Lin Feng didn't speak. He sighed for a long time. "Those disciples of the corpse Yin sect can't come back, and their accomplishments can't go up naturally. The only way for them to fly is to take the flying platform." Lin Feng paused and breathed a sigh of relief. "At that time, the accomplishments of natural practitioners will begin to change. With the passage of time, those in the lower boundary will naturally lose their sense of superiority with the disciples of the corpse Yin sect."

At that time, the balance between practitioners will come back.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"The master is for their good." For a long time, Qianlong whispered.

"I just want to return peace to my own hometown." Lin Feng packed up the things inside and walked slowly outside. When he went out, he wiped out all the traces he had entered. "There is a pure land in the depths of my heart. I don't want these dirty things to touch."

Then Lin Feng went out and turned to the treasure Pavilion.

Since he wants to rob, he only robs one array. I'm so sorry for his own character.

Lin Feng and Qianlong have long been used to robbery, and Jose is close to each other in this regard. They only need one eye to eye, and they immediately know what to do, and begin to think about how to do it.

Qianlong keeps the wind outside and Lin Feng goes in.

However, soon, Lin Feng came out.

"Master, why did you come out so soon? It doesn't accord with your style?" Seeing Lin Feng coming out, Qianlong whispered to Lin Feng immediately, "isn't there in there?"

"No." Lin Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head. "I've taken all the things in the treasure Pavilion for a while. This guy is very cautious."

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Qianlong sighed.

"It's a pity that such a great opportunity will disappear if it doesn't exist." Qianlong fell back on Lin Feng's shoulder. One person and one shuttle could only choose to go outside. Before walking a few steps, Bai Gu stood in front of Lin Feng.

"I'm still wondering when you'll show your feet. I didn't expect the speed to be faster than expected." The voice of white bones was Yin measured. Standing in front of Lin Feng, he looked up and down at Lin Feng, "tut Tut, tell me, what's the secret of mixing with the corpse Yin sect!"

The smell of white bones locked Lin Feng and walked slowly towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took a step back.

"Elder, what are you talking about?" Lin Feng's mouth wore a gentle smile, "this is among the sects. What secrets can I have?"

Bai Gu stopped and looked up and down at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stood there with a smile. He looked calm. The sincerity in his eyes made Bai Gu wonder if he wanted to leave.

"Elder, thank you for providing me with the map of the ancient tomb. My cultivation is not enough. I can't take the body in the ancient tomb as my own, but the body has been transformed into a zombie. Later, when I came out, I don't know how the whole earth sank down. I informed zongmen at the first time."

Lin Feng paused for a moment and then said seriously, "up to now, things are probably like this."

Bai Gu frowned and looked at Lin Feng, "seriously?"

"I can swear with my life. I really don't know that there is such a terrible thing under the ancient tomb, and elder, look, this is the map you gave me. I follow the past on the map."

Lin Feng gave the map of the ancient tomb to Bai Gu.

Take the bones.

The place marked on the map is indeed there.

Seeing the disbelief in Bai Gu's eyes, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief silently. What he gambled was that Bai Gu had not seen this map, and this time, he was right.

Bai Gu took the map and fell into meditation.

There is still his breath on the map. He can be sure that he gave the map to Lin Feng.

"Elder, although I've just started, I also know that as an excellent disciple of the Shiyin sect, I should put all the interests of the Shiyin sect first. If the elder didn't suddenly give me this map, I would never go to this place and come back contaminated with this right and wrong. If the elder wanted to frame me, I didn't say a word for the sake of the Shiyin sect, I am willing! "

Lin Feng's voice increased a little.

"What are you talking about!" The white bone suddenly said, "I... what did I frame you for?"

Lin Feng just stood there with his head down and didn't move.

"I'll find out about this!" Bai Gu took the map and turned to go. A figure crossed Bai Gu's face.

"Patriarch... Patriarch." Bai Gu just shouted these two words. For a while, he directly scratched Bai Gu's head, and Bai Gu disappeared.

"My corpse Yin sect doesn't need a traitor like you." Without any explanation, he shot directly. His eyes finally fell on Lin Feng.

Lin Feng fell and sat on the ground, his whole body softened, and he looked very frightened.

"According to the rules of our school, you should be rewarded and punished. Especially those who dare to betray the corpse Yin sect will be destroyed." For a while, Lin Feng's voice was sonorous and powerful, and his eyes turned white and fainted directly.

At this time, it's much better to make a fool of yourself than to face a break.

Moreover, this should be the immortal period of most people. At this time, with their cultivation, they can only faint.

Lin Feng's mind was on guard carefully.

He felt that someone had brought him back to the cave.

"Tut Tut, this younger martial brother Lin is really. It's humiliating to be stunned by the patriarch!"

"Hey, hey, this younger martial brother Lin's cultivation is so low. Can you not lose face?"

The two disciples were talking and laughing while carrying.

"But if I were you, I would never fall down. That's the only way, Jie Jie. Maybe I would become the closed disciple of the patriarch!"


Lin Feng was speechless.

If it were them, Lin Feng could be sure that they would fall before him.

When the two men were far away, Lin Feng opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking that Bai Gu was killed without an explanation, Lin Feng was not very comfortable at this time.

"Master, are you all right?" Qianlong carefully gathered around Lin Feng, "fortunately, all his thoughts just now were on the white bone, which didn't notice the breath of your master. Otherwise, a strong man at the Immortal Emperor level would easily find the camouflage on you."

"I firmly believe that a strong man who is too low-level has no time to take care of the cultivation of so many disciples below, doesn't he?" Lin Feng smiled bitterly, shook his body and breathed a sigh of relief. "But fortunately, things have been solved now, and we can breathe a sigh of relief now."

Lin Feng shook his arm.

"Next, we should be ready to leave."

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