Hearing Lin Feng's words, the man's eyes lit up immediately, "ha ha, I see you look extraordinary, I know you're here too."

The next moment, a dagger stabbed Lin Feng directly, "but little brother, if you die, will I lose a competitor?"

"In the same way, I'm missing one when you're dead." Lin Feng held the man's hand and stabbed the dagger back into the man's chest. Lin Feng shook his hand and looked at the man falling down with some disbelief and shook his head.

When you kill, you should be ready to be killed.

"Master, you don't really want to go in?" Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, Qianlong was startled and asked.

"Otherwise?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows. "If you miss such a good opportunity, you won't have it."

Xingyu swallowed his mouth and didn't speak.

Generally speaking, if Lin Feng wants to fight, they know very well that Lin Feng is not a good stubble. Next, there will be excitement to see.

"Qianlong, can we use the weapons and materials in the demon world?" Lin Feng suddenly turned to look at Qianlong and asked in a low voice.

"Of course, some materials are the same as those in the fairy world, and there are many materials in the demon world that are not in the fairy world. Because there is no, those materials are expensive in the fairy world. Therefore, materials can be collected, and herbs can also be collected. Master, you can also try to refine some pills in the demon world. Because the herbs are different, they will only lead to different pills, but the refining methods, It's the same. "

"Yes, the demon world and the fairy world are originally a family, so they are the same except for the matching of herbs."

Lin Feng nodded, went to the medicine shop and bought some herbs first. Lin Feng also bought some prescriptions of pills. He had some formulas of magic pills, but those were high-level pills. He wanted to enter the corpse Yin sect. If he showed his superb face skills at once, it would inevitably make the corpse Yin sect suspicious.

"Those who can enter the demon world in front are all powerful. They don't care about these small pills at all. They only got seven or eight in front of them when they came down this day." Looking at the pill prescription in his hand, Lin Feng smiled bitterly.

"Master, come on!"

"Refine it with nether fire, master. You can't refine it without the smell of the demon world."

Lin Feng nodded.

The netherworld fire burned at Lin Feng's fingertips and wound the herbs little by little. Although there was a prescription and Lin Feng himself was also an alchemist, Lin Feng still had a lot of consumption rate when refining magic pills. He could only seize the magic Qi around to refine pills. If he couldn't control it well, the pills would be destroyed directly.

In the following days, Lin Feng was refining magic pills. When the Shiyin sect opened the mountain to select disciples, Lin Feng made a small achievement. He changed his clothes in the demon world and got a lot of magic gas on his body. He went to the Shiyin sect, signed up and wrote his specialty in alchemy. Unexpectedly, Lin Feng was directly admitted to the next level of assessment.

"Although our Shiyin sect has a large territory, there are not many real disciples belonging to our Shiyin sect. However, every real disciple of our Shiyin sect can take charge of 20 cities. You should be glad that you can participate in the selection of Shiyin sect and become a famous and beautiful Shiyin sect disciple!"

All the way in, the disciples of the Shiyin sect kept instilling ideas and stuck the excited faces of the surrounding disciples who participated in the selection. Lin Feng also pretended to be excited, as if he had been moved by them.

When he got inside, Lin Feng was the only one who could refine pills. He was brought out before he had been assessed and asked to refine pills alone. Lin Feng looked down and nodded. Instead, he began to refine pills. There were some bumps in refining pills, but he still refined a furnace of pills. As soon as the pills were released, the eyes of the disciples of the Shiyin sect over there immediately lit up.

"Work hard, you can enter the inner door sooner or later!"

"Thank you, senior brother." Lin Feng answered with a smile and was led inside by a disciple of the corpse Yin sect.

"Younger martial brother, welcome to join the outer gate of our corpse Yin sect. If you need anything, please tell us that if you have pills, you must inform us at the first time, and we will spare no effort to buy them." The disciple of the corpse Yin sect smiled and said to Lin Feng, "if you need any herbs, please tell us that although we don't have a city in our hands, we also have many people working for us. We will send all the herbs you need to you, younger martial brother."

Hearing what the corpse Yin sect disciple said, Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, elder martial brother. If I need anything, I will contact you at the first time."

"Well, come with me, younger martial brother. I'll get you clothes and ID cards. Although there are thousands of caves in the Shiyin sect, many of them are scarce. I happen to know that many of them are full of magic gas and have disciples. I'll take you there later."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

This is special treatment.

I can't see. The corpse Yin sect still lacks alchemists.

Lin Feng originally wanted to give himself some points through the ability of alchemy, so that he was more likely to enter the corpse Yin sect. Unexpectedly, these disciples of the corpse Yin sect were so eager for the alchemist.

This can be regarded as a crooked attack.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. It was absolutely a wonderful thing for Lin Feng to enter the Shiyin Sect on the basis of such an invitation. Next, let's make a good study of how the disciples of the Shiyin sect entered the lower world.

The first step went smoothly, which made Lin Feng feel relieved and happy.

After getting his identity card, Lin Feng began to devote himself to cultivation. At the same time, he also refined some pills to the surrounding disciples of the outer gate of the corpse Yin sect to get on well with them.

In his spare time, he went to the corpse Yin sect to listen to lectures and cultivate the way. Because there were few alchemists, after Lin Feng refined a perfect first-class magic pill, Lin Feng allowed to go to the inner gate and listen to the lectures of the only alchemist expert of the corpse Yin sect only three times a year with all alchemists in the inner gate.

"Master, you are a little too fast."

Qianlong follows Lin Feng to the inner door with Lin Feng. He is so anxious about Lin Feng that he starts. After some discussion, Wusuo sends Qianlong, who has the best relationship with Lin Feng, to be a lobbyist. He hopes Qianlong can give Lin Feng a good introduction. Lin Feng's life is connected with them. The most important thing is that he has been with Lin Feng for a long time, They are from the heart, willing to be with Lin Feng, and hope Lin Feng is good.

"Even if it's a alchemy genius, it doesn't have the perfect level of pills so quickly."

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