Lin Feng shook his head.

"Not yet. The half of the dragon's blood is stained with the human breath, which is a great blow to the remnant soul. The half of the dragon's blood needs your help to remove the popularity inside."

Lin Feng forced the blood of the dragon out of the heart and put it on the candle Yin.

"It's hard for you."

"Master, we will finish it as soon as possible."

Liusuo was silent. Lin Feng breathed a sigh and put the remnant soul in the dead spirit water.

Mother-in-law long said that this thing must be preserved by the treasures of heaven and earth, or the remnant soul will soon disperse.

No wonder mother-in-law long hasn't left the ice field for so many years, just to keep the remnant soul.

"Elder Longyu, grandma long is gone."

After a while, Lin Feng said to the outside.

After a while, long Yufang came in and saw Lin Feng sitting there with a thoughtful face. Long Yu didn't mean to disturb Lin Feng.

Soon, Lin Feng took out the whole tianwai meteorite.

"Your boy has some skills." An accident flashed in Longyu's eyes.

Mother-in-law long is famous for her stubbornness. Ordinary people can't deal with her. I didn't expect Lin Feng, but she solved it in a few words with mother-in-law long.

Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, he should have got his own baby. This is a state of complete satisfaction.

Long Yu suddenly admired Lin Feng.

"Tut Tut, it's nice to be young!"

"Elder, do you want any more?"

Seeing Longyu feeling, Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, of course!" Long Yu stared and quickly took the thing in Lin Feng's hand, "who said no, you have to!"

Longyu collected the meteorite outside the sky like a baby.

A whole piece of extraterrestrial meteorite is what he needs most now. With this whole piece of extraterrestrial meteorite, his weapons can certainly be promoted.

Thinking of this, long Yu's mood is getting better and better. It's also pleasant to see Lin Feng.

"I think you look like a fool, but you look good on the surface." Long Yu looked at Lin Feng with a smile and said, "it's your boy's luck. This time he met me. This is our fate. Your harvest is much better than me."

"Boy, thank me."

"I envy you young people..."


Long Yu chattered endlessly. Lin Feng didn't catch Long Yu's words, but slowly stretched out his hand towards long Yu.

"Elder, it's better to be practical than to say so much."


Seeing Lin Feng's appearance, long Yu stepped back and looked alert.

"Elder, we can't break our promise like this. It was agreed at the beginning that the remnant soul plus all the extraterrestrial meteorite fragments on your old body can exchange for the whole extraterrestrial meteorite in my hand. Don't you intend to admit it?"

Lin Feng looked at Long Yu with a smile.

Long Yu's memory turned around and thought about it. It seemed that he did say it. However, he wanted to exchange fragments for it before. Later, with the dragon soul, why did he have to produce fragments?

However, what Lin Feng said seems to be right.

Long Yu smashed the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the appearance of Long Yu, Lin Feng sighed.

"I said, master, you don't have a good memory. We agreed at the beginning. Otherwise, I can handle mother-in-law long myself. I knew she had the ghost of Shi long. Otherwise, mother-in-law long couldn't be moved by me in a few words."

"Elder, please pay." Lin Feng said with a serious face.

Long Yu stretched out his hand, pulled his finger and took it back.

I hate it.

Long Yu is very painful.

He has spent a lot of treasure to get mother-in-law long. Is it difficult to satisfy the boy at this time? Not willing, not willing!

Long Yu's face was filled with grief.

"Senior." Lin Feng increased his voice.

"Master, it's easy to say and do. Let's not spend so much time, shall we? If the elder doesn't give it, I'll go down and buy raw stones when I leave next. The elder has broken his promise, and I'll break my promise. "

Lin Feng said with a serious face.

Long Yu was startled by Lin Feng's seriousness.

Never let this boy go!

The boy will run away and die if he goes down to choose the original stone!

Long Yu was happy at once.

"I think your boy is a lost star!"

Long Yu looked distressed and slowly took out all the meteorite fragments outside the sky. When he put them in Lin Feng's hand, long Yu's body still convulsed.

He has collected meteorites for thousands of years these days!

But if you don't give it to this boy, he can see that this boy won't stop!

Seeing long Yu's sullen face, Lin Feng just smiled.

He naturally wants things.

Anyway, it's all his stuff. He can't put it outside.

"Elder, it's not easy for us to get together and get together. Elder also earned a whole piece of tianwai meteorite from me. That piece is not comparable to these fragments. It may take some time for elder to collect these fragments, but elder also absolutely knows that this complete tianwai meteorite is the treasure, isn't it?"

Lin Feng looked at Long Yu with a smile.


On this thought, long Yu felt better.

"Your boy is right. Indeed, such a whole piece is the real baby. Since you say so, I won't be embarrassed. It's your boy's luck to get so many meteorites outside the sky, but if the meteorites outside the sky are in my gambling shop, I'll open them in the next few years."

Long Yu said again.

"What if it's taken away?"

Lin Feng did not listen.

"Baby, I'm not the only one who likes it. Everyone likes it. Besides, this original stone has been here for so long, and the elder hasn't opened it. This shows that the elder can't do it again, so the elder can't get it."

What Lin Feng said was unequivocal.

Long Yu, who thought he had some ideas, shut up now.

"Elder, we are all happy about this transaction. I'll go first. Next time I have a good baby, I'll come back to elder!"

Lin Feng smiled happily.

"Go and never meet again!"

Long Yu waved his hand.

Lin Feng left with a smile.

When Lin Feng left the gambling house, he took some stones with him. This time, long Yu didn't say anything about Lin Feng. Long Yu didn't have time to manage Lin Feng at this time. The tianwai meteorite was in his hand. Long Yu now had enough thought to start forging his own baby. As for the outside things, he completely handed them over to the following people to manage.

Lin Feng hummed a song and went back to Ming's house in a good mood.

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