"Once your baby is successfully developed, you can definitely become a baby that shocked the three circles after you take it out! At that time, your name of Lin Xiangyang will be heard all over the continent! "

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Yang Yang's mouth slightly hooked up.

"I've thought about it. Qianjimen's reputation as a low-end cultivator is too loud. It's still too slow for me to completely enter the low-end market. Instead of doing so, it's better to do the business of the strong." Yang Yang's face was domineering, "especially Da Luo Jinxian and Luo Tianxian. These two classes are under the Immortal Emperor. If there are treasures that can help them, they will spare no effort to buy them."

Hearing Yang Yang's words, Lin Feng nodded.

"Come on!"


"I specially added some chemical reagents to deal with the corpse Yin sect!"

Yangyang said with a smile, "this is a liquid that Xuanxuan accidentally found when fighting with the disciples of the corpse Yin sect. This liquid can corrode the corpse of the corpse Yin sect and has great lethality to the disciples of the corpse Yin sect."

"And this kind of thing?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Lin Feng's eyes.

This is a big discovery!

"Have you tried?"

"After the experiment, we found dozens of disciples of the corpse Yin sect. Finally, all the disciples of the corpse Yin sect were recruited and looked ugly."

Yang Yang smiled and said, "now Xuanxuan is a little witch in the mouth of the disciples of the corpse Yin sect!"

Lin Feng gave Lin Xiangyang a thumbs up.

"Tut Tut, my son is smart!"

"That's, you don't look." Lin Xiangyang said with a smile, "anyway, this time the thousand machine door can't be compared with me. When I'm finished, I'll give a big gift to the thousand machine door!"

Speaking of Qianji gate, Yang Yang's look was instantly cold.

Seeing Yang Yang's appearance, Lin Feng shook his head for five years. The boy's grounding of the thousand machine door is too deep.

"Qianjimen is a behemoth. We can't act too hastily. Even if you want to retaliate, you can only slowly. Don't give qianjimen a chance to resist. Give qianjimen a chance. Once qianjimen reacts and fights you, the situation will be biased towards qianjimen. It's a very bad thing for you, you know?"

Lin Feng said to Yang with a serious face.

Yang Yang nodded.

"Dad, don't worry. Trust me. I'm your son. I'll never do anything dangerous."

Yang Yang waved, "I haven't given you a litter of grandchildren yet. I won't care about myself."

"Just you, boy!" Lin Feng was unable to laugh or cry.

Yangyang hehe smiled.

"Dad, when our great holy village gets up, you'll wait for your sons to raise you. Don't be so hard. When we were young, you always worked on the front line for us to have a good cultivation environment. In fact, you spend very little time with us and our mothers. Now, you're constantly making your own efforts for our strength. What about the future, Leave it to us! "

Yang Yang patted his chest and said to Lin Feng with a serious face. eleven

"I've been enjoying myself for a long time." Lin Feng smiled happily. "However, whether it's you, Lin Feng, me or your mothers, everyone has their own plans in mind. However, since you have said, you can rest assured that when we get together, we'll study and spend time together as a family every year."

Seeing the loneliness in Yangyang's eyes, Lin Feng's heart moved.

Over the years, it seems that they have been practicing outside. In order to become stronger, everyone is sparing no effort to pay their own hard work. However, it seems that it is somewhat different for Yangyang. Lin Feng looked down and saw the loneliness in Yangyang's eyes, and a place in his heart suddenly moved.

"At that time, our family will be together, like just coming to build Dasheng village, and enjoy it together."

Yang Yang smiled and nodded.

The father and son talked and laughed all the way home.

"By the way, Dad, did you bring back more materials from your trip to the demon world and share some with me. My son will definitely prepare a lot of big babies for you!" Yang Yang turned to look at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

"Research, I really need something!"

Seeing the expectation in Yangyang's eyes, Lin Feng took out the selected materials, "these are what you need by roll call. I asked someone to help collect them. The materials are good. There are many medicinal materials. I have entered our family's inventory. You can pick them up when you need them."

Lin Feng took out two storage rings, "there are thousands of pieces here, plus materials and raw stones, which I took back from the gambling stone workshop. The treasures in them are unknown. You can ask the gambling stone master to mine them."

Lin Feng looked at Yang Yang, "you can also give it to the two boys of Sifeng and Lin Bian and let them deal with it in exchange for resources or immortal stone."

"And this, these are the unique materials of the demon world. Some are robbed, and many are exchanged for magic coins."

Holding the storage ring, Yang Yang nodded hurriedly and said, "Dad, thank you!"

"There are still some materials that I haven't cleaned up. During this trip to the demon world, there are a lot of things piled up in it, but there aren't many really high-level things. After all, those things can't be found."

Yang Yang nodded.

"Dad, just tell yourself, let's not worry. Just take your time. One day we can collect countless materials and pile them up. At that time, we will be surrounded by all materials. At that time, it's time for us to really rise, isn't it? I don't know, Dad, what do you think, but I still hope that day will come earlier. "

Yangyang brick looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile.

Hearing Yang Yang's words, Lin Feng nodded.

"Me too. I also look forward to that day coming earlier."

Seeing the smile on Lin Feng's face, Yang Yang nodded heavily.

"Dad, thank you."

Lin Feng waved his hand.

Along the way, Lin Feng's mind is constantly searching for materials. These materials have little effect on him. However, because such a big guy as Dasheng village exists, Lin Feng did not put these materials aside, but brought them back directly.

The main purpose is to study Yang.

Lin Feng took out a lot of materials. These materials piled up together, and the smile on Yang Yang's face became deeper and deeper.

With these things prepared by Lin Feng, they can make another profit this time.

"Dad, you're still good." Before entering the door, Lin Xiangyang gave Lin Feng a thumbs up.

Lin Feng shook his head.

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