Jia yingzi snorted coldly.

He has already said what should be said. He doesn't believe that this person doesn't understand what he means!

Lin Feng smiled.

That's true. If other people buy it, it's really only the corpse Yin sect that is useful. Who auctions it and resells it? As long as Jia yingzi makes it clear, at that time, the corpse Yin sect will depress the price, and there will be no benefit here, but it's just that he is also useful!

"No." Lin Feng said with a smile, "in the auction house, it depends on itself, doesn't it?"

"Good one, rely on your own ability, 90000!"

Jia yingzi shouted.

"Ninety one thousand."

Lin Feng still added only a thousand magic coins.

The original price of this crystal stone was about 60000 magic coins, but the current price has been mentioned to 90000.

Liz frowned slightly.

"Ninety thousand... Nine thousand!" Jia yingzi gritted his teeth and said.

This is all he has. If that guy talks to you again

Jiayingzi was still thinking in his mind, and Lin Feng shot directly.


The whole audience was quiet, and Jia yingzi sat down in a chair.

"One hundred thousand times..."

"100000 times..."

"One hundred thousand three times, Congratulations!" Liz knocked down the hammer, but her heart was a little unbalanced. Lin Feng was really rich and did not care about the magic money at all!

Liz was relieved to think that Lin Feng belonged to the fairyland.

But what puzzled Liz was what Lin Feng did to earn so many magic coins.

When he bought the crystal stone, Lin Feng didn't sell it again, but got up and quietly left the auction.

Lin Feng went to the gambling quarry in the east of the city.

The business of the gambling ground today is relatively bleak.

Because most people went to the auction, the store was almost empty.

"Long time no see." Seeing Lin Feng coming in, the old man smiled and said hello, "I haven't seen the childe in recent months. I thought the childe wouldn't come in the future!"

Hearing the old man's words, Lin Feng waved his hand and was sure to come. Long Yu said that there were many good things here. Before seeing his own good things, Lin Feng was naturally unwilling to give up such a good opportunity.

However, he auctioned what he wanted at the auction house today, and now he has a harvest. Lin Feng is in a good mood. He smiles a little more in front of the old man and points to what Jiao Ge Lin Feng had planned to ask for earlier, saying:

"I'm going to buy more raw stones today."

"I hope God can bless me to make good things."

Lin Feng smiled and put a million magic coins on the table. The old man nodded.

"You have good luck."

The old man led the way and took Lin Feng inside. "The speed of loading goods during this period is relatively slow. Recently, the business in the store is relatively good, and there are more raw stones out. I took my salary to have a look inside. There are not many raw stones in the inventory."

The old man whispered.

I don't know what happened in these three months. There are so many original stones sold in previous years, especially those original stones. All of them are genuine, and what remains is fake.

On the surface, their gambling house is booming. In fact, only these fakes are left. All the real ones have gone, and their losses are very large.

Thinking of this, the old man looked a little tired, I looked back at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng followed with a smile. He was sincere and simple. The old man was in a much better mood and relaxed a little.

"Childe, here we are."

"Thank you."

Lin Feng smiled and turned into the warehouse.

"This is what I should do. Thank you for taking care of our business." The old man said with a smile.

Lin Feng did not smile. He wondered if the old man would want to cut him with a knife if he took so many real stones.

Lin Feng walked around and took a look at the original stone every time.

It was a long process to select the original stone. The old man didn't bother Lin Feng and let Lin Feng choose here. Seeing Lin Feng in a good mood, the old man also had a little more smile on his face.

I still have some impression of Lin Feng.

Although I'm lucky, the things I drive are not the best. I can barely count them as good.

"Just these three dollars, just a million." Lin Feng picked three original stones.

"I'll cut it." When the old man wanted to get it, Lin Feng shook his head and said:

"Thank you for your kindness, but this time I'll think about it. I think I'll cut it and try it myself, so I won't bother the old man."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "you see, the price I chose this time is not high, just afraid of losing too much."

The old man put his hand away in embarrassment.

"Also, the price of these three stones is really not high."

The old man's eyes swept over, and the marks of the three stones were blocked by Lin Feng. He couldn't see the quality of the stones, but it seems that there should be two problems.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief.

That's good.

As long as it's not those who come to take the real stone every day.

Thinking of this, the old man's heart brightened a little and made an invitation.

"Childe, have a cup of tea?"

"No, I can't wait." Lin Feng's face was smiling. The old man looked at it and saw that Lin Feng's eyes were full of expectation.

The old man smiled.

Isn't that what he did when he was young? Then he waved his hand and said, "then I won't bother you."


Lin Feng put away the stone, turned and went straight away.

This time, Lin Feng took away the best three of all the original stones in the gambling stone workshop in the east of the city.

Although the price of these three raw stones is not high, Lin Feng can see clearly that the things in these three stones are not vague at all.

"You can't come out with the original stone so easily next time."

Lin Feng looked back at the gambling quarry in the east of the shale city and shook his head.

Since the mined raw stone was on the auction, Lin Feng knew that sooner or later he would know that he had done something in it. The best thing was not to take it away. Lin Feng was unwilling.

Not long after going out, long Yu stopped Lin Feng's way.

"Elder, I haven't seen you for a long time. Have you found it?" Seeing long Yu, Lin Feng immediately put on a smile on his face and said with a smile, "it's a good time, master. I just got three good babies. Do you want to..."

Long Yu snorted coldly, blowing his beard and staring.

And trade with this boy?

I've changed with this boy once, baby. His old life is probably gone.

"Come with me, boy."

Long Yu's words are all depressed.

It's all this damn boy!

This time he went to find the old woman. He paid a lot to make it clear this time, but looking at the boy, it is clear that he is very comfortable!

"Elder long, what's wrong with your face?"

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