Qi Hao was the first to appear. Standing on the court, Qi Hao looked like a sharp sword and looked straight at the castle peak academy.

"Qi Hao, who will come?"

Hearing Qi Hao's words, the whole Biwu platform cheered.

"Qi Hao!"

"Qi Hao!"

"Qi Hao!"

Lin Feng stood under the stage and could only shake his head when he heard the cheers of these girls. It seems that no matter what era, flower mania is invariable. The appearance of these guys is exactly the appearance of flower mania.

"I'll come!" Lin Feng smiled. His whole body fell directly on the stage, with a gentle smile on his mouth. "Hello, sir, I've heard of Qi Hao's name for a long time!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qi Hao's eyes swept around Lin Feng.

"I don't like your name!"

"Me too!"

As soon as the words fell, the two people were directly together.

Qi Hao's long sword crossed an arc in the air, and then directly attacked Lin Feng. "My sword field is an irresistible sword field. No matter who it is, it is impossible to survive from my sword field!"

"Sorry, my favorite field of sword is bullying arrogant little boys like you in time."

Lin Feng said with a smile, shaking his hand, the field of sword opened at his feet. The two collided and directly hit a bright spark!

Lingli Peilian was constantly searching on the stage, and the sword Qi was shuttling around. Qi Hao's Heart Sutra became bigger and bigger. Looking at Lin Feng's eyes, he gradually began to change.


Lin Feng's strength is beyond Qi Hao's imagination.

This guy's sword field is even as good as himself, and even oppresses himself faintly!

Who the hell is this guy!

Qi Hao's eyes were red, and his eyes fell on Lin Feng. Lin Feng stood there, holding the white feather sword in his hand, shook his head, sighed and said, "hurry up, your attack is soft. It's too weak."

Qi Hao pursed his mouth and looked at Lin Feng. The long sword in his hand perked up, accelerated and attacked Lin Feng.

"Then try my sword move!" Lin Feng's body dodged cleverly, one move at a time, not too much fancy, but it was enough to completely solve the people in front of him.

Feeling Lin Feng's attack, Qi Hao's look became more and more gloomy, and his hand began to speed up. Sword Qi Qi Hao's side took shape. Qi Hao looked up and smiled at Lin Feng's position.

He doesn't believe it. He can't solve this guy today.

"Awesome!" Lin Feng nodded, and the cynical look on his face began to converge.

This enemy deserves his serious treatment.

When Qi Hao shipped, I was very fast. Layers of sword Qi constantly stirred around and wrapped Lin Feng's whole body in it.

Lin Feng's sword field kept retreating and began to shrink towards Lin Feng's only nausea.

"The tutor seems a little dangerous!" Ji Zhao leaned forward and whispered.

"They are in the field of sword competition!" Li Feng said softly, "Qi Hao's sword field is very strong, completely overwhelming the mentor's sword field below, but who loses and who wins in the end can't make a conclusion."

Suddenly, there was a quiet explosion on the martial arts competition platform. Everyone looked up and saw two people flying. The field of sword kept shuttling under their feet. Lin Feng's field of sword began to bloom white light.

With the continuous increase of those lights, the surrounding space changed constantly. When they felt this change, their faces changed.

What a powerful force!

"What's going on?" Someone took the lead in responding. After feeling the power, he frowned, "how did this power suddenly strengthen."

"It's their two sword fields that overlap. These are two madmen!" The audience stared round and looked at the scene strangely.

Lin Feng stood in the middle, holding a long sword in his hand and shaking his hand, an attack fell directly in front. With his attack falling, Qi Hao's body slowly moved out from one side, and red sword Qi rushed directly towards Lin Feng.

The seven Li room rushed directly to Lin Feng with bloodthirsty killing intention.

"Boy, you are very powerful to let me release such powerful power!" Qi Hao's body floated there, and his eyes were red. "My sword field focuses on killing, but ordinary people can't shake it!"

With that, Qi Hao's body rushed directly towards Lin Feng, and his whole body's momentum was constantly shaking. With the actual shaking, the surrounding space was constantly shaking, and the air pressure was oppressed towards Lin Feng.

Are you serious?

Feeling Qi Hao's appearance, Lin Feng's mouth was hooked up and slowly closed his eyes.

Lin Feng only felt that his surroundings seemed to be wrapped in red, and a strong smell of blood spread around him. With the spread of the smell of blood, the surrounding environment began to change a little bit.

Kill. Kill!

There are traces of killing everywhere!

A strong breath approached Lin Feng, but Lin Feng couldn't find the breath. Countless sword Qi spread around. Those sword Qi wrapped the whole in it, which made everyone's mind slowly lift up.

What a powerful guy!

"This Qi Hao is getting stronger and stronger!"

"Three years ago, I had the honor to witness Qi Hao fighting. Now I don't know how much stronger he is than three years ago. He is worthy of being the son of the city Lord and the first expert in Yingcheng!"

"Tut Tut, I think this time, some students of Castle Peak college are hanging."

"Hehe, the castle peak academy has been declining year by year. Now it is possible and normal."

"It seems that this time, senior brother Qi Hao is going to shine!"

All the people said there.

On the highest bench of Biwu platform, a middle-aged man stood there. The man's appearance was seven or eight points similar to Qi Hao. At the moment, the corners of his mouth were looking at the battle below with a gentle smile.

This is Qi Botian, the leader of Ying City, and Qi Hao's father.

"City Lord, this time, the little Lord can be regarded as extraordinary. If you follow this way and don't give a hundred moves, the boy will fail."

"Don't worry, I remember this boy is the lowest among the ten participating students?" Qi Botian's eyes were on Li Feng and others. "That boy is the real captain this time. Qi Hao's road is still long!"

Qi Botian stood there, with some meditation in his eyes, and said.

"I think this boy's cultivation is very high. He is not the kind of person who can deal with it easily. To deal with it, he must need some means." Qi Botian shook his head and said, "we'd better watch the war."

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