They all knew that when pheromone died, they had no chance to go home.

Qianjimen can't sit back and watch Fei Meng's accident. If Lin Feng doesn't care about them, what will they do in the end? Even they don't have a foundation in their hearts, but Lin Feng's practice just now gives them a living magic weapon.

In other words, they finally have the courage to live.

"Thank you, my Lord!"

"This is your own little world!" Fei Meng suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, "you have your own small world. Who are you?"

Hearing Fei Meng's words, Lin Feng smiled.

"I'm Yang Yang's father. You were very sharp when you framed my son. Now, enjoy it here." Lin Feng's body disappeared directly into the chaotic world. His mind swept around and determined that the girls had begun to fight Fei Meng. Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, your move is too insidious." Qianlong whispered to Lin Feng, "do you need me to guard for your master?"

"There's thick soil!" Lin Feng smiled and said, "the chaotic world is too big. It's very difficult to develop alone. However, with these girls in it, it's estimated that the speed will be much faster."

Lin Feng thinned the aura around him, and did not dilute a small amount of aura in the surrounding world, leaving these girls with the water they need to survive.

"Master, are you going to give them a small world to survive?" Seeing Lin Feng's practice, Qianlong's eyes lit up immediately.

"They are all weak girls. No matter what I do, I should not be able to fight these girls. Since I can give them an environment, I want them to live and help me build a chaotic world."

Lin Feng whispered.

Hearing what Lin Feng said, Qianlong didn't speak again.

The spaceship is huge, and the things inside can definitely supply these girls. They can get the Linggu lingcai Lin Feng gave them and plant fresh LingMi lingcai. There is water source, and Lin Fengyuan continues to supplement them. In addition, the spirit of the chaotic world is sufficient. As long as these girls make step-by-step efforts, even if their talent is poor, they may reach the immortal period in the future.

Lin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

After dealing with Fei Meng, Lin Feng turned and went to the place where the ancient tomb was located again.

After such a big circle, Lin Feng was farther and farther away from the place he had to go before. Lin Feng shook his head with a bitter smile.

"Qianlong, come on!"

"OK!" After determining the direction, Qianlong went straight ahead like a gust of wind, but in half a day, Lin Feng arrived at the location of the ancient tomb given to him by Baigu.

This is a barren jungle.

Lin Feng swept around according to the feng shui theory recorded in the classics of the Shiyin sect. After determining the possible location of the cemetery in this place, Lin Feng left several points. His mind swept around several points, and finally excluded two.

"Tut Tut, these corpse Yin sect are really good at digging people's graves." Seeing this, Qianlong tut tut sighed and said.

Lin Feng smiled.

"After all, it's the livelihood of others. If you don't have any skills, you'll waste the name of corpse Yin sect!"

Qianlong nodded.

"Master, I find that your evaluation of the corpse Yin sect is getting higher and higher recently. That master, you..." Qianlong asked with some uneasiness when he saw Lin Feng's appearance.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested. If I can deal with the corpse Yin sect, I'll deal with it as soon as possible. However, the corpse Yin sect can exist for such a long time and become the first sect in the demon world. Naturally, there is a reason for its existence."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. "Earlier, when I knew that the corpse Yin sect was going down from above, I couldn't wait to be included in the fairy world and deal with the corpse Yin sect, but what I didn't expect was that the fairy world also has the order of the fairy world, especially the corpse Yin sect. It doesn't exist in the fairy world at all. Now, since it's here, even if it can't be eradicated at one time, at least, I also want to give the corpse Yin sect a heavy blow, so that they have no mind to take care of the following things. "

Lin Feng spat. Feng Tong's sword looked directly at the last point. The majestic spirit opened all the surrounding areas. Lin Feng swept around and slowly went down.

Inside is an aisle that allows only one person to enter.

Once opened, a strong and powerful breath spread around in an instant. After the breath spread, a cool moment swept Lin Feng's body.

Different from the shade of the wind outside, Lin Feng shouted bitterly in the shade, which made Lin Feng's body perk up.

White bones are given to him. It's a good ancient tomb.

Seeing this, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise, and his face was a little more ecstatic.

"Tut Tut, if this guy is refined into a corpse I use, it must be very good!" Lin Feng's body walked around and said with a smile, "Qianlong, what do you say?"

"Master, just be happy." Qianlong whispered, "as for what's going on in here, Qianlong is not very clear, but master, you say well, that must be very good."

Hearing the words of Qianlong's dog legs, Lin Feng shook his head.

When this guy flatters, he is really incomparable to ordinary people.

Lin Feng walked in slowly.

Ancient tombs are also a small world.

As time goes by, there will naturally be many things in the cemetery. Those things exist in the cemetery with the help of the breath in the tomb or other things. Once someone breaks their living environment, these things will be sold.

Lin Feng walked around carefully all the way.

Suddenly, the sound of something beating the rock wall came from inside, and Lin Feng's footsteps paused.

The smell of this thing is not very strong, but soon, countless things piled up here.

"It's a bloodthirsty bat." Qianlong Xiaosheng said, a light shot directly at the bats, felt the light, and the bats immediately began to fly in panic. Their disgust with the light came from their hearts.

The sword field flew directly towards these things. Under the dense sword spirit, the bloodthirsty bats soon fell down on the aisle. Some of them struggled on it for a few times. Soon, all the bats ended there.

Lin Feng stepped on the bodies of these bats and continued to move forward.

Turning the corner, the tomb path in front immediately relaxed, and there was a faint strange smell around. Lin Feng ate the antidote pill and continued to move forward.

"Master, there are no living creatures in it." Qianlong immediately said to Lin Feng seriously, "some living creatures seem to have been eaten by something."

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