Soon, Lin Feng reached the bottom. When Lin Feng was ready to take action, Tang Hao appeared next to Lin Feng.

Qianqian follows Tang Hao.

Lin Feng steals and retreats a little. Seeing Qianqian appear, Lin Feng contacts Qianqian in time. Qianqian gives Lin Feng a reassuring action and tells Lin Feng in sign language that Tang Hao suspects her now. They are not suitable to meet at this time.

Qianlong returned to Lin Feng.

"Master, Tang Hao is now in alliance with the corpse Yin sect. The corpse Yin sect is outside to deal with those demon sect disciples, and several demon sect disciples have also come in. I guess they will almost go in with us."

Hearing Qianlong's words, Lin Feng nodded.

"Don't be in a hurry. It's still early." Lin Feng passed his mind to Qianqian, "pay attention to safety."

Qian Qian nodded slightly but could not be checked. Lin Feng stood behind Qian Qian and continued to go deep behind Tang Hao and Qian Qian. Fewer and fewer evil cult disciples came out, but cultivation began to become stronger and stronger. Lin Feng helped Qian Qian from time to time to deal with the numbness around Qian Qian thoroughly.

Tang Hao's shot is still fast, accurate and cruel.

"What a trouble!" Tang Hao's combat effectiveness made Lin Feng feel surprised.

"Master, Tang Hao's body is the beginning of light, the smell of dragon, and..." the violent death suddenly opened his eyes.

"The rest of the blood of the general wood beginning dragon is on this guy!"


The words of the violent death were like a thunder. Lin Feng looked down at the guy in front of him. His face was unbelievable. It was on this guy? Lin Feng looked down at the guy in front of him, looking a little complicated.

He also spent a lot of time looking for where the blood of muzhishi dragon is. However, no matter how Lin Feng looks for it, Lin Feng can't find this guy at all because he doesn't have a clue. But now, Lin Feng has actually got his thoughts about this family.

There's no place to look for in broken iron shoes. It takes no effort to come.

Lin Feng's eyes fell on Tang Hao, with the light of exploration in his eyes.

"This guy probably wants to take two of your blood and then occupy this one. From the current situation, master, you still hope to grab the blood of muzhishi dragon."

"It's not a robbery, it's a must." Lin Feng follows Tang Hao behind. His heart is beating differently. The more he goes down, the more clearly he can feel the joy from the depths of his body. This joy is not available to others.

Lin Feng felt this kind of joy. Although it was very light, Lin Feng still felt the restlessness of his heart from this deep joy.

The heart is telling him that he must get this thing!


A strong self-confidence ran through Lin Feng's whole body, making Lin Feng more and more confident.

Lin Feng's breath suddenly leaked out.

Tang Hao's original battle stopped for a moment and turned to look at Qianqian's direction. Qianqian was still fighting and had no time to take care of his surroundings.

Is it his illusion?

Tang Hao frowned. If it was an illusion, how could he feel my brother's breath?

Lin Feng's body passed through Tang Hao and continued to move forward.

Tang Hao suddenly accelerated his speed and moved forward.

"Tut Tut, what a keen perception!"

"Let's take care of the master first. It's estimated that these demon sect disciples only move around the cemetery. There are gifts inside and outside. It's estimated that the gifts prepared by that guy next are not much better. The candle Yin, an old thing, is the most immoral. "

Qianlong smashed the corner of his mouth and said with some disgust.

"Soldiers come to block, water and earth cover up. No matter what trouble it is, since it's all here, we can't let it go." Lin Feng stood in front of a black barrier, which isolated the inside and outside into two worlds. Lin Feng stood there and frowned at the scene in front of him.

Tang Hao's attack fell on the barrier. The barrier directly beat back Tang Hao's attack. The attack seemed to have eyes and followed Tang Hao until it hit Tang Hao.

"I'll go!"

Lin Feng opened his mouth in surprise at this scene. Just before Tang Hao came out, he was ready to attack. He didn't expect that this guy was so powerful. Thinking of this, all the people who had some ideas restrained their minds at the moment, but looked at the scene with some incredible.

It's too powerful.

The sound of Wusuo swallowing is obvious.

"Master, how do we get in?" For a long time, Qianlong asked Lin Feng in a low voice.

Lin Feng frowned, looked at the scene in front of him, and fell into meditation.

It's necessary to go in.

However, the barrier can reflect the attack. The attack from the waterfront area will continue behind him and his son. This is an urgent problem for Lin Feng. If he fights with brute force, Lin Feng estimated that his life had been dealt with before the barrier was destroyed.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng sighed.

"Let's not worry first. What we have to deal with should always be dealt with." Lin Feng waved his hand and looked serious. "Let our little sheep try the water first."

Little sheep?

Wusuo's eyes fell on Tang Hao. Tang Hao was fighting against the barrier. There were more and more spiritual competition around the two people. Tang Hao was still looking for a way to get in.

It's so indomitable.

"Master, who are you this time? I've picked up a treasure. There's such a stupid guy behind us. It's just a matter of time for us to break through here this time. " Qianlong suddenly said with a smile, "if we can open this barrier, we can take advantage of it."

Lin Feng didn't speak, just looked down.

Tang Hao's action is getting faster and faster. Lin Feng can also feel the impatience transmitted from Tang Hao. Obviously, Tang Hao is not happy about the battle here at this time.

Seeing this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. The next moment, Lin Feng attacked the barrier directly.

Lin Feng's attack instantly attracted Tang Hao's eyes.

"Is that you?" Tang Hao's eyes narrowed when he saw Lin Feng. Mu paid close attention to Lin Feng and swept around him. Instead, he accelerated his speed. How could this damn boy appear here?

Tang Hao stared at Lin Feng with gloomy eyes. He didn't mean to let Lin Feng go at all.

"Be gentle." Lin Feng took a few pieces of spiritual power to practice, "I didn't want to fight, but you're not good. You can't solve such a small thing. I think you'd better go home. No matter what's below, I think your appearance has nothing to do with you."

Lin Feng looked at Tang Hao. His indifferent words made Tang Hao's look cold in an instant.

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