"Shut up!" Tang Hao's face was very gloomy. His eyes revolved around Lin Feng and gnashed his teeth. He wanted to put Lin Feng in the right place.

"Young leader Tang, you have turned your face and don't recognize others!" Lin Feng smiled very happily. "How can we say that we are also friends? You said that we are all friends. Is it common to talk about the past?"

Lin Feng took a step forward, his eyes fell on Tang Hao, and his fingers pinched.

"Where's Qianqian?"

Tang Hao narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Qian Qian?"

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed, "I don't know."

Then Lin Feng blinked innocently!

"You can't not know!"

Tang Hao's voice suddenly increased. He took a step forward and rolled his whole body towards Lin Feng. "Lin Feng, hand it over and I'll save you from death!"


Lin Feng looked at Tang Hao and shook his head.

"Does young leader Tang think I'm the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death?" Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. "I may have disappointed young master Tang. I'm a vulgar person and I'm not afraid of death. Otherwise, young master Tang would still save his time?"

Lin Feng sighed, glanced at Tang Hao, then sighed and said, "it's not in vain for us to be friends, isn't it?"

"Who and you are friends!"

Tang Hao was a little angry. He found that talking to Lin Feng was just casting pearls before swine. There was no good idea in this guy's world!

Lin Feng smiled and stood there without moving. Tang Hao's heart moved. Yuanchen stood behind Lin Feng with a bit of meditation in his eyes, but it was rare that this guy didn't take the initiative to come to the door at this time.

It seems that this guy's brain has grown a lot.

Lin Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. He was not rebellious in his nest. Now he could spend less time thinking.

"Lin Feng, hand over Qianqian."

Tang Hao said again.

"Young leader Tang, you should know my kind of person. I'm usually very easy-going and very modest to beautiful women. I've long let your little beauty go. As for where your little beauty went and why didn't you go back, young leader Tang, don't you have any force in your heart?"

Lin Feng sighed and looked at Tang Hao as if it were your problem.

"Qianqian has been with me for three years. She is not such a woman!"

Tang Hao snorted coldly, "Lin Feng, let's solve the matter between us. You don't involve my woman. Hand over Qianqian. We'll fight once!"

"I remember..."

Lin Feng took out his ear spoon, paid close attention to Tang Hao, glanced at him, and finally shook his head.

"I remember very clearly. You are my defeated general. The defeated general asked for a happy fight. I said, young leader Tang, didn't you come here to be beaten in the face by me?"

Tang Hao is gas blocked.

Lin Feng's mouth, part-time job is more than a shrew!

But Lin Feng didn't notice it at all.

"Don't you think your mouth is cheap?" Tang Hao bit his teeth and said fiercely,

"I don't think so. I think I'm a flower in March and a rain in April. I look good, smart and lovely." Lin Feng shook his head and said solemnly, "as for what you said that the mouth is cheap, it doesn't exist. Besides, what can be solved with the mouth can be solved without using force. Isn't it very convenient?"


Tang Hao stood there, pumping at the corners of his mouth, unable to speak for a long time.

It takes too much thought to talk to Lin Feng.

The disciples of the yuan sect behind them all laughed, but in the eyes of the disciples of the thousand machine sect, these disciples immediately restrained their laughter.

"Son yuan." Tang Hao's eyes swept behind Lin Feng and finally fell on Yuanchen. Although Qianji gate is a big hidden sect, there is still some communication between the top leaders. It's only normal for Yuanchen and Tang Hao to know each other.

"It's a fine day today!"

Yuanchen smiled, "it's childe Tang. Childe Tang also came to deal with the nightmare beast. Speaking of it, the elders want us to come out and practice. I haven't even seen the body of the nightmare beast!"

Yuanchen looked left and right, "have you seen it?"


"Not yet!"

"Elder martial brother, let's find the nightmare beast!"

"Yes, you can't let others get ahead of you!"

The disciples of Yuanmen behind stirred up and turned around one after another. Lin Feng and the second daughter still stood there without moving. Yuanchen shouted to the second daughter. The second daughter waved her hand to Yuanchen to go first. Yuanchen bit her teeth and saw that the three were still unmoved.

Lin Feng stood there looking at Tang Hao.

"What?" Tang Hao raised his eyebrows and sneered, "do you really think you are our opponent?"

"Yes." Lin Feng nodded and looked at Tang Hao. The group swept around and finally fell on Tang Hao. Lin Feng licked his lips. The second daughter and Lin Feng stood in a triangular position. An invisible array was set up around the three people and surrounded Tang Hao.

Yuanchen took Yuanmen disciples and stood high watching.

"Elder martial brother Yuanchen, they don't really want to fight, do they?"

"Lin Feng, that guy might really." Yuanchen frowned and his eyes were cold. "This guy is not a fuel-saving lamp. If you look at this guy, you don't mean to let go."

Yuanchen looked at it with great interest, and his eyes were a little more curious. "I'm also curious about how Lin Feng's combat effectiveness is now."

The disciple of Yuan clan nodded.

Lin Feng almost didn't fight in the yuan gate, but many disciples can still catch some clues about Lin Feng outside. For example, Lin Feng was unbeaten in a thousand battles in the life and death arena. Many times, he killed five in a day in the life and death arena!

Life and death arena!

Everyone who went there was in the last mood. One by one, they definitely took out their best state. After all, everyone knows that in the life and death arena, either you die or I live. Even if they can barely survive in the end, it is absolutely miserable.

Lin Feng's achievements can be said to be a miracle.

A thousand games, none of which failed, and Lin Feng completed them within a year.

For 365 days, Lin Feng was active on the stage almost every day, with an average of two or more practitioners a day.

"It must be a good fight." For a long time, a disciple of the yuan sect whispered.

"I'm afraid Tang Hao doesn't have that ability."

Yuanchen snorted coldly, "Lin Feng's 1000 scenes also killed the prestige of Qianji gate. This time, the Qianji gate's transmission array in various cities surrounded Lin Feng. They didn't think how Lin Feng got to the quicksand."

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