there looking at these guys. All the people stood there obediently, looking very careful.

Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng shook his head.

What an honest group of children!

"Get out of here!" A cold female voice sounded. Hongyan fell in front of Lin Feng, looked at those guys and said loudly.

Those guys' eyes focused on Lin Feng. Seeing that Lin Feng didn't move, everyone immediately turned around and beat her.

Lin Feng sighed.

"I said teacher Hongyan, am I the kind of person who kills innocent people?" Hearing Lin Feng's words, Hong Yan's eyebrows picked up and said:


Lin Feng touched his nose.

"Teacher Hongyan, you're wrong. Look at me. I'm the five good young people of the motherland. I'm reluctant to step on an ant when I see it. Do you think I'm the kind of person who can do that?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the students behind laughed.

"Let's go!" Hongyan took a deep look at Lin Feng and didn't want to talk to Lin Feng too much about this matter. This time, Hongyan took the initiative to send all a group of people to the gate of the city and watched them enter the city before leaving.

"I think teacher Hongyan took the initiative to send us to the city because he didn't want others to see director Lin killing!"

"No, I mainly think that Hongyan tutor may have a crush on the tutor and want to see the tutor more times!"

"I think so, too. It's really not easy. Our Hongyan tutor finally has a favorite person in his heart!"

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