Liz approached some Lin Feng, who drew out her body quietly.

"Miss lish, you are wrong. First of all, I didn't say that the pills refined from the herbs I bought will be sent to the auction house where Miss lish is located. Second, everyone opens the door to do business. Miss lish wants to win me over, and I'm not satisfied with the price given by Miss lish. Therefore, it's normal that we can't cooperate well."

Lin Feng smiled at the flower of the demon world in front of him. Since the woman appeared in front of him, Lin Feng knew that the woman's identity was not low and there must be a lot of good things at hand. What he didn't expect was that his idea was right.

The little golden flower in front of me should be the person in charge of the auction house.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, a faint light flashed in Liz's eyes. The next moment, Liz stared round.

There was a group of pills on the table, but soon Lin Feng took it back.

Lin Feng looked down at Liz.

This group of pills, he was waiting for the person in charge of the auction house to appear, but what Lin Feng didn't expect was that the person in charge would be Liz herself. Until this time, Lin Feng woke up.

"You... What are you?" Liz looked at Lin Feng.

"There are still some pills that haven't been auctioned. They've been waiting for Miss lish." Lin Feng said with a smile, "I can give this part of pills as a gift to miss lish, but I have a request..."

Lin Feng's eyes swept around Liz. Liz Jiao smiled, "tut Tut, I won't sleep with you!"

"I don't need Miss Liz to sleep with me, but I just need Miss Liz to do something for me." Lin Feng said with a smile, "if Miss lish doesn't mind, we can find a quiet place to talk. I think Miss lish won't refuse."

Lizzie smiled twice. The corner on her head shook with her petite, and the whole foot suddenly began to emit a faint blush, which wrapped Lizzie in it. Lizzie's face was a little more charming, and the whole body became vivid.


Seeing this scene, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of surprise. Instead, he tutted and sighed. This woman is full of exotic customs. The most important thing is that the two corners of the demon clan are attached with functions that can improve this aspect. No wonder the women of the demon clan have a price in the black market of the demon world.

"Master, you just accept this woman. She's so charming and affectionate. If you accompany your master in the future, it must be icing on the cake and very beautiful."

"Go, go!" Lin Feng threw away his mind. Qianlong was quiet immediately. Lin Feng looked at Liz in front of him.

"Let's find a box." Liz said with a smile, "I also want to know what the adult wants!"

Lin Feng followed Liz forward. The two found a box to sit in. Lin Feng didn't shy away from his requirements and directly said something in front of Liz.

"This is what I need." Lin Feng looked up at Liz and said with a smile, "no big things, I just need a small thing, a very small thing." Lin Feng's fingers gestured, "I want to know where the Dragon tomb is."

Lin Feng pushed the pill in front of Liz.

"Hehe, don't you think there's some... Less information about this pill for the Dragon tomb?"

Liz's eyes turned and made a circle on Lin Feng. "There are only two dragon tombs in the whole demon world. The two dragon tombs are hidden in secret corners. Ordinary people can't find the existence of dragon tombs at all. How can I know as the person in charge of Xiaoxiao auction?"

Liz said with a smile, but her eyes turned on Lin Feng, as if she wanted to see through Lin Feng.

Lin Feng just looked at Liz with a smile.

"I know." Lin Feng said with a smile, "but I know that the corpse Yin sect reached an agreement with the Tianji gate with the things in the Dragon tomb, didn't it?" Lin Feng's eyes swept around Liz. "The primitive demon family had to move away from the north because of the continuous strength of the corpse Yin sect. The south is already saturated. Who wants the demon family to suddenly invade their territory?"

Lin Feng's eyes were still turning on Liz. Liz raised her head and looked at Lin Feng with an unbelievable face.


Liz's mouth wriggled.

Lin Feng just smiled.

"I'm just talking casually. As for whether Miss Liz is willing to exchange this condition with me, it's still miss Liz's own business. If Miss Liz is willing, we'll just cooperate."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "I think such cooperation is a very good cooperation for Miss lish and me. Our cooperation can make a lot of money."

Liz looked up at Lin Feng.

"I don't need the exact location of the Dragon tomb. I just need to know where the Dragon tomb is." Lin Feng's voice was not high, and Liz suddenly smiled.

"Your cultivation is like this. What do you want to do at the Dragon tomb?"

Lish's wood attention should be scanning Lin Feng's body with exploration, as if she wanted to explore an unknown secret from Lin Feng.

Seeing Liz's appearance, Lin Feng smiled.

"Don't every cultivator want to get the Dragon tomb? I'm no exception. As for what I'm going to do when I get to the Dragon tomb, doesn't miss Liz know? " Lin Feng smiled. "When an alchemist comes to the position of six products, he is under too much pressure, isn't he? I'm going to move on. I can't go on alone, can I? "

Lin Feng looked at Liz with a smile.

The real demon clan is not good at alchemy. In the process of imitating the demon clan, human beings have constantly changed the direction of their body muscles and veins. Although they still maintain a certain ability, they have made great sacrifices in alchemy.

So there are very few alchemists in the demon world.

"I'll ask for you." Liz stood up. "Of course, the corpse Yin sect took it. If you don't mind, I can give it to you." With a wave of her hand, lish put a picture album into Lin Feng's hand, "this is the Dragon tomb taken by the corpse Yin sect."

Hearing Liz's words, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and waved her hand. A group of pills fell directly into Liz's hand. Liz's look was a little complicated. Looking at Lin Feng's eyes, she hesitated. Soon, Liz received the reward and turned away.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

A flash of surprise flashed in Lin Feng's eyes as he punched in the map.

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