"The alliance and the hero will fight." When Lin Feng returned, the cultivator below began to sigh and said, "tut Tut, it's finally possible to be quiet."

"It won't be quiet. I heard that this occupation is because there is a high-level soul beast in the soul forest outside. It is very likely that there are high-level soul crystals on the soul beast. If it is swallowed by us, we may be able to directly hit the perfect soul power of Da Luo Jinxian."

"Yes, yes, as long as we understand the law, we can be promoted."

"The divine soul city is really a good place. Otherwise, if we rely on our own strength to cultivate, it will take a big knife, Luo Jinxian and a full circle. We don't know that monkey years and horses have gone!"

Lin Feng sat in the corner listening to the gossip.

Of course, he knows that the gossip here can only be regarded as gossip.

The accomplishments of these guys are not human. Naturally, they can't be much real.

Soon, Lin Feng's appearance attracted many eyes to look here. These people's eyes fell on Lin Feng with curiosity. Lin Feng stepped back.

"What can I do for you?"

Lin Feng's voice seemed a little low.

"Is that you?" A big man stood up and looked at Lin Feng Yin.

Lin Feng stepped back.

He saw the guy in front of him clearly. This guy was one of the big men who escaped earlier.

"Long time no see!"

Lin Feng smiled very happy.

"Brothers, kill this guy. It's this guy who robbed our baby!" The big man shouted, and dozens of practitioners immediately jumped out of the whole task hall. These practitioners looked at Lin Feng with flames in their eyes, and their breath was raised one by one.

Trouble is still coming!

Seeing the appearance of these guys, Lin Feng's eyes flashed a touch of helplessness. He didn't expect that these guys still remember this thing!

"I said to you, I really don't know where the things are. The most important thing is, you see, we have been fighting for a month. Wouldn't it be better to stop? Next, we should face the big monster in the soul forest outside. "

Lin Feng said with a sincere face.

"When will our heroes have you?" Another man stood up, swept his eyes on Lin Feng and snorted coldly, "boy, when did you join our hero club?"

"Ha ha, I just joined soon." Lin Feng said with a smile, "you alliance friends, it's the first time we've met!"

"Really?" A middle-aged man stood in front of Lin Feng and looked up and down at Lin Feng. "I recruited all the members of the hero Association. Why don't I remember when I recruited you?"

I stepped on thunder.

Hearing the man's words, Lin Feng smiled dryly.

If this man is unlucky, he may step on dog shit when walking. Lin Feng can see that he can't be kind today.

"Hehe, it's embarrassing."

As soon as Lin Feng's eyes turned, his whole body quickly retreated and ran out directly.

I'm kidding. There are hundreds of people in the whole mission hall. If he makes a rash move at this time, he will kill himself?

Lin Feng's escape speed can be said to be very fast.

"Don't run!"

All the heroes and allies behind him chased out, and their eyes fell on Lin Feng one by one.

The two meetings, which had been fighting for a month and were incompatible with water and fire, were united at this time, and the goal was directed at Lin Feng.

The practitioners in the street were stunned and looked incredible when they saw the two sudden meetings.

"Is this... This previous battle a simulation?"

Someone wiped his eyes and looked at him again.

The heroes and allies gathered together. They didn't fight.

Yes, they really didn't fight!

The crowd swallowed their saliva.

At this time, they saw the big guy in front of everyone, Lin Feng.

"The boy in front, stop! My alliance will definitely kill you!"

"My hero will want you to die without a burial place!"

The two clubs chased Lin Feng and directly entered the soul forest.

"I said, are you stupid? You all want my life. I'll stop?" Lin Feng looked back and got into the soul forest. When he went in, Lin Feng sent a message to Yang Yang.

He still has a lot of soul sources. He should have no problem for seven or eight days. The most important thing for Lin Feng is to inform Yang Yang to pay attention to his safety.

Half an hour later, Lin Feng killed the first member of the alliance who wanted to kill him, robbed his soul source and went deeper.

An hour later, Yang Yang appeared in the soul forest with a big bag on his back.

There are people who covet Yang Yang's things. After seeing Yang Yang's dark clouds with their own eyes and killing a big guy for sale, these people are all silent.

They see that the people in front of them are not easy to deal with at all.

Although Yang Yang had a heavy load, all the practitioners took the initiative to give way and let Yang Yang go in with heavy things on his back.

"Lin Feng doesn't know where he has gone." Lin Feng murmured, walked around and soon met the people of the alliance.

"Hehe, brothers, it seems that you need to heal." Seeing the members of the alliance, Yang Yang immediately gathered up, "do you need help?"

"Go away!"

"You need to heal." Yang Yang was not worried at all. Instead, he said with a smile, "I think the wound on your body is not shallow. It's still far from where you go back. If this continues, you'll still die. You'll fall to the ground when you reach the place where you go back because the power of the divine soul is exhausted."

Yang Yang puts down his backpack.

In the soul City, the most pitiful way to die is that the soul power on the body has not been supplemented in time, and the soul has not returned to its own body. It is impossible to complete the convalescence because the soul has dried up and died.

Such a way of death is very oppressive.

"I have many healing pills for sale here." Yang Yang said with a smile, "these pills are all made by me after careful refining. They are professional pills for recovering the injured soul. Everyone should see clearly. All my pills here are treasures. There is no semicolon. If you miss them, there will be none!"

Yang Yang shook a circle in front of these alliance members with pills.

These people's eyes fell on Yang Yang's pill and swallowed their saliva.

"What price?"

"Ten souls come from one." Yang said with a smile.

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