Looking at Yun XiuXiu's insincere appearance, Lin Feng shook his head, but seeing Yun XiuXiu is really happy because he cured the ancestors of the cloud family. Lin Feng's mood also improved. Saving the lives and healing the wounded can get such a high evaluation from the host's family, which is also a very exciting thing for Lin Feng.

"By the way, do you know Yun Luoying?" Lin Feng suddenly looked up at Yun XiuXiu and asked in a low voice.

"Falling clouds?" Yun XiuXiu frowned and turned to wave her hand, "which one should be biased? Let me ask for you!"

"No, I used to know the cloud family when I was in college, so I asked." Lin Feng smiled and said, "it was a long time ago, but when I saw you, I always felt that you had something similar."

Yun XiuXiu smiled and nodded.

"My father and I look like each other. Maybe it's my father's child outside. But since we can't enter the cloud family, something must have gone wrong there. Our cloud family is very tolerant of every child in our family."

Yun XiuXiu said with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded.

Yun XiuXiu drank happily. Finally, the servant girl carried her out. When she went out, Yun XiuXiu was still muttering something. She looked completely awake. Lin Feng looked at the girl who had gone away and shook her head helplessly.

After cleaning up the mess in the yard, Lin Feng stretched himself. For a full month, he didn't have a good sleep.

After sleeping until the sun rises, Lin Feng gets up with a satisfied face, exercises in the yard, opens the gate of the yard, and Yun XiuXiu stands at the gate of the yard.

"I didn't say anything last night, did I?"

Yun XiuXiu looked up at Lin Feng and whispered with some embarrassment on her face.

Lin Feng shook his head.

"You didn't say anything."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yun XiuXiu was relieved and turned to Lin Feng with an embarrassed smile, "in this way, I'm relieved."

Seeing Yun XiuXiu's appearance, Lin Feng smiled, "just said some interesting things about you and old cloud over the years."


Yun XiuXiu immediately lowered her head and stopped talking. Lin Feng smiled, "do you want to come in?"

Lin Feng also has a lot of good feelings for this hearty girl.

"I'm going to prepare. Didn't I say I wanted to enter the Dragon tomb?" Yun XiuXiu looked at Lin Feng with a smile. "Then we'll go in together, so I'm going to prepare more things for us to go in."

Hearing Yun XiuXiu's words, Lin Feng flashed a touch of starlight in his eyes and nodded with a smile.

"It's you!"

Yun XiuXiu turned and walked away with a smile. Lin Feng shook his head with a smile, but Qianlong opened.

"I said, tut Tut, the little girl's heart is put on your master again. If the ladies know it, I guess the ladies will be crazy."

"Go, go!"

Lin Feng waved, "come on, I don't need to prepare too many wives for myself. Besides, do you think the eldest lady of the big family can marry back if she marries?"

"It's certainly impossible for ordinary Tianzong wizards, but it must be easy like you." Qianlong said with a smile, "but compared with other girls, I think the eldest lady of the cloud family is very good. She is valiant and handsome. She looks like a national beauty and natural fragrance. She doesn't make much difference with her wives."

Lin Feng shakes his head. There are enough women around him. He doesn't want to prepare too many women around him. Yun XiuXiu is a good girl, but it's good for Lin Feng to be friends.

"Have a good rest and get ready to enter the Dragon tomb." Lin Feng waved his hand, "then explore the terrain inside. Maybe we can have unexpected harvest."

"Yes, if only the dragon's blood could be brought out directly."

Lin Feng nodded, sat inside to rest, closed his eyes and thought about the next journey. He wanted to take the dragon's blood away from the cloud family. Lin Feng didn't think it was a simple thing, but the most important thing was that Lin Feng didn't know what the state was inside and whether he could get the dragon's blood.

The state of this position makes Lin Feng's mind running and wants to give himself more peace of mind. However, no matter how Lin Feng thinks, the unknown is like a mountain pressing on him. He can't give himself a reason to feel at ease.

"What a trouble!"

For a long time, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

When Yun XiuXiu came to call Lin Feng the next morning, Lin Feng thought all night and even prepared a lot of things while it was dark. As Yun XiuXiu moved forward, Lin Feng finally looked forward to seeing Yun XiuXiu's excited face.

"I've only been to the Dragon tomb once." Yun XiuXiu whispered to Lin Feng as she walked, "but I still have a deep memory. There are many good things in it. I found several herbs I needed for promotion at that time, which made me get the pill promotion in advance, reducing the time of three or four years!"

Yun XiuXiu said to Lin Feng with a smile, "but because of the special nature of the Dragon tomb, even the cloud family can only be opened once every 30 years. You can only enter five disciples at a time. This time, you've made a lot of money."

Yun XiuXiu smiled at Lin Feng and said.

"I can see it, too." Lin Feng smiled and nodded, "thanks to you, I can go in this time."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yun XiuXiu shook her head, but the corners of her mouth still had a gentle smile and said, "you really want to thank me for my words. When we get inside, let's go deeper together. The old ancestor said that good things are in the depths, but there are not many disciples we can enter the depths!"

Lin Feng nodded.

The two people talked and smiled all the way forward. They almost came to the end of the cloud house and just stopped in a small yard. The small yard was simple and generous. As soon as they stepped into the small yard, Lin Feng's heart trembled, and a strong desire directly occupied Lin Feng's body.

It's the breath of dragon blood.

The dragon blood of Yunjia dragon tomb is still here.

Feeling this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter?" Yun XiuXiu turned her head and suddenly opened her mouth. Lin Feng immediately turned back and shook his head.

"It's probably the first time to enter the Dragon tomb. I'm very nervous now." Lin Feng smiled embarrassed and said, this may be my own worry. It's really a good thing to enter the Dragon tomb.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yun XiuXiu smiled and nodded.

"I was the same as you for the first time. Even now, my heart beats much faster than usual!"

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