"Hum!" Lin Feng just hummed twice and stopped talking. He rested there with his eyes closed. Two or three hours later, Lin Feng regained his energy and was just ready to have a good rest in the yard. A gust of wind directly opened the yard door.

"Are you Da Sheng Lin?" A charming voice sounded at the door. Lin Feng looked at it. A girl with braids was standing at the door. The girl was wearing a coat and trousers. She looked neat, thick eyebrows and big eyes. Her facial features had a somewhat exotic smell, but it exacerbated her beauty and gave people a good feeling.

"Are you?" Lin Feng frowned slightly and was surprised at the sudden arrival of the girl.

"My name is Yun XiuXiu. I'm the eldest lady of the cloud family." Yun XiuXiu stretched out her hand to Lin Feng. "I heard that you can cure the stubborn diseases of your ancestors. I'll come and see what you look like, but now it seems that you look good!"

Yun XiuXiu chuckled, "would you like to have a drink together?"

Yun XiuXiu held a jar of wine in her hand. "This is the wine that my ancestors hid for 70000 or 80000 years. You can't get it easily."

"I still don't drink it. I'll give your ancestors acupuncture tomorrow. If you drink wine, it's easy to have an accident." Lin Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Let's drink together when we have a chance."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yun XiuXiu put away the wine and nodded, "OK, when you cure the old ancestor, I'll find you to drink with me again. Remember, my name is Yun XiuXiu!"

With that, Yun XiuXiu turned and walked away directly. Lin Feng shook his head and closed the yard door again.

Yun XiuXiu, this name doesn't match this little woman.

"Tut Tut, what a man!" Qianlong whispered, "but it's really beautiful. It's my dish."

"Come on." Lin Feng said softly, "maybe you'll really pursue renen's little girl home."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong stopped talking immediately. Lin Feng's words were chilly. On the surface, it was like this, but he heard it. Obviously, Lin Feng was teasing him.

"Forget it, I still won't do it. The last time Mrs. Ziyi focused on her master you. I won't rob you. When I have a body, I'll train a beautiful little girl myself."


Lin Feng was speechless.

It seems that this guy has read a lot of novels he brought to the fairy world.

"By the way, master, do you have the following text of the best beauty cultivation system? This book is really good-looking."

"No more." Lin Feng closed the yard door, "but you can see others, such as my neighbor's stewardess, which are also very good-looking."

Qianlong nodded, and his mind went into the novel world again. Qianlong was not so sad about the novel before, but he was completely infatuated with it since he read several books, and his whole mind was piled on the novel.


The next morning, Lin Feng went directly to the yard.

Grandpa Yun is already waiting. When he sees Lin Feng coming, he smiles at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took out the pill.

"Later, I'll inform Lao Zu that you can take these pills. Then you can take them directly. Don't worry. This is the order." Lin Feng put three pills in front of cloud's father and said with a smile.

"OK, you can arrange it." Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yun Laozu smiled and nodded, "let's start."

Lin Feng nodded, and the silver needle directly fell into his hand. The silver needle passed from the inflammation of the earth's heart and directly entered the body of old cloud. For example, Lin Feng only experimented yesterday and told old cloud that he could remove these evil gases. This time, Lin Feng really shot.

As soon as the silver needle entered yunlaozu's body, it immediately began to rotate. Lingli kept rotating at the tip of the silver needle. Under the control of Lingli, the silver needle began to shake regularly. With the shaking, yunlaozu's back began to turn red. Then, the red turned black, and a trace of air mist began to penetrate from yunlaozu's back.


Lin Feng opened his mouth and Lao Zu Yun took the pill directly. As soon as the pill was taken, a cool force quickly began to spread around Lao Zu Yun. Lao Zu Yun's body trembled. As soon as the medicine entered his body, he immediately began to repair his body and successfully repaired the places where the magic Qi had left. The rest of the medicine was directly aligned with the magic Qi, Push the magic Qi out.

The battle between medicine and evil Qi in the body is filled with the meridians of old Yun. Outside, Lin Feng is constantly involved in evil Qi.

Both started at the same time, and the pain became more and more deep. Lao Zu Yun's face was pale. Although the cultivation was strong enough, at this time, he couldn't get his body out of it, but he was still sticking to it.

The whole body breath of the cloud family ancestor was on alert, and the whole body was trembling slightly. I don't know how long later, Lin Feng spoke again.


Father Yun was already in a trance. Hearing Lin Feng's words, he immediately took the second pill.


At the entrance of the second pill, Yun Laozu couldn't help eating pain any more. His whole body shook. Lin Feng didn't move, but his mind controlled the silver needle to rotate continuously. The inflammation of the earth lingered around Lin Feng and evaporated the penetrated black fog directly.

The master of the cloud family stood outside the yard. When he heard the sound of old cloud's eating pain inside, he turned around and couldn't bear it in his eyes.

He didn't expect that the acupuncture was more painful than he thought. You know, master Yun has stepped into the level of Immortal Emperor.

It seems that it's really a trouble.

The body of the owner of the cloud family shook for a while, and the other top leaders of the cloud family behind also heard the sound of eating pain inside. Their bodies trembled one by one, an incredible look, which was completely beyond their expectation!

Two hours later, Lin Feng came out of it.

"You can go in and see." Lin Feng's eyes fell on the owner of the cloud family, "it's okay."

With that, Lin Feng went directly to his yard. The owner of the cloud family nodded and immediately went inside. A group of people were like family members anxiously waiting for the results outside the operating room. As soon as they heard the news, they rushed in with excitement on their face.

Seeing this, Lin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't expect that this time he would finally finish it.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. For the first time, he thought these guys of the cloud family were very interesting.

Do you want to continue to toss the ancestors of the cloud family?

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