A middle-aged woman walked up to Lin Feng. "On the contrary, it's a little brother. You have reached the status of level 6 alchemist of xianpin at a young age, which really surprised us. My name is Luo Xinfu. Everyone calls me Luo Niang. I don't know what to call my little brother?"

With a gentle smile on the corners of her mouth, the bride sat next to Lin Feng, pushed a cup of tea in front of Lin Feng and said with a smile, "speak up and let everyone have a good exchange!"

"Lin Dasheng." Lin Feng's voice was not high and nodded to the bride.

"Ha ha, Luo Niang, I think you have a crush on someone else's little brother!"

"Tut Tut, it seems that Luo Niang has been lonely for a long time and has begun to have other thoughts about others!"

"Luo Niang, do you want to think about me?"

As soon as several alchemists opened their mouth, everyone began to coax. Lin Feng sat there with a smile and didn't speak. The bride let everyone talk and said a few words from time to time. The enthusiasm in the room was raised in an instant.

Lin Feng's eyes swept around inside.

There are eight alchemists in total. These alchemists should be people with little ability. Standing here now, each one has a smile on his face and a proud look on his face. On the contrary, Lin Feng is standing in that group, which seems a little out of stream.

"I heard that only two alchemists can see the ancestors of the cloud family this time. Tut Tut, this is a big man who has lived for 70000 or 80000 years. I don't know if I have a chance to see it!"

"Ha ha, brother Li, don't say that. We know your strength very well. Brother Li, you will definitely go in. At that time, you must show us more about the ancestral name of the cloud family. After that, we can go out and boast that we have seen the ancestral clan of the cloud family!"

"Everyone is like each other!"

A group of people said it again, but the bride suddenly set her eyes on Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin, do you know what the reward for the treatment of the old ancestor lover of the cloud family is?"

Hearing what the bride said, Lin Feng shook his head. He really didn't know what it was. It wasn't that he didn't care, but there was no reward on the paper pasted outside. When he came in from the outside, Lin Feng obviously didn't think of reward. Anyway, his purpose itself was not for reward.

"I'm not sure. I just entered muxiu city."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, the bride pursed her lips and smiled.

"It's the Dragon tomb. The ancestor of the cloud family said that no matter who cured his disease, he would open the Dragon tomb for free and let us go in once. There are many herbs in the Dragon tomb in another different dimension. Some of them have grown up for hundreds of thousands of years and are good treasures."

The bride's eyes twinkled with stars. Instead, she focused on Lin Feng and wanted to see what Lin Feng looked like. However, after watching for a long time, Lin Feng just sat there with a light smile and no other expression.

The bride can't help feeling a little lost.

Obviously, the guy in front of us is out of some oil and salt.

Lin Feng's face didn't show, but he turned up a storm in his heart at this time. If he came in because of Wusuo's encouragement and his own adventurous spirit, he came in to have a look. After hearing Yao Ziyi's reward, Lin Feng was stunned.

Dragon tomb!

Free access to the Dragon tomb!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"This is completely wrong." Lin Feng had superfluous thoughts in his heart. When he thought of the result, he was completely unable to laugh or cry. He didn't expect that after his death, he even made a profit. Lin Feng was secretly glad to think of this.

Suddenly, the whole hall was quiet.

"Hello, my lords." A gentle voice sounded. Then, a middle-aged man in Tang costume came out of the hall. The man's hair was braided in the back, and slowly walked into the hall with his back and hands, "let's wait a long time."

"It's the cloud master!"

"Master Yun is really young and energetic. He is more and more energetic!"

"Everyone praises me!" The owner of the cloud family glanced at Lin Feng. His last eyes stayed on Lin Feng. Before he came in, he had observed it for a long time and paid more attention to Lin Feng. After all, Lin Feng in front of him is really a little guy.

"Everyone is an alchemist above immortal product level 6. I believe you are also very clear about the purpose of inviting everyone this time. The old ancestor has spoken. This is the disease of the old ancestor."

The master of the cloud family waved his hand, and nine glass beads haunted by black fog stayed in front of everyone.

"The old ancestor said that treating a disease does not depend on whose alchemy ability, but needs some other methods to assist. In half an hour, I'll give you a solution. As long as our ancestors adopt it, you can stay at ease to treat a disease. At that time, the old ancestor will personally open the Dragon tomb and let you in."

The master of the cloud family looked at the people with a smile. All the alchemists began to be busy. They took the glass beads one by one and sighed there. Lin Feng looked at the glass beads in front of him, frowned slightly, took out the paper and began to write.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, the owner of the cloud family flashed a strange look in his eyes and came to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng soon wrote down the treatment methods and handed them over to the cloud family owner. When the cloud family owner saw what Lin Feng wrote, he was hesitant for a time. The most important thing is that some treatment methods written by Lin Feng were completely unheard of!

"I don't know what school my little brother follows?"

Although he disagreed, the owner of the cloud family took over with a smile, looked at Lin Feng and asked.

"Yuanmen." Lin Feng whispered and smiled awkwardly.

Yuan men? No wonder he is already a level 6 alchemist of xianpin at such a young age. He is also clear about Yuanmen. As the first sect in the world, although it is not a professional sect of pills, the level of alchemists inside is absolutely high, especially the new generation of Bai Xiangfan, who has begun to make a reputation in Zhongzhou. Young level 6 alchemists are not everywhere!

Is this boy Bai Xiangfan?

Thinking of Lin Dasheng's name previously reported, and Lin Feng has never reported to his family, the cloud family owner, seeing Lin Feng's appearance, directly gave Lin Feng's identity.

Lin Feng smiled and sent the owner of the cloud family away.

"Master, are you too hasty?" As soon as the master of the cloud family left, Qianlong immediately flew out and whispered to Lin Feng, "master, you haven't completely figured out what we need now. Is it wrong to decide so quickly?"

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