"Don't worry." Lin Feng waved his hand. "Now that everyone is here, saying hello is the basic etiquette we should do well, but now we have more important things to do."

Then Lin Feng walked directly to the front. Several people who were still angry heard Lin Feng say that there are more important things to do. Look at me and I look at you. There is something incredible in your eyes. What else is more important than solving the things in front of you?

Liusuo followed Lin Feng quietly.

Lin Feng bought a lot of medicinal materials.

These medicinal materials are used to refine pills.

After some discussion with Zhuyin, oh, he decided to give himself a hand. He was worried about what mistakes would happen next. Anyway, there must be no mistakes. He must wash his hands because of the blood of the dragon.

After buying herbs, Lin Feng returned to the inn.

The disciples of the corpse Yin sect just watched outside and didn't mean to come in, which made it very easy for Lin Feng to refine pills.

"Candle Yin, where is the nether karma fire on you?" Liusuo was in the yard. Qianlong suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhuyin, "do you have it?"

"Youming karma fire is my life flame, and I naturally carry it." The candle snorted coldly, "what are you going to do?"

"You can lend it to the master for reference." Qianlong said with a smile, "look, the Youming fire on the master and your Youming industry fire may still be from the same family!"

"Not fierce!" Candle Yin refused directly, "every flame grows from heaven and earth. After a long time, they just take shape. The way each flame takes shape is different, and their final achievements are also different."

The candle gave a dull pause.

"The master's netherworld fire itself is already very strong. Maybe one day I will step into the netherworld fire level when I have an opportunity. My netherworld fire cultivation method is different from the master's netherworld fire. If I take action at this time, I will only harm the master's netherworld fire."

The voice of candle Yin was not high, but Wusuo was silent.

When they thought of it, Lin Feng had already thought of it. Candle Yin also refused, and the most obvious refusal was the dark fire in Lin Feng's body.

Youming fire doesn't want to learn from Youming fire.

Every fire of heaven and earth also has its own pride.

Even if they may be swallowed up and die in the end, they will never live by other flames!

This is their pride!

Alchemy lasted for half a month. When Lin Feng came out of it, liusuo was relieved.

"Master, are you ready?" Liusuo was nervous in front of Lin Feng.

"Deal with the trouble first." Lin Feng smiled and looked at the position in the sky. "The corpse Yin sect has followed me for so long. We should give her a big gift." The corners of Lin Feng's mouth stirred up, and his face was a little more mysterious.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, liusuo's body trembled.

Lin Feng's voice was chilly, which made their hair stand up.

Obviously, Lin Feng's appearance is unlikely to be good at this matter.

"That... Master, why don't we... We..." liusuo's face was hesitant.

"Don't worry." Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile, "let's go and give them a big gift first."

With that, Lin Feng left the Inn and settled the room money. Lin Feng rented a boat at the port.

The boat took Lin Feng directly to the sea. Half an hour later, Shi Yinzong followed up.

"Lin Feng, die!" A huge dark shadow directly shrouded Lin Feng. Lin Feng's mouth aroused a faint smile and turned to a light smile, "so can't wait."

With that, Lin Feng directly greeted him.

The two men's battle burst out in an instant. At the next moment, a powerful breath directly shrouded around them, and the disciples of the corpse Yin sect quickly surrounded them.

Wheel fights?

Lin Feng smiled when he felt the moves of the disciples of the corpse Yin sect.

"Tut Tut, it's too weak. I killed Bai Cang. You want to kill me?" Lin Feng's eyes flashed gloomy. The next moment, a more powerful atmosphere shrouded around him. Lin Feng's body stumbled, and a powerful attack fell on Lin Feng again.


When the disciple of Shiyin sect heard Bai Cang's name, his breath lifted up again. Looking at Lin Feng, his eyes were cold.

This guy, this is touching their head!

"I'll come!"

A voice sounded from behind Lin Feng. The next moment, the candle Yin washed directly towards these guys.

Lin Feng lobbied him over. Although he was willing, somewhere in his heart, Zhuyin didn't admit such willingness at all. He was very oppressed and very oppressed.

This battle can help him get out of this suffocation.

That's why he wants to do it.

He's going to kill these guys to vent his hatred!

The Youming fire lingered around. With the haunting of the Youming fire, the surrounding environment began to change greatly. Breath appeared around, and then lingered on the Youming fire again. Lin Feng stood in the dark and looked at it with a bit of gloom and uncertainty in his eyes.

He wanted to see how the candle Yin itself was.

"Tut Tut, this strength is well preserved!"

"I still have to follow my master. It seems that my strength has improved a lot compared with that under the Dragon tomb!"

"This is clearly an angry hand, just unhappy in my heart!" The star chuckled, "the dark beginning dragon high above followed a cultivator who couldn't even reach the level of Da Luo Jinxian. I must be very depressed."

"Didn't you do the same?" Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Xingyu. Youyou said, are you better than him?

"At least I don't want to vent my sadness through fighting!"

Xingyu immediately connected, and the words were proud and charming.

Lin Feng shook his head.

Chatting with this proud young man is sometimes very helpless. Xingyu has his own proud attribute. He is born and can't be dumped.

"Candle Yin is very good. After venting, he naturally doesn't want to fight against his master again. He can practice well with his master at ease. In the future, our master can take it with us. We can see a better future."

Poche said with a smile.

"Just make peace with you." The star snorted coldly.

There are more and more disciples of the corpse Yin sect, and even this battle has attracted the disciples of the demon sect. These disciples of the demon sect have shot at Lin Feng and the corpse Yin sect, and they are not divided from each other at all.

For them, both Lin Feng, who fought with the corpse Yin sect, and the corpse Yin sect who later appeared in Haicheng for no reason, are enemies.

The battle below soon became chaotic.

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