The star stopped talking.

"Master, after millions of years of precipitation, such a big family can't go in. Moreover, the Zhao family has rich heritage, and ordinary people can't find the Zhao family."

Thick soil whispered.

"It's all right. There's a long way to go." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Master, don't you still want to win over the Zhao family in the future?" Qianlong also whispered, "it's not good to dig out the family background of the Zhao family, so I think we'd better not go. The thousand machine door is good. If we rob such a big thousand machine door, we'll certainly earn death."

Qianlong said to Lin Feng with a serious face.

He's already ready to move.

"Thousand doors... Let's... Don't worry about fantasy." Poche coughed and whispered, "do something else."

"Yes, we are not robbers. We'd better do something else." Lin Feng also said with a smile.

"Mentor!" The students in the back gathered together. Everyone's battle has been completed. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, stood there with a smile and said, "let's go back and have a good rest. There's a big party tonight!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone's eyes immediately lit up.

"OK, OK, let's go together!" Then they all went to the restaurant. In the evening, Lin Feng thought that a group of guys were not willing to attend. He was embarrassed and found that all of them were dressed up and ready there.

It's just a bunch of boring and coquettish guys!

Seeing the appearance of a group of guys, Lin Feng sighed, speechless on his face, but muttered silently in his heart. He thought this group of guys didn't want to go. As a result, there was no one to dress up one by one.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng could only sigh in his heart.

Sure enough, you can't look at the surface.

Lin Feng walked among the people in his usual clothes.

"Mentor, why don't you dress up?" Everyone smiled at Lin Feng and said, "at least be handsome!"

"You are all single dogs. You want to flirt with your sister. I'm different. I have a wife. I'd better not dress up so handsome. If I steal your limelight, won't I be too ashamed of you? "

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people laughed collectively.

In terms of ability, they can't compare with tutor Lin, but in terms of handsome, they are definitely more handsome than tutors!

However, when they saw Lin Feng's appearance, they just coughed, then turned around and passed by. Although they are handsome, they still don't tell their tutor in person, so as to avoid the imbalance in their heart!

The crowd murmured silently in their hearts.

"I said to you, boy, if you have anything, just tell me. You don't need to whisper like this. I tell you, I'm not afraid of this!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone looked up at Lin Feng and shook his head.

"I think I was in the prime of my life. I was full of scholar spirit and instructed the country. At that time, there were a lot of beautiful families around me, never less! Think about it. I really miss it. "

The crowd looked at Lin Feng and finally took a smoke from the corner of their mouth.

"Ha ha, we have arrived at the city Lord's residence!" Xiaobai shouted, and they immediately raised their heads. There were many fairy armies standing there. When they saw Lin Feng and others coming, they all perked up.

"Are you from Castle Peak academy? Our city Lord has been waiting for you for a long time. Please!" One of the disciples led by the immortal army glanced at the crowd and turned directly to walk inside.

"Thank you, officer." Xiaobai said with a smile. Some of them have put on airs and look serious, but their eyes are sweeping around. They look excited. Especially after seeing beautiful women, they can hardly open their eyes.

They are young.

Lin Feng couldn't help sighing in his heart. His eyes swept around and his whole body was on alert. He didn't let go of any trouble.

"Mentor, the city master's residence of Yingcheng is very imposing!" Li Feng whispered, "so many scary people need a lot of resources to keep."

"Of course, the fairy troops of the Yingcheng City Master's residence are piled up. It must be that Yingcheng has a good income, so all these guys are here. Let's go in and have a good look."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people were stunned, turned to nod, walked inside with Lin Feng, and the party went forward with the fairy army. Qi Botian welcomed Qi Hao out with Qi Hao.

"The young talents of Castle Peak academy are here." Qi Botian had a gentle smile on his face. "Come on, come on, come on in. I have no other skills. My biggest hobby is to see more exchanges between you young talents. Come on in, come on in!"

Qi Botian kept greeting the people with a gentle smile on his face. Lin Feng hooked his mouth and went straight inside with Qi Botian. Qi Botian's eyes paused on Lin Feng.

"Dad, I went first." Qi Hao frowned slightly and said.

"Hao'er, it's good for you to get to know these young talents of Qingshan academy here." Qi Botian's eyes narrowed slightly and directly stopped Qi Hao's way.

Qi Hao wanted to stop talking, but quietly followed Qi Botian behind.

"Qi Hao doesn't seem to like such a party." Xiaobai came up to Lin Feng and whispered.

"It's not that I don't like it. I just don't like such an arrangement." Lin Feng smiled, "this guy is a proud guy. Qi Botian's arrangement doesn't agree with him."

Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile, "it's delicious and delicious. After eating and drinking, we'll be on our way."

Xiaobai nodded and sat beside Lin Feng, eating happily.

"Lin Dasheng, isn't he?" Qi Botian came to Lin Feng, "I've seen the battle between you and Hao'er. It's very wonderful. Qingshan academy comes out in large numbers on time."

Qi Botian's face was smiling. His eyes turned on Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"You're serious." Lin Feng's face wore a gentle smile, "the little Lord has excellent talent. He will surpass it in a few years."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qi Botian smiled and nodded, "yes, this boy just doesn't pay much attention to cultivation. If he can cultivate more, his future achievements must be above my father."

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