Hongshan stood there, frowning slightly, and there was no doubt in his words.

"Dean, the night is a critical time for monsters to travel. At this time, I think we'd better not travel. What a dangerous thing. Why don't we go out another time?"

Xiaobai smiled dryly and said.

"Yes, Dean, there are monsters in the mountains at night. Moreover, it takes ten days to go from Runcheng to the next city. I think it's better for us not to travel at night."

"Yes, I agree!"

Everyone stood there, frowning and saying after hearing Hongshan's words.

There are many monsters in the mountains and forests at night. When they set out at this time, many powerful monsters will choose to look for food at night. If they encounter them at that time, it will be another war.

Instinctively, they don't want to go at night.

Hong Shan glanced at a group of people and saw that these little rabbits were secretive on their face. He snorted in his heart.

These guys are just too lack of exercise!

"Sooner or later is not a matter. Anyway, sooner or later is the same. Don't worry. Just go at night. It also saves you a lot of thought. Otherwise, you have to think about when to go?"

President Hong Shan waved his hand and said directly.

"Besides, I have to stay in the mountains for a few nights at night, but I just want you to travel at night. It's okay, it's okay."

Hearing the dean's words, everyone's expression collapsed. They stood there with sad faces one by one. It was not that they were unwilling to travel, but at night. They didn't want to travel at all.

"Since it's so decided, let's go." Lin Feng shook his hand and said with a smile, "anyway, we have almost finished what we should have done. It's good to end earlier."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, several guys who had been criticized immediately became silent.

Lin Feng's words left them no room for defense.

"Just think about it. I can't protect you all the way, so you're destined to go there by yourself and pay attention to safety." Then the Dean waved his hand.

Hearing the dean's words, everyone was silent.

"Pack up." Lin Feng paused and said softly, "as a student, in the face of the words spoken by our tutor, what we have to do is absolute compliance."

Lin Feng's words were not serious. People reacted that they were experiencing.

They were too anxious just now.

"We know." The crowd nodded and began to pack up.

"Boy, Hong Yan and I may not be able to pay 100% attention to you all the way. After all, there are still things I need to pay attention to in castle peak academy. You should pay attention to safety all the way."

President Hongshan said solemnly to Lin Feng.

"Today is different from the past. These devil sect guys don't know where to drill out. You should be careful along the way to avoid anything." Hong Shan looked at it and said solemnly.

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded.

"By the way, do you have a grudge against those guys?" Hongshan suddenly looked at Lin Feng with a brick and asked seriously.

"Those corpse Yin sect guys, destroy my home, I won't let them go." Lin Feng's eyes suddenly became red.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Hong Shan paused for a moment, didn't ask any more, just waved his hand, turned and left directly.

Watching president Hongshan go away, Lin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. Some things should be said, some things are his rotten secret at the bottom of his heart.

"Brother Lin, we've all packed up." The crowd stood in front of the and said solemnly.

"Well, let's go now!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "try to leave the jurisdiction of Runcheng tonight!" With that, Lin Feng took the people directly outside the city and defeated the five hospitals here. Their task was completed. It's understandable to go to the next city.

However, before they got out of Runcheng, trouble came.

The Xianling Army stood there with cold light in his eyes. Looking at Lin Feng and his party, he raised his mouth and said, "elder martial brother Hao, these guys dare to disrespect young master Zhou!"

"Hehe, kill these guys!" Those fairy soldiers rushed directly at the group.

"Brother Lin, let's go too!" The party carrying weapons said loudly to Lin Feng.

"Last fart, you forget that there is a no fighting array in the city. Even if these guys want to do it, it's impossible!" Lin Feng rolled his eyes and said.

After hearing Lin Feng's words, all the people who were originally ready to fight were quiet. You looked at me and I looked at you. Instead, they were silent one by one.

A group of people just stood there and watched the fairy army rush towards them directly. Everyone didn't mean to fight.

The immortal spirit army rushed directly towards the group. As a result, it didn't rush to everyone. All of them were quiet. There, the funny ones were made to be fixed and couldn't move any more.

Lin Feng sighed.

"I said you couldn't stop being so anxious. You see, we were worried for nothing. Why are you so bad?" Lin Feng sighed and said with a heavy face.

The people who originally wanted to do something to Lin Feng immediately became silent. They stood there one by one and looked at it eagerly. They no longer meant to do it. Of course, it was not that they didn't do it, but that they didn't dare to do it at this time.

There are no fighting arrays in the city. These arrays are more severe in the streets, especially at the gate of the city. They only think about the money of these guys, so the noise and miscellaneous amount appear at this time. At this time, they are surprised that these guys have not gone out of the city.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I remember that the monitoring array will imprison you for half an hour?" Lin Feng stood there with a smile“ We, uh, as long as we get to another city before next month. We still have half a month. In this half a month, we will explore a relic 300 miles north of Runcheng. You are welcome to join us. "

Lin Feng said with a smile.

With a wave of his hand, he took everyone out of the city directly.

"We're not really going to the ruins, are we?" Xiaobai looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"You're stupid. Let's hire a hunting team and pretend we haven't been long?" Li Mu said with a smile, "those guys will definitely mistakenly think it's us, and then foolishly followed us!"

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