Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I'll come and have a look." Lin Feng's eyes swept around, "everyone says that the gambling stone in the magic city is unique, so I came to see if it's like that."

"Ha ha, brother Lin has a good eye!" Yunshen gave Lin Feng a thumbs up, "I tell you, the gambling stone that can make people rich in this magic city is the gambling stone. If you go down with a knife, maybe you will be a master tomorrow!"

The smile on Yunshen's face became deeper and deeper, and there was a bit more madness in his eyes.

A deeply poisoned gambler.

Seeing the deep cloud, Lin Feng sighed and shook his head.

No wonder this guy has been gambling here. It turned out that he was so poisoned that he couldn't bear to leave here.

It's a pity.

Lin Feng shook his head when he saw the deep cloud.

"Brother Lin, this raw stone is good." Yunshen suddenly pointed to an original stone and said to Lin Feng with a smile. Lin Feng didn't speak, but just smiled.

Seeing Lin Feng's indifference, Yun Shen sneered and went ahead. Lin Feng was so happy that he turned around the whole hall and didn't find anything good. The things in the ordinary area were still a little too bad.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng shook his head, but Yunshen replaced all the magic coins with stones.

Lin Feng followed.

The original stone here needs to be cut with a weapon.




Yunshen stood there with scarlet eyes looking at the original stone on the stage.

"Bad luck." Lin Feng's eyes flashed an accident. Seeing this, he shook his head, "No."

"It's estimated that there are too many bad things, so there's no luck."

"Tut Tut, you also want to get rich overnight. This guy's luck stinks a little."

Yunshen looked at his original stones and soon left with disappointment. When he left, Yunshen cheered himself up. He will turn over the plate next time.

When the cloud went deep, Lin Feng put the original stone on the table.


The stone opener took a look at Lin Feng and soon opened two raw stones for Lin Feng. Both raw stones produced good things. Although they are not very valuable, they are rare good things in ordinary areas.

"It seems that I have good luck today."

Lin Feng put away his things and said with a smile, "I want to take a chance there."

Then Lin Feng took something and went inside.

Seeing Lin Feng's back, the old man shook his head and put on a smile on his face.

Every gambler starts with good luck in the ordinary area.

"This place is a little different." As soon as he entered, Lin Feng just paid the magic coin, Qianlong whispered, "master, I feel that this place is fishy."

"It's fishy. At least one-third of the original stones in it are fake. The real and fake are mixed together and sold!" Lin Feng shook his head. "Look at the price of these raw stones, it's more than one-third cheaper than ours. The boss is also a smart man. If you reduce the price, there will be more people who can serve, and he can earn more."


The sudden death snorted coldly.

"It's just a means." Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile, "where in the world is there something with low price and no money? This does not exist, and the purpose of existence here is nothing more than to meet those who are more in need. "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, liusuo immediately became silent.

What Lin Feng said is the truth.

"The human world is so troublesome." For a long time, Xingyu said viciously.

Lin Feng just smiled, turned around inside and picked out two stones.

The things that came out were neither good nor bad, but there was no loss. Lin Feng took the things and left.

"Master, you can solve it at one time!"

Qianlong whispered.

"It's too troublesome."

"Yes, master, let's rob this place at one time. Isn't it good?"

"You want to be exposed to the crowd." Lin Feng shook his head helplessly. "We'd better not rush into such a thing. You see, the boss of the casino can cheat and sell here, which shows that his ability in the magic city is not bad. If we do it at one time, it's really troublesome."

Liusuo was silent at once.

Lin Feng shook his head.

Out of the gambling house, Lin Feng didn't hurry back, but quickly followed Yunshen.

Yunshen didn't go fast. Maybe all the magic coins were lost. At this time, Yunshen looked a little embarrassed. Lin Feng stopped at the edge of the city with Yunshen.

Cloud deep nest, here.

"This guy is quite good at finding a place. Who would have thought that the bright Yunshen would place his house in such a dilapidated place."

"Human beings, there are too many crooked thoughts!" The sudden death snorted and stopped talking.

"This boy is very clever." Candle Yin said with a smile, "but this kind of gambler, that's it. He thinks he's hiding well. I don't know where he is. This kind of person deserves it. His life has passed like this."

"You are all wrong."

Lin Feng shook his head and looked at the deep cloud in front of him.

"This kind of person doesn't want to arrange his nest here, but because he is poor and can only live here."

Lin Feng followed Yunshen inside.

The yard with deep clouds is quiet.

As soon as he returned to the yard, the look of Yunshen changed immediately.

"Lost... Lost..."

"Damn it, I lost!"

Yunshen's breath suddenly became severe. As soon as the full breath at the peak of Jinxian period was released, the surrounding low-level practitioners began to run out one after another.

This guy is a nightmare here.

Originally, there would be no high-level practitioners in this poor place, but this guy appeared.

This guy was cruel enough to them. Almost all the magic money they earned was looted by this guy.

"What a rat crossing the street. Everyone yells."

Seeing the fleeing cultivators, Xingyu sneered and said.

Lin Feng didn't speak.

The practitioners who survive here have low accomplishments, and they are the bottom personnel. They have no strong backers and strong accomplishments, even their talents are general.

Being able to survive is their only attitude to live here.

But their only attitude has now been erased by these guys.

This is a kind of sadness.

However, Lin Feng has no time to pity these guys. What he has to do is to strangle the trouble in the cradle.

Before Lin Feng could make a move, Yunshen came out with a gloomy face. Lin Feng avoided it. Yunshen went directly out of the alley. As he walked, Yunshen crushed another piece of the jade plate previously given to Lin Feng.

At the next moment, Yunshen stood still.

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