Several people in black came to Lin Feng and looked up and down at Lin Feng. Jie sneered and said.

"How many people do you mean?" Lin Feng stood there, his whole body actually raised, frowned, sneered and asked.

Several people in black rushed directly towards Lin Feng.

"Li Mu!" Lin Feng shouted Li Mu.

"Yes, brother Lin!" Li Mu shouted, waved his hand, and an orange light flew out directly. Lin Feng had been with those people in black.

When the gamblers around saw this scene, they seemed to have no impact on them. They were still stubbornly gambling.

Li Mu also paired up with two people in black. Soon, some black breath began to slowly emerge on the casino, and a trapped array shrouded the whole casino.

Seeing that the attack of a man in black was about to fall on Li Mu, Lin Feng's attack fell directly in the past.

"Be careful, boy. It's best to avoid those black exercises. They are very corrosive, both to the body and to the spiritual power!"

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Li Mu nodded.

"Don't worry, brother Lin, pay attention. I won't kill myself here!"

Hearing Li Mu's words, Lin Feng nodded.

"Brother Lin, here we are!" With a loud cry, Li Feng and others rushed in.


"What's going on!"

At this time, the gamblers reflected what had happened. They grabbed the chips one by one and ran outside. The trapped array outside had already been arranged. A group of people were crying and couldn't go out.

"Escape!" When the people in black saw the people rushing in, they all ran down when their partners were almost dead.

"Keep up!" With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, the people immediately followed and walked down with Lin Feng. Below is a huge underground palace.

"Brother Lin, what shall we do?" Li Feng looked at Lin Feng, frowned and asked, "it seems that we can't go out now."

"Nothing." Lin Feng waved, "the underground palace of these guys is the base camp. There must be a transmission array below. Therefore, our top priority now is to go down and destroy the transmission array before they leave."

Lin Feng's whole body suddenly became erratic. Several people in black only felt a wind passing by them. The people in black below had not reacted yet, and Qianlong directly pierced the whole transmission array.

"I think it's a shame that I, Lord Qianlong of the beginning of the wind, should do such a crazy thing." Qianlong hovered below for a week and fell on Lin Feng.

A strong smell of corrosion spread all over the. A group of people were tied in the corner. When they saw Lin Feng and his party rushing in, their eyes lit up immediately.


"We don't want to be corpses!"

"Help, help!"

"I'm the young master of the Zhou family. As long as you let me go, the Zhou family is willing to redeem me with a lot of money!"

Lin Feng glanced at the group.

"Can I help you?" Li Feng glanced at those guys and asked.

"Seek blessings from yourself. Now, the most important thing for us is to ensure our lives." Then Lin Feng rushed directly.

Those people in black are not fools. They were stunned when the array was destroyed, but they all reacted quickly. They looked gloomy and rushed directly at Lin Feng.

They all know that these guys are here to find trouble. As long as the trouble is found, they will naturally retreat one by one, but if the trouble is still there, these guys don't mean to retreat.

Lin Feng held the white feather sword in his hand. The field and potential energy position of the sword burst under his feet and rushed directly towards these people in black.

Seeing that Lin Feng rushed over on his own initiative and was still the worst one in repair, all those guys smiled on their faces and attacked Lin Feng all the time.

"These fools!" Li Feng directly cut down a big guy next to him. He smiled and cut at the other one.

The kidnapped people moved to this side and turned to one side.

"These guys are really weak!" Xiaobai killed a guy, saw those guys who avoided, bah and said.

"Rely on yourself!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "don't expect to rely on others."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Xiaobai silver teeth bit and rushed over there with a weapon in his hand. Lin Feng followed Xiaobai and Zhao Qingluo followed Lin Feng. The three people formed a small circle against the people in black outside.

These disciples of the corpse Yin sect are not very powerful, but there are more corpses here. With the continuous development of the battle, countless corpses climb out of a large slot in the middle.

These corpses were wet and smelled strongly. As soon as they felt the breath of life, the corpses walked towards the people at the second level.

The breath of life is what they hate most.

These corpses attacked the people hiding in the dark. Those practitioners were tortured very much. Their original accomplishments were not high. They had been tossed by these corpses and most of them were directly torn to pieces.

The bodies hissed with satisfaction.

Everyone's heart cooled. These guys are terrible.

"These guys, the most afraid things like thunder and fire, please line up according to your constitution." Lin Feng bit his teeth and said with a fierce face, "separate these guys first."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, they immediately nodded and stood in line according to their own attributes.

Lin Feng's inflammation of the earth's core and robbing thunder walked in the front, felt Lin Feng's attack, and all the remaining disciples hid behind these bodies.

"Brother Lin, these bodies are terrible. Shall we continue?" Li Feng turned to look at Lin Feng. Lin Feng saw something on Li Feng's face and couldn't bear it.

In any case, these corpses were born one by one before they died, and they were not willing to be controlled by these unique corpse Yin religions.

Hearing these conversations, Lin Feng shook his head and said, "these guys are not so easy to talk, so don't delusion that these guys will talk to us. Our top priority now is to solve these things."

Lin Feng paused. "These corpses have long lost consciousness. What is left is the resentment left after they were tortured. These resentments force them to hate mankind and endanger mankind under the control of the disciples of the corpse Yin sect. Therefore, what we have to do is to solve these things!"

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