"Don't you think it's good to tell the truth? At least you see, now those enemies, who dares to come forward? "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, they swallowed their saliva.

Not forward, but backward!

They're right behind the golden wolf hunt!

"When shall we do it, mentor?" Li Feng asked in a low voice.

"Wait a minute, now these members are so dense that they are not suitable for shooting. There are 28 people. Plus the head and vice president, there are just six teams, all of which are powerful roles, so we have to prepare carefully!" Lin Feng looked at a group of guys and whispered.

The crowd gave a shout and nodded.

It really needs good preparation.

"Dean, what shall we do now?" Hongyan looked at Lin Feng and his party, frowned and asked in a low voice.

"Let them go by themselves. Lin Feng has a lot of ideas. Go to Yingcheng to investigate what's going on with Mo gang. Their accomplishments are very vain, and I feel something strange."

"Yes." Hongyan nodded, turned and left directly.

Hongshan stood there with his back to his hands, looking at Lin Feng and his party, and then sighed.

This boy really can't start fighting well at any time. As soon as he looks like this, he knows that he is thinking of ghost ideas.

Lin Feng looked up at the sky.

"Well, let's not follow." Suddenly, Lin Feng said with a smile.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone stopped and turned to look at Lin Feng. Lin Feng licked his lips, smiled and said, "now we should take back what we deserve."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people trembled.

Lin Feng's words gave them a very unreal illusion.

They felt that Lin Feng wanted the whole thing!


"Brother Lin!"

"From now on, you can all call me brother Lin. also, remember, what we have to do now is to catch the golden wolf hunting group, so that we can end the experience given to us by the president. Moreover, the golden wolf hunting group is not vegetarian, so we can't take it lightly, okay?"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, everyone nodded.

"Brother Lin, don't worry, we won't!" Hearing what they said, Lin Feng smiled, nodded and waved his hand. The party continued to follow the golden wolf hunting group.

Members of the golden wolf hunting group searched the mountain. Soon, they stopped.

"How do I feel? Something's wrong." A man took the lead in responding, "why haven't we tracked down the students of Castle Peak College for so long? Even if we haven't found them, we should have traces of those guys at this time."

A member of the golden wolf hunting group stood still and frowned.

"It's impossible. Those guys killed people in the mountains. They must have come this way. There's absolutely nothing wrong with our general direction."

The other man shook his head and said with a positive face.

"What about the man? If we don't find anyone, isn't it a waste of time for us to look for it in vain? "


All the members of the group stood still. You looked at me and I looked at you, frowning, "is it difficult that those guys have wings?"

"Did those guys see a large number of us, so they hid?" Another man said, "this is also wrong. They must have avoided us and left!"

"You're stupid. The regimental commander has always been with us. If they were in parallel with us, our regimental commander should have found those guys long ago."

"So, either those guys have gone to the front, or those guys are not in front of us at all, but behind us!"

Mo Gang stood there in silence, and his mind spread around. He looked quiet in the mountains. There was no competition at all.

He is still very familiar with the mountains and fields in this area. If someone really wants to pass by, he will definitely pass by here, but now, there is no one.

This is a strange thing. Can those people still hide themselves?

"Let's take this as the center and check it separately!" Mo Gang's eyes are cold, said.

Hearing Mo Gang's words, everyone nodded, and everyone was silent, and then began to spread around.

"Brother Lin, they began to act separately." Zhang Han frowned and said.

"Wait a minute. When they're almost separated, we'll do it. Remember, we must be fast, accurate and cruel. This is where we gather. The faster, the better, you know?" Lin Feng looked at the crowd with a serious face and said, "we must not leave a handle to attack us over there."

The crowd nodded, and a group of people began to think about and perceive their accomplishments. After identifying the goal, they rushed directly over there.

"What shall we do if we accidentally recognize the wrong person?" Another discordant voice sounded and whispered.,

"Stupid, if we can't kill, let's run. Since the golden wolf hunting group is sent out collectively, no one is willing to follow, so don't worry. Our purpose is to ensure our own safety."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the people who were still thinking immediately nodded and began to spread around one by one.

When the members of the golden wolf hunting group spread around almost, fourteen people rushed directly to the front according to the prior agreement, some of them fought alone, and some of them fought in groups.

Nine groups of people rushed out. The members of the golden wolf hunting group still had a reaction. Seven of them had fallen into a pool of blood. The remaining two groups also killed their enemies in a little slower time, turned and flew directly to the place designated by Lin Feng!

"Over there!" A member of the golden wolf hunting group reacted and shouted. All the people flew towards Lin Feng.

"Escape!" Lin Feng shouted, and everyone rushed directly to the front. However, it was still slower, and the members of the golden wolf hunting group followed up.

"I see you, how to escape!" Mo gang was at the front, in front of a pedestrian road, with a cold smile on his face.

"Kill so many of my members, you can take your little life!" Mo Gang's mouth wore a cold smile, his eyes fell on Lin Feng, sneered and said.

"As if I should believe it." Lin Feng grinned. Jie sneered and made an escape gesture to the students behind him.

People understand.

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